Chapter 106

Under the moonlight, Xiaotong knocked on the door and entered the room with a basin for washing, "Miss, here comes the water."

In the room, Yudie sat on the head of the bed in a trance, holding the jade belt around her waist with both hands.The expression on his face was tense and panicked. Seeing Xiaotong coming in, he hurriedly asked, "Xiaotong, sister Yimo is back?"

Ever since the incident of Gong Bangwei's violation happened, Yudie has become extremely sensitive. As long as Yi Mo is not by her side, she will panic and feel insecure.Every time when she dreamed back at midnight, she would curl up and shiver under the quilt, and then open her eyes wide, looking at the curtain on the top in horror and helplessness. Yi Mo is by his side, never leaving her.

Today Yimo didn't come back, Yudie was panicked and uneasy, even dinner was useless, she just sat on the bedside as soon as she entered the room, just sitting there in a daze.

Xiaotong put the washbasin on the table, covered the mockery and contempt in his eyes, and replied coldly: "I haven't come back." There was unwillingness and disgust in his voice.When she returned to the palace, she listened to the servants talking about her young lady being violated.Although the man didn't succeed, he had been scrutinized and lost his virginity.What kind of face does a woman who has lost her virginity still have to live in the world, she might as well die!
Yudie bit her lower lip lightly, and asked tremblingly, "Where did she go? Why, why hasn't she come back?"

"I don't know." The indifferent voice was filled with jealousy and embarrassment.According to the maidservants serving His Royal Highness, the Prince summoned Princess Ping An and her young lady that day, and His Highness the Crown Prince was very kind and gentle to her young lady, even his direct cousin, Princess Ping An, was left out in the cold.I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince intends to marry her young lady to be the Empress of the Eastern Palace... A hint of jealousy quietly appeared in his eyes, how can a lowly woman who has lost her virginity be worthy of the honorable Highness the Crown Prince!How can you be the empress and mother of the Eastern Palace to honor the world!No, no, that position is hers, it must be hers... She gave up her wholeheartedness for her brother Nan for that noble man, she gave up the chance to get out of slavery and become a free body for that high position, she I gave up everything for that handsome man like a fairy!
"Miss, go to bed quickly after washing up, and then go to Beijing with His Highness and the others when you have recovered enough energy." After finishing speaking, she went out without looking back.

Xiaotong went back to the house and took out the bag that was pressed at the bottom of the box. Inside the bag were several gorgeous dresses.She changed her maidservant's attire, put on a fine attire, brought newly bought exquisite jewelry, took out high-quality rouge, faced the bronze mirror, carefully painted willow eyebrows, and pasted flowers.

Dressed up, Xiaotong carried the pastries she made herself, and swayed her graceful figure towards the prince's bedroom...

The waning moon is like a hook, and the star trails are few and far between; the moonlight is deserted, and the candlelight is dim.Several gorgeous palace lanterns light up the vermilion and gilt bedroom hall.Yi Mo was lying on the bed in a delicate sleep, holding a book in one hand and warming ginger soup in the other.Reading a book twice, taking a sip of ginger soup in a cup, the pleasant appearance makes people feel comfortable after reading it.

The prince pretended to be sitting in front of the desk to deal with official business, reviewing the memorial presented by the local government, holding a pen to write two strokes, and then put it down to get another one.The other memorial was in my hand, I casually flipped through it twice, and then pretended to annotate it with a pen, and finally put it down and went to get the previous one.In this way, put it down, pick it up, put it down, pick it up... Swaying between the two playbooks all night.

The little boots father-in-law standing behind him rolled his eyes indecently.Lord, you have nearly worn out the two memorials!
The crown prince picked up the memorial, and his ecstatic fox eyes kept aiming at Yi Mo's side.Glance, then lower your head, glance, then lower your head, that shy and timid little look is really cute.As long as Yi Mo looked up, no matter whether he looked at him or not, he would immediately bury his head in a pile of memorials, looking serious about his work.As soon as Yi Mo's eyes turned, he immediately went to see other people secretly.

Dirty!Xiaojiazi behaves like a dignified heir of a country, he should dare to act boldly, if he wants to see it, he should look at it openly, how can he be sneaky!

The father-in-law of little boots really couldn't understand his grandfather's nervousness, anticipation and a little excited throbbing mood, he felt that his grandfather was too embarrassing.Look, he looked at Princess Ping An openly.She's not a very good person, she's not bad looking, but she has that temper, with a cold face all day long, without a bit of the tenderness and tenderness of a little girl.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in the eyes of the crown prince, Momo from his family is the best.It looks good even with a cold and tense face!Big eyes, small mouth, straight nose, exquisite auricles, under the candlelight, you can still see the tiny fluff on the auricles, stains!It's so cute.

Yi Mo looked leisurely, but in fact he was extremely bored, he turned two pages of the physiology book, and lost interest after reading it twice.Looking at the sky, it was Haishi, and I wanted to go back to the house by myself, but I was afraid that the turbulent flow would start again as soon as I moved.Taking a sneak peek at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who regarded himself as a cousin, and saw that he was serious about working while keeping his ears closed, he felt embarrassed to ask him to take her back.Besides, she almost killed him back then... She stretched out her little finger and scratched her forehead lightly, feeling a little annoyed.He took another sip of the not-so-good ginger soup, flipping through the book in his hand in boredom.

Maybe it was too tired, and gradually fell asleep.The heavy eyelids slowly drooped, and the consciousness gradually fell into the darkness...

"Master." As soon as the little boots father-in-law opened his mouth, the crown prince hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, looked at Yi Mo who had fallen asleep, and ordered softly, "Go out, close the door, and ask the night watchman outside to keep their voices down." , if someone wakes up Momo tonight, tomorrow my father will cut off your head and kick it like a ball!"

"..." Little boots father-in-law was extremely wronged.With a bitter face, he raised his orchid fingers and went out with his huge buttocks twisted.

The crown prince put down the memorial in his hand, walked to the front of the bed, and looked down at Yi Mo who was lying crookedly on the bed.In his sleep, Yi Mo was not as alienated and indifferent as usual, his delicate face was somewhat soft, his small cherry mouth was pouting slightly, and he even had the attitude of a naughty little girl.

Seeing her like this, the prince's heart was so soft that he gently stroked the corner of his mouth with his big bony hands, remembering that when she was a child, she also liked to pout when she slept, and she would sometimes smack her mouth when she slept until midnight , as if eating.How come I've grown up, this habit hasn't changed...

The prince walked to the small censer on the table, twisted a piece of spices to help sleep and threw it into the stove, and a faint fragrance overflowed from the censer.After half a cup of tea, Yi Mo, who was originally a light sleeper, fell into a deep sleep.

The prince curled his lips into a smile, bent over and picked her up, and walked towards the warm bed in the inner hall.The hazy gauze hangs down to the ground, and the cool wind enters through the window, blowing the gauze, and swaying the whole room.

The prince put her on the bed, and sat down slowly on the edge of the bed, gently tracing her delicate outline with his warm fingertips.There are light marks on the smooth forehead, which she scratched out with her little finger. The eyebrows are not as soft as other women, and even a little sharp. The long eyelashes are like butterflies. When looking at you, they blink Yes, it can be enchanting, the lips are ruddy and plump, like petals in water, smooth and juicy, it really attracts people to commit crimes!

(End of this chapter)

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