black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 258 The Second Gift

Chapter 258 The Second Gift (3)
"..." Ren Zhehe was driven mad by his words.Muscles all over the body twitched involuntarily.

"..." Emperor Ganmin was pissed off by his dodging, and was about to call him 'how decent'.

But before he could say anything, he saw a folding fan 'slap' on that pair of chicken paws.

With a 'howl', Chengxi retracted his claws in an instant, and a red mark appeared on the back of his snow-white and tender hand, which showed that the force was not light.

The crown prince smiled softly, as if he hadn't just slapped it, "Father-in-law, there are flies on the back of your hand. Look!" The crown prince flicked his fingers lightly, and the body of the slapped fly on the frame of the folding fan immediately flew to the ground.

"Ah? Oh! Thank you, Your Highness, the Crown Prince." Cheng Xi looked at the fly in a daze, and felt that something was wrong. He suddenly reacted, looked at the Crown Prince in horror, and asked in a trembling voice, "You, you just now What are you calling me!"

"Uncle!" The crown prince smiled brightly.

Lying is not a draft!Huang Sheng muttered to the side, he just heard it was called 'father-in-law'.At the upper lake of Tongsi River, he was repeatedly disembarked by his "senior brother". At first, he didn't know why, but when he went back and thought about it, he suddenly realized that his family's fierce and cruel brother, whom his six relatives did not recognize, fell in love with her girl. Seeing himself peeping, Suddenly angry, and then mercilessly put him into the river.Huang Sheng is still complaining about it until now, it was a cold day, he had been ill for a long time when he returned home, and his grandfather scolded him for being inferior to others and being stupid.

Dirty!Poor Huang Sheng, he still hasn't figured out who threw him into the river, he is really stupid!

"Okay! Stop making trouble." Emperor Ganmin said, "Cheng Xi, your first gift is to recover the city and kill the prisoners; what is the second gift!"

Big gift? !
What kind of gift?

The attack was made ambiguous, he stretched his neck and looked out of the city, ho!My legs are weak with fright!

"This, this..." So many iron cavalry?So many dead bodies?So much blood! ? !

"Yes! Uncle, where is your second gift? Hurry up and present it so that my nephew can see it." While speaking, the crown prince turned slightly to block everyone's sight, and brushed Yi Mo's shoulder with his hand. It is the place where a pair of fat paws are placed.It was like sweeping some disgusting dirt!
If you are seen by Cheng Xi, you can't die of anger!
But he couldn't see the attack, he was shocked and confused at the moment, where did the [-] cavalry come from?And where did he offer a gift?More importantly, they all asked him for the second big gift, but where could he find the big gift? !
When he was struggling, Yi Mo said, "Your Majesty, my lords, the second big gift is just like fireworks, but only a flash in the pan, you have to watch carefully!"

Before everyone understood what she meant, they heard a cold call resounding through the sky, "Baihu, offer a gift!"

Baihu took the lead, "Yes!"

Then I saw the white tiger take out a small bamboo tube from his bosom, and put it towards the sky. After a clear and sharp explosion, a colorful picture appeared in the sky.

Everyone was dumbfounded, isn't this, isn't this the fireworks that are often set off during the festive season? !Could this be the second big gift! ?

This is too...

After Ren Zhehe was stunned, he was extremely excited, as if he had seized the opportunity to attack Cheng, he shouted angrily, "Thunder King, you are so audacious, how dare you dare even the emperor..." The word 'tease' was not uttered .


A deafening explosion exploded in the distance like a thunderbolt!Then the earth trembled and the mountains shook, the sky collapsed and the earth sank!
In everyone's horrified eyes, they saw a high mountain named 'Lion' ten miles away from the capital city being swept by a storm of gunpowder smoke and dust suddenly uprooted, and then, and then saw that mountain!It turned out to be - swaying and falling under the watchful eyes of everyone!

In an instant, a tall and straight mountain unexpectedly, unexpectedly crossed? !

In an instant, the majestic and majestic "Lion" mountain actually, unexpectedly disappeared! ? !
This scene was not only watched by Emperor Ganmin and all civil and military officials on the city gate, but also the people in the capital.

"Ahh——God is furious!" I don't know who yelled, and the people in the capital fled in panic. , their house disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant, just like the Lion Mountain!

This time, not only the civil servants were scared to pee, even the military officers were trembling with fright, their faces pale as ghosts.If it wasn't for Emperor Qianmin standing in front, I'm afraid they would have run away screaming!

In the blink of an eye, a mountain was gone. It wasn't God's anger or something!
Ren Zhehe shook his hands, staggered in fright, and fell to the ground.He didn't even get up, turned over and knelt down on the ground, panicked and said: "Your Majesty, Tianwei! Tianwei! Your Majesty, please return to the palace quickly, God is angry, Tianwei is unpredictable——"

"Ren Zuoxiang, where is the power of heaven?!" Yimo stretched out his hand to support Cheng Xi, whose legs were limp from fright, and stared coldly at Ren Zhehe, who was kneeling on the ground and shivering, "This is the gift I gave you." The emperor's second gift!"

"Great gift?!" With Zhao Taibao's exclamation, the crowd exploded.

"Great gift..."

"Great gift? Isn't this God's anger? What does it have to do with the gift she gave..."

Even Taishi Yan, who has always been calm and calm, looked shocked. He and Cai Qing looked at each other, and they both looked at the domineering woman standing proudly between the sky and the earth.

Emperor Ganmin even showed an expression he had never seen before, like excited, excited, frightened, fearful...

"This is the second big gift the Thunder King gave me?"

"That's right!" Yi Mo took a step forward, looked at the white tiger under the city gate, and ordered, "Bai tiger, carry it up!"


After the sound fell, Baihu led his men and horses up to the gate of the city carrying two huge boxes.

All the ministers gave way one after another, and the huge box was carried in front of Emperor Qianmin. Baihu ordered, "Put it down!"

There were two muffled sounds, and even the city gate shook three times, which shows how heavy these two boxes are!
Everyone looked around, only to see Prime Minister Zuo's hoof was pressed under the box, and the courtier exclaimed, "Ah, Mr. Prime Minister Zuo! Are you alright?"

"Left Prime Minister? Hurry up! Lift up the box... Mr. Zuo Xiang's feet are under pressure!"

All the officials of the Zuoxiang Party surrounded him, each of them scrambling to express their sincerity. Baihu just took this opportunity to withdraw with his soldiers.

cough cough!They were all a group of civil servants. They had no strength to restrain the chickens. They used all their strength, their faces flushed from holding back, and they couldn't move the huge box.

(End of this chapter)

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