black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 238 Meeting Wen Nuo Again

Chapter 238 Meeting Wen Nuo Again (3)
The originally small opening now opened its mouth wide, like a poisonous snake about to bite.The silver light fangs in the snake's mouth were exposed while hesitating - the willow leaf blade!
Old Xiangrui shrank his eyes, "It's actually the poisonous willow blade of the Miao people!" He looked at Yimo, who was pale but showed no fear or cowardice and pain, and admired him, "You little girl is really tough!" It’s really good to be able to stay silent after being hit by the Willow Poison Blade.” He took out the medicine powder in his arms and sprinkled it on the wound casually. Full slowed down and finally stopped.

"Old Ancestor, is my master okay?" Seeing the effectiveness of this old man, Zhang Yuelu shamelessly called out 'Old Ancestor' again.When he learned that his master was not in danger of life and that the poison on his body would be cured without medical treatment, he changed his face faster than turning the pages of a book, and immediately jumped on his feet and took an 'old man'.Now he is called 'Old Ancestor' again, and he has the nerve to say it!
Old Xiangrui could see through him, he didn't even look at him, and ordered his disciples to put him away, "I have injuries on my body, it seems that I can't use Jushenghua to make a medicinal bath." Then he pointed to Tao Nanjun, "You, you , come here, the old man writes a prescription, you take it to the front yard and find a person named 'Danggui' to grab the medicine, and then go to the backyard to decoct the medicine, reduce eight bowls of water to three bowls of water, and decoct on warm fire for two hours. "

"Okay." Tao Nanjun took the prescription and hurried to the front yard to get it.

Zhang Yuelu hurriedly asked, "Old Ancestor, what about me? What about me? What am I going to do?" He was worried about his master, standing here like this, feeling extremely panicked, he might as well find something to do, lest he fall down when the master is fine. up!
"You? Go watch the door!"

Zhang Yuelu: "..." What if he is a dog?

But the master's life is in his hands, how dare Zhang Yuelu not listen to him, even if he tells him to eat shit, as long as he can cure the master, he is willing!
Zhang Yuelu stood obediently by the door.

"Hey! Are you really a gatekeeper? Think of yourself as a dog!"

"..." Zhang Yuelu killed him with his eyes.

"What are you staring at, go get hot water! I want to get the hidden weapon for this girl and scrape her carrion. How can I do without hot water!"

After a stick of incense, everything is ready.

Lao Xiangrui held up a sharp knife and was about to strike, Zhang Yuelu jumped up and down in fright, "Hey hey hey! You just use the knife like this! Don't you get any coma medicine or anesthesia powder or something? If this goes on, It’s a person who can’t be hurt to death! You can’t do this even if you are the youngest revenge..."

Wen Nuo also hugged Yi Mo tightly with one hand, and embraced his master with the other, "Yes, master, you can get some anesthetic powder for Yi Mo, and you have to pick hidden weapons and scrape carrion, how painful it is! You If you are still angry about what happened just now, you should be angry with your apprentice, it is my apprentice who is unfilial, please don't be embarrassing..."

Ho!Wen Nuo didn’t say anything, but when he said it, Lao Xiangrui raised his white eyebrows in anger, and stared at his apprentice, "Your elbow is not such a way of turning your elbow! It is completely unreasonable! My old man You are so old, can you still blame a little girl because of your unfilial disciple?! You are too narrow-minded about your master." Hey, Lao Xiangrui doesn't expect his apprentice to be "wise". , I quickly explained what I said, so as not to be charged with a crime of 'intentional murder' by my apprentice later, "The poison on her body is not suitable for anesthesia powder, and if you use anesthesia powder, it will only speed up the poisoning." Even if she has a strange qi shield, she can't be saved."

"Then what should we do?" Wen Nuo was flustered.

"What should I do? Just scrape like this. The ancients can scrape bones, let alone scrape meat." Old Xiangrui gave him a glance, then raised his shining knife, "I'm going to do it! Apprentice, hold on Come on, don't let her move around, if she hurts somewhere, I won't be responsible for the old man!"

Wen Nuo hugged Yi Mo tightly, and stretched out his hand to press her face in his arms. There was no carelessness, no tenderness in such an intimate move, only love and encouragement, only heartache and wishing to replace it.

Yimo lay quietly in Wen Nuo's arms, with a faint fragrance lingering under her nostrils. When she was awake, except Ayu thought that he was the only man who held her in his arms like this.She didn't know what love was before, when A Yu hugged her for the first time, she became angry awkwardly, and hurt A Yu in her anger.Later, gradually, somehow, it seems to be used to it.Habit is really a scary thing, from rejection, to non-rejection, to acceptance, and then, somehow... I seem to like it!Now that she is lying in Wen Nuo's arms, besides peace of mind, there is also guilt in her heart, after all... she is going to betray him!

A crystal tear dripped on the corner of her mouth, she sipped it, it was salty and bitter.She raised her head slightly and saw that his face was covered with tears, so she couldn't help laughing, "It's not to shave your flesh, why are you crying?"

Wen Nuo wiped away her tears embarrassingly, "I cried for you." It hurts so much to shave the flesh, but she was so strong that she didn't say a word. I wish she could be like the fourth sister, crying and shouting. It hurts, I wish everyone knew her pain!

"Really?" Yi Mo lowered her head and leaned gently on his chest. The powerful heartbeat made her ears buzz, but suddenly burst out in her mind. Such a tenacious beating of life, if there is What would happen if it suddenly stopped moving one day?I should be sad!
Wen Nuo was afraid that she would be in pain, so he patted her on the shoulder lightly, like putting a child to sleep, "Yimo, go to sleep for a while, it will be fine when you wake up."

Following the rhythm of his pats, Yi Mo fell asleep in a daze, and when she woke up again, it was already evening.

"Are you awake?" Wen Nuo stood by the bed, and when she saw her open her eyes, she was overjoyed, her elegant smile was as gentle as jade, "Hurry up and drink some medicine, it contains Master's favorite treasure 'Jushenghua', After drinking, your injury will heal soon."

Wen Nuo scooped it up with a jade spoon and fed it to her mouth, "You are weak, come! I'll feed you, open your mouth, ah!"

Yi Mo glanced at him indifferently, seeing the stupid look of his slightly open mouth, he couldn't help laughing, took the bowl in his hand, drank the medicine as soup, as if it wasn't bitter, drank it in one gulp, and then Put the empty bowl in his hand, "I'm not as weak as you think, I'll just drink the medicine myself."

Wen Nuo hangs her head down in frustration, feeling a little unhappy in her heart, women drink medicine spoonful by spoonful, and frown and cry bitterly after drinking a spoonful, coquettishly unwilling to drink, waiting for someone to coax her, to care She, how did she become like this here?This unscientific!
Yi Mo took a nap and drank the medicine again, and his body was indeed much better.

But the prince was not so lucky, the sword hurt his heart, and the blood couldn't stop, Qishang and Father-in-law Boots sent the prince back to the East Palace of the capital overnight, and even the old imperial doctor was invited by Yanshi to wait in the East Palace.This big move has alarmed the emperor and empress.

(End of this chapter)

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