Chapter 109
Yudie was weak, and she was exhausted after sitting in the carriage for nearly half a month, so she went back to the yard to rest after eating.Yi Mo is quite energetic. During the first two days of menstruation, she didn't walk around or run around. She became a boudoir girl and sat in the house for three days.

That obedient appearance made Zhang Yuelu think that his master was possessed by a ghost.

After the old housekeeper finished his work, he bowed and reported to Yi Mo, "Little master, everything is settled."

Yi Mo nodded, seeing that his old face was full of exhaustion, his eyes softened, and he waved, "Go down and rest."

As soon as the old housekeeper left, Zhang Yuelu came in with a playful smile. He had just carried those poisonous flowers and herbs for Lixiao, and he still had grass blades on him, and a smell of smoky mud.

Suzaku gave him a disgusted look, seeing that his well-groomed robe was so dirty, the disgust in his eyes was even stronger, why is this baby still so dirty!

Zhang Yuelu didn't seem to see the disgust on Suzaku's face, and kept leaning close to Suzaku, "Ouch! Master Suzaku, it's like three autumns if we don't see each other every day, I really want to kill you!"

As a gesture, he pursed his lips and kissed Suzaku's face.

Suzaku blushed with anger at his rascal's appearance, and slapped him with a 'slap', crushing his upturned nose.

Zhang Yuelu exclaimed in pain, then covered her bleeding nostrils, and looked at Yi Mo resentfully, "Master, look! She bullies the small with her big ones."

Seeing that he was really miserable this time, Yi Mo defended, "Suzaku, don't strike so hard next time."

Suzaku died of grievance, "Master, he is pouting and trying to belittle me." A slap is considered light, if he got a good woman from another family, he would have arrested such a prodigal son and sent him to the government to give him a [-]-year-old punishment up!

Zhang Yuelu hurriedly said, "Master, how could I belittle her? I was expressing my love for her. Besides, younger brothers and sisters are just right and proper. She just despises me and hates me. Anyone who wants to change her ways will bully me."

Yi Mo thought about it, and felt that Zhang Yuelu was right.Ahem, in Yimo's heart, the concept of chastity is very shallow, so a kiss really doesn't mean anything.Back then, when she was in the medicine bath, she took off all her clothes in front of Li Dawn and was still blushing and breathless. It was really difficult for her to understand the state of mind that would blush shyly if a man looked at him even more.

"..." Suzaku gave Zhang Yuelu a hard look, this rascal who turned black and white.

Seeing Suzaku deflated, Zhang Yuelu was in a good mood, so he pulled a piece of cloth to block his nostrils, and then flattered and rubbed Mo's shoulders and legs, "Master, I heard that in three days, the emperor will pay for the three different surnames Feng Hao, Yun Ze, and Lei Ting." Wang Xichen accepted the news and specially set up a palace banquet in the imperial garden, entertaining officials of the fourth rank and above in the court, as well as princes and relatives of the emperor."

"Really? Feast the ministers..."

Yi Mo raised her eyebrows, she didn't know the imperial decree hadn't been issued yet.

Zhang Yuelu smiled, "That's right, the imperial decree has been drafted in Zhongshu Province, and it will be issued in two hours. It will be very lively in three days...Master, you can take me to the palace banquet too." Zhang Yuelu said this Wanting to join in the fun, I've stayed in the peaceful days of Wangchuan for a long time, but when I get to the dark and floating place in the capital, I can't hold back my temper and want to make an uproarious noise.

Although Zhang Yuelu looks frivolous and flashy, his heart is as cruel and hot as Yi Mo, and because of this, he is the most liked by Mo, who stays by his side to play with.

Suzaku also knew his temperament, and warned in a cold voice, "You better remember, this is the capital under the feet of the emperor, not Wangchuan where you can do whatever you want. Wangchuan is our world, and our people are everywhere. Wang Chuan, you can mess around as much as you want, but not here."

"Let's not talk about the emperor's attitude, the ambitious left minister Ren Zhehe and the powerful general of the country, He Zong, are enough for us to defend. Now the power in the court is torn apart, and the empresses in the harem are fighting for power. , the various princes are also secretly dormant, ready to attack usurp the throne. At such a sensitive moment, the arrival of three princes with different surnames in Beijing will only make the storm even higher. Whether it is to win or squeeze out, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us in the dark. Lei Ting Wangfu, if the master takes a wrong step, it will be a disaster. You'd better be honest and don't cause trouble for the master."

Regarding Suzaku's warning, Zhang Yuelu didn't take it very seriously, and retorted in a low voice with his mouth pouted, "I'm afraid what those old guys will do! We have a hundred thousand troops in our hands, and it makes the master feel unhappy, just kill him. "

"..." Suzaku was so angry that his face turned pale, and he pointed at the arrogant Zhang Yuelu with a trembling finger. He couldn't hold back a word for a long time. It would be a waste of expression to reason with such an idiot. .

Yi Mo was not angry, and slapped Zhang Yuelu on the forehead in a funny way, "Do you really think I am invincible?" Even if you provoke him, you just want to kill him!
Zhang Yuelu rubbed against Yimo's arm like a puppy, and looked at her with a flattering smile, "No! Master, you have an army of [-] and [-] invincible heavy cavalry. To put it bluntly, you are You don’t necessarily lose if you force a confession to seize the position, why bother to look at the faces of those old guys!”

Yi Mo rubbed the heavy red and dark lines on the cuff, and said casually, "The water in the capital is deep, and the strengths of each family are intertwined, breaking the bones of this family and the meridians of that family, unless we can kill them all once and for all." Otherwise, it's better not to move. Don't worry, even if we don't play cruelty, we can play them to death with conspiracy." Just look at the one who doesn't have long eyes and frowns!
Hearing this, Zhang Yuelu beamed, "Hey! That's right, we can play tricks to kill those who don't have eyes. But..." After thinking about it, it can't be done, they are all straightforward people, cough cough, okay Well, he is a cruel and ruthless person, he will be killed if he doesn't like it, and he has never played a conspiracy.

"Master, why don't you find some people to come over to help..." Zhang Yuelu quickly recommended, "I think Liang Shaoyun and Ning Youshu are good, they have quick brains and are definitely smart!"

Yi Mo thought for a while, and said, "Just call Ning Youshu, and ask Fang Ritu to find him a job as a prison officer in the Ministry of Punishment. By the way, let someone send the lotus as well."

Hehua's original name was Qiu Zirong, and she was the legitimate daughter of Qiu Qingming, the former imperial censor. Qiu Qingming was dismissed from office and exiled to Wangchuan, and her daughter was sold as an official slave.

At that time, He Hua was arrogant and unwilling to salute Yi Mo, so he was tortured by Yi Mo and had his kneecap picked out.Yi Mo did not order her to be expelled from the palace, and the servants naturally did not dare to drive her out on their own initiative. Since then, she has been kept as an idler in the backyard of the palace, with a wheelchair as a companion all year round.

Zhang Yuelu didn't know that there was such a person, but Suzaku knew about it. She also vaguely heard what happened back then, and knew that he was just a useless person who couldn't even walk.

(End of this chapter)

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