Chapter 248
"Wait, didn't you see the two guards with knives standing under the tree? They look like the guards of a big family. Don't be impulsive, lest you fail to save them and cause a commotion."

The crowd was discerning, and they exclaimed in surprise, "Oh, isn't that the guard of the Leiting Palace? I know that person. He is the personal bodyguard of the Thundering Lord. His name is Yuen Long or something. He was looking for pleasure in Lixiang Building At that time, I saw it from afar..."

"Thunder Palace? Isn't Lord Thunder arrested? Why..."

This Shenwu Street facing Tongsi River is the only way for civil and military officials to go to court.The civil and military officials who had just come to court got on their carriages and went back to the mansion one after another, but they were blocked by the people who came to watch the fun.

Right Minister Cai Qing and the highly respected Grand Master Yan lifted the curtains and got out of the carriage at the same time. They looked at each other, and Cai Qing took the lead in nodding as a junior.Grand Master Yan smiled gently, and nodded as a greeting.The left prime minister who was walking in front ignored the two of them, looked at the people blocking the road ahead, frowned, and sternly sternly said, "How dare you block the way of the court officials, come here!" , Arrest them all and put them in prison as a punishment!"

"Wait!" Zhao Taibao said in disapproval, stroking his green and white beard in an old-fashioned way, "I'm afraid there's something wrong with Prime Minister Zuo."

Grand Tutor Mu Yanting also said, "There are a lot of people watching in front of us, and they don't mean it. If they are all put in prison, it may cause resentment."

The Prime Minister Cai Qing suggested, "It's better to send someone to see what happened first, and then call the city guards to evacuate the crowd, so as not to cause conflicts and hurt innocent people."

Prime Minister Zuo stared coldly, and waved his followers to investigate the situation, "Anyone, go and see!"


After a while, He He came back, "Qi Xiangye, there is a woman hanging from the apricot tree in front of her. The woman's feet were chopped off, her tongue was cut off, and her face was also disfigured, but she still has a breath in her eyes." !"

As soon as any words came out, all the officials gasped, and their first thought was: What a vicious and vicious method!

Zhao Taibao said with a sullen face, "Let's go and have a look!"

"Get out of the way, out of the way—"

The officers and soldiers pushed aside the onlookers and opened a way for Zhao Taibao, Grand Master Yan, Ren Zhehe and others.

Several senior officials in court uniforms came slowly, and when they saw Xiaotong who was dying hanging on the tree, their expressions changed immediately, even the sinister Ren Zhehe felt a chill in his heart, and couldn't help trembling slightly body!

Zhao Taibao was upright and somewhat reckless, and he spoke first, "How courageous! To use such cruel and vicious methods against a weak woman in public! Come on, quickly put her down and send her to the hospital for treatment." .”

"Yes!" Two officers and soldiers stepped forward, trying to rescue the woman from the tree, but were stopped by two guards guarding under the tree.

"Wait." Yuen Long condensed his gaze, "No one can touch her."

A bold commoner in the crowd shouted, "Why can't you move?! You two big men treat a weak woman like this, you don't even have to be shameless."

Another guard of the palace said, "She violated the rules of the palace, that's why she was hanged on this tree as a warning to others!"

"Even if you violate the rules of the mansion, the lighter ones will be punished with a board a few months ago, and the more serious ones will be expelled from the mansion; if you hurt someone's life, you will be reported to the government or killed with a stick. How can you make life worse than death?" ?”

"Yes, what mistake did she make to be punished so severely?"

Yuen Long was holding the knife, his face was as firm as iron, "Talky! Slander and insult the master's reputation. Bully the master! Scramble and steal the master's property. He also wanted to assassinate my lady, so my lady chopped off her legs and cut off her body." Tongue, ruined her face, let her repent."

"Ah! So it was his lady who did it, what a vicious woman!"

"Yeah, such a ruthless woman..."

Upon hearing that this order was issued by a woman in the boudoir, the court ministers headed by Zhao Taibao frowned.Taifu Mu frowned and said disapprovingly, "Such a punishment is too serious. It's better to give her a knife and die quickly!"

Zhao Taibao, on the other hand, stood up for the girl on the tree and shouted angrily, "You are so helpless! Who are you? Who is your young lady? Today Dali Temple Secretary Feng Cheng Yifeng is here, go and call your young lady here , I want to give justice to the girl on the tree."

Feng Chengyi, who was named, came from a standing position, dressed in a government official's hat, his dark and rigid face exuded an aura of righteousness that frightened Xiaoxiao.

Yuen Long stood motionless at the same spot, his straight back brought an awe-inspiring aura of battle experience, "My subordinate is Yuen Long, the first-rank guard with a sword in the Palace of Thunder King, and my lady is the daughter of King Thunder, Princess Ping An!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"It's Princess Ping'an of Thunder Palace..."

"Ah, it's that princess Ping An who has no virtue, no talent, no face..."

The court and central ministers present also did not expect that it was Princess Ping'an of the Lei Ting Palace.

Zhao Taibao was even more furious, "With such a vicious heart, it's no wonder he was plagued by illness! Hmph, evil comes with evil, this saying is true."

"Go, call your lady here, I want to ask her carefully why she treats a woman like this." Zhao Taibao has high morals and is a veteran of the three dynasties. Even the royal princess has to call out respectfully when she sees him, "Master Zhao" '.And Zhao Taibao is not a bad person, and he has a sense of justice, but he is a little impulsive, and now he is old and a bit long-winded, but it is good to fight against injustice!Hearing his tone, he regarded Yimo as a junior, and it was only natural for the elders to teach the younger generation a few words. Back then, when Princess Jingyang was still in Beijing before she got married, Zhao Taibao would teach her a few words from time to time.Jing Jing listens obediently every time, because she knows that this old lady loves her.

"What are you asking! Ben Gong listens all the time!" Qingyue's voice seemed to be piercing through thousands of miles, and it came shaking!

Hearing his voice, everyone looked sideways, and saw a magnificent figure slowly approaching from the other side of Shenwu Street.

The woman walked slowly, with a dark gilt cloak winding down, revealing the mysterious ancient pattern embroidered on the skirt as she walked, the turbulent ups and downs are luxurious and noble!On the chest, a cold and domineering goshawk spreads its wings and soars, and the soaring attitude is frightening!The profundity contained in those deep and pitch-black eyes made it impossible to look directly at them, like a sharp knife out of its sheath, sharp and deep!

She walked step by step with a majestic and vicious aura, so overwhelming that the people present did not dare to breathe out, even those civil and military officials with high and proud postures all lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly!A gleam flashed across Grand Master Yan's eyes.But Ren Zonghe was present in a daze, suddenly, he seemed to see the Ninth Five-Year Lord on the Golden Luan Hall!

This is Princess Ping'an of Thunder Palace's family!
(End of this chapter)

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