black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 103 It's so embarrassing!

Chapter 103 It's so embarrassing! (1)
The woman walked up to the prince, put the cloak on the prince's body, and said softly, "My lord, it's cold, be careful."

The prince didn't look back, he just reached out and patted Yi Yi on the shoulder, and said with a light smile, "You think I'm the king made of catkins? Just blow it and it'll be gone."

The woman smiled gently, leaned on the prince's shoulder, and asked softly, "Why did the prince deliberately let someone steal Lord Luo's body? If people know that Lord Luo was killed by us, wouldn't it bring trouble to the prince?" ?”

The prince turned around slightly, stretched out his arms and warmly embraced the woman into his arms, but stared at the proud plum blossom in the distance with his lacquer eyes, "Look at the water boat as if sitting in the sky, and see the old-age flowers like looking in the fog. Looking at it in the fog Flowers, looking at the moon in the water. Now those people are separated by water mist, so it is not as clear as we. Once Luo Chengfang died, Jiang Kaizhi was anxious to take over the power, and Jiang Kaizhi was originally sent by the emperor, so this is Luo Chengfang Fang's death was covered with a layer of mystery. This king just added another layer of veil to make this matter more hazy."

Nishang understood, and smiled, "My lord is really a good planner. Lord Luo's body was stolen, so the fact that he was murdered must not be hidden, and the first thing everyone thinks of is Jiang Kaizhi. Jiang Kaizhi is just a fourth-grade salt fortune." Shi, Mr. Luo is a member of the third rank, and he would not dare to kill even if he had a hundred guts, but it would be different if he got the holy order."

The prince patted Nishang's delicate and beautiful face affectionately, and murmured thoughtfully: "Yes, people outside are guessing like Ni'er." He rubbed the delicate outline with his thumb, and the delicate touch was on his face. Fingertips spread, "Although the current Thunder King is not good, there are always a few people with brains in Wangchuan. If the emperor wants to take back the power of the three princes, he will have to pay some price."

What a strategy to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!
Feeling the heaviness in his words, Nishang raised his jaw slightly, "The emperor's desire to subdue the princes of the three routes is well known, and he has been preparing for more than ten years. Now that the time is ripe, is he, is he going to make a move?"

The prince's gaze is as deep as a pool, like a whirlpool that can suck people's souls.The deep voice seemed to be whispering, "Yes, it's time to act."

On December [-]st, the emperor's decree arrived at Wangchuan.

Its meaning is to let Lei Tingwang's family move to the capital, and the emperor bestows a mansion on the palace to show his grace.

On the same day, Feng Hao and the two kings of Yunze also received the imperial decree.

In the Accord, Yi Mo handed over the imperial decree to Suzaku, and said coldly, "It seems that the emperor is planning to do something."

"The emperor is so open and aboveboard to tune the tiger away from the mountain. It seems that he is already full-fledged and has a plan for this matter." Zhang Yuelu squatted on the chair and fiddled with his feet without any image, "He has been preparing for this matter for more than ten years, and he has also waited for more than ten years. Years, it seems that all patience has been worn out, and I can't wait any longer."

Suzaku couldn't see him being so presumptuous in front of his master, and when he turned around to release the imperial decree, he flicked his two fingers under the embroidered robe, revealing a sharp sword aura, and walked towards the foot of the chair.

The chair leg broke into two pieces suddenly, Zhang Yuelu was caught off guard, and suddenly fell off the chair.When the firm nose touched the bottom, Zhang Yuelu exclaimed in pain, and then the nostrils became hot, and the next moment two warm currents flowed down from the two holes.

Zhang Yuelu hastily tore off two strips of cloth to plug her nostrils, and stared at Yi Mo resentfully, with an expression that said, "Master, master, take care of her, take care of her, see her bullying the young and the old." No, it's still not human! '

Yi Mo opened the jewelry box, took out the Pisces Pendant for engagement inside, and tied it around his waist with his own hands, "But what did you find out in Luo Mansion?"

Zhang Yuelu held his head high and replied in a muffled voice, "The servants of Luo's mansion said that on the night Mr. Luo died, Madam Luo invited Dr. Xu from Shengbaotang into the mansion. The subordinates went to find Xu from Shengbaotang. Doctor, the doctor said that Master Luo suffered from angina that night, and he went to see a doctor for him. Both Doctor Xu and Mrs. Luo did not lie, Master Luo did suffer from angina that night, and Ning Youshu wrote the autopsy From the results, Master Luo did die of angina."

"The silver needle was indeed poisonous, but the internal organs were not poisoned, which means that the silver needle was inserted into the blood burial cave after Luo Chengfang's death." Yi Mo straightened the tassels on Pisces, his cold face Under the afterglow of the sun, it looks a little warm.

Suzaku asked puzzledly, "Since Mr. Luo is going to die, why did Jiang Kaizhi make such an unnecessary move?" Intentionally killing Luo Chengfang to seize power and taking advantage of Luo Chengfang's death to take the opportunity to take the helm are two completely different concepts. Absolutely unforgivable.

A sharp light flashed across Yi Mo's eyes, and a thin tassel thread wrapped around his fingertips was also torn off, "Hmph! It seems that someone wants to make a profit."

The decree has been issued, and we will start today.

The three kings Lei Ting, Feng Hao, and Yun Ze moved their families to the capital.

Lei Ting Wang's mansion is a huge family property, no matter what he does, he knows that everything must be arranged before he leaves, otherwise when he returns from a romantic trip to the capital, he might be taken away and sleep on the main road.

Chengxi arranged for Mo and Yudie to go first, and after he made arrangements, he would take Jingyang to Beijing.

The crown prince recuperated from his injuries for a few days in the boudoir, and finally returned to his radiant and handsome appearance.When he learned that Yi Mo was going to Beijing, he was overjoyed and volunteered to be a bodyguard to accompany them on the way to Beijing.

The little boots father-in-law packed up and saluted, while beating his grandfather and muttering, "Protection? Don't hurt yourself too late." That Princess Ping'an is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and my grandfather is a persevering product Son.One is a fire, the other is a moth, his father is a moth to the flame, if he dies or gets injured, it will be his own!

The prince was lying on the couch bewitchingly, playing with the blue hair scattered on his shoulders with his fingers, his cool pink lips evoked a pleasant smile, "Don't worry, the master adopts a gentle policy this time, hehe! Mo Fang secretly promised..."

Seeing his grandfather's rippling smile, the father-in-law in little boots immediately knew that he was daydreaming again.That girl is so tough that she doesn't look like a normal person, are you sure the soft policy will work? !
On the second day, the prince dressed up specially. He wore a purple gold crown with hair inlaid on his head, a brocade and white robe, tied with multicolored silk and knotted with long spikes, and on his feet were wearing blue satin and powder-coated capes. To boots.The face is like the moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the color is like the flowers of the spring dawn, and the whole person is full of vitality, radiating vitality like the rising sun.As soon as he stood there, many maids and girls secretly looked at him with blushing cheeks.

Father-in-law Little Boots looked contemptuously at those ignorant girls who were confused by his father's appearance. Don't look at his father's good-natured and sunny appearance like an angel, but his heart is actually as dark and cunning as a devil.Killing people without blinking an eye!
In the crowd, Xiaotong supported Yudie and stood at the door in a daze, staring at the handsome and noble man surrounded by people like a god.This was the first time Xiaotong saw His Highness the Crown Prince. A few days ago, her mother in the country died of illness. She went home to attend the funeral after taking a rest, and only returned to the palace yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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