Chapter 282 Bone Broth (2)
The prince's eyes were dark, and he thought about it for a while, and felt that what he said was very reasonable, "Okay! Let's keep this hairpin for a while. I will clean it up after I get rid of the unsightly text first!"

"..." Yu Xiangrong smiled lightly and shook her head, she felt that her words were in vain, things and people have the same truth!Now that Princess Ping'an has a crush on Young Master Wen, even though she doesn't like it, at least she is a sincere friend. If they are separated by force, or even make her lose such a friend, the consequences will be as long as I'm afraid it will push her further and further away.

Yi Mo naturally didn't know that the hairpin she was looking for was secretly hidden by the prince, and now she didn't have the heart to ask about the hairpin.

In Cangying Villa, Yimo was discussing with Tao Nanjun how to mine the saltpeter on Lushan Mountain. When he went to visit Lushan Mountain, Yimo was seriously injured, but he did bring back the saltpeter, and the power of the saltpeter was astonishing.If it weren't for the saltpeter picked up from Lushan Mountain, it would be impossible to blow up the Lion Mountain in an instant with more ammunition.

"This area, this area, and the area in the valley, these three areas have the most abundant saltpeter resources. Master, this subordinate thinks that we should start from these three areas. If the area is larger, we will not have enough manpower. And it consumes too much..."

"Master! Master! Master Qinglong has sent a letter." Zhang Yuelu broke in suddenly, and handed the secret letter from Qinglong Feige to Yi Mo, "Master, it is the news from the Chronicle."

Yi Mo withdrew his hand, looked away from the saltpeter distribution map of Lushan Mountain, took the letter from Zhang Yuelu, opened it and read it, and couldn't help but sink his face.

Zhang Yuelu stretched his neck to read, "Master, what did Lord Qinglong say in the letter?"

Yi Mo handed him the envelope, "Look for yourself."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at the ten lines, and after a quick scan, he couldn't help but turn cold, "Master, as expected, the grain production in these years has indeed reached an unprecedented and unprecedented prosperity."

Yi Mo snorted coldly, "But according to what Guo Tingyi said, there was news of a locust plague in the yearbook during the harvest month of October the previous year. Within five days, the officials in the Chronicle reported to the court that the locust plague disturbed the people, and the people in the Chronicle were miserable. Your Majesty Pitying the suffering of the people in the Chronicles, they reduced or exempted the national tax paid by the people in the Chronicles of the Three Years to the treasury. And Suzaku also heard the news that the Chronicles were sent, and that the two provinces of the Dark Moon were plagued by locusts, and everyone was in danger. The chief envoys of the two provinces of the Dark Moon have also increased the taxes of the common people, making their lives miserable."

"In this way, the left minister has gained a lot of benefits from the annals by avoiding people's eyes all these years!" Tao Nanjun sighed softly. The emperor reduced or exempted taxes, and the chief envoy secretly increased the taxes of the common people. Besides, there is no such thing as annals. The locust plague, the grain output is unprecedentedly grand, from this point of view, the difference in the middle can be said to be a sky-high price, and it all went into the pocket of the prime minister!
"What a greedy wolf that can't get enough to feed!" Zhang Yuelu cursed angrily, "If it weren't for these corrupt officials, why would we have so many beggars and orphans!"

Zhang Yuelu's father and mother were starved to death and became a wandering orphan because of the flood in his hometown and the local county magistrate raised taxes. That's why he was very resentful of Zuo Xiang's behavior!
"Master, Prime Minister Zuo is so cruel to the common people, fish and meat villagers, why don't his subordinates sneak into the prime minister's mansion him!" He made a vicious gesture of wiping his neck.With his martial arts, sneaking into the prime minister's mansion and secretly killing the prime minister is a piece of cake!
Yi Mo gave him a shuddering look, and rolled his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Zuo Xiang is the prime minister of the court, a first-rank official, and a high-ranking official. Killing him is not as simple as killing a little nine-rank Lan Ling who is older than a green clam. Moreover, he has a huge influence in the court, if not handled properly, it will cause turmoil in the court, and the people will live in dire straits."

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Yuelu was impatient, "I can't kill him, I can't even touch him, so don't we have to pay for him!?"

Yi Mo stared intently, with a glint in his eyes, "I have my own opinion on this matter."

When Yi Mo discussed with Tao Nanjun about mining Lushan saltpeter, he hurried back to the palace.The main hall of the palace is receiving distinguished guests at this time, and the visitor is the eldest son of Ren Zhehe, who has a long and heavy responsibility.

Cheng Xi was in a good mood and greeted him personally, "Oh, Ren Shenling has come from a long distance, it really makes the humble house luxuriant! Come, come, please, please sit, please sit, and I will serve you tea."

Ren Zhongyuan twitched the corners of his mouth, trying to pull out a decent smile, but he was so embarrassed that he sat on the chair, "Well, ahem, my lord, the purpose of my visit to your mansion this time is..."

It was a kind of enthusiasm, and he personally brought the cakes and put them in front of Ren Zhongyuan, "Hey, come on, get hungry, eat some cakes, these cakes are made by our pastry chef in Wangchuan, they are the characteristics of Wangchuan, Sweet but not greasy, crispy and crisp, with a top-notch taste. Come and try..." Patting Ren Zhongyuan on the shoulder, with a good brotherly demeanor, "What are you doing stupidly! Try it! This is specially made by the king. Tell the kitchen to cook it for you."

Ren Zhongyuan opened his mouth, and treated him so sincerely, he felt that the next words were a bit difficult to say, "My lord, my servant..."

Cheng Xi suddenly made a sound again, feigning anger and giving him a fist, with a look of brotherly affection, "What are you calling a prince, what are you calling a lower official! I am crazy how old you are, if you don't suggest it, just call me Say big brother. Hey! Brother, you don’t know, I hit you like old friends at first sight. I don’t know why, as soon as I saw you, I felt kind, closer than a real brother.”

He was a little flattered by his heavy responsibilities, he quickly got up, bowed his hands and declined, "My lord, you are the honorable Lord Thunder, the lord of a fief; I am just the son of a courtier, how can I be so loved by you?" Calling you brothers and sisters is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Cheng Xi hurriedly stood up and helped him up, "Hey! You and I hit it off right away, so why care about these worldly rituals. Come, come, eat some cakes and drink some tea, brother, you are so thin, the food in the barracks must not be very good, right? Hey, you have to take good care of your body, don't rush away at noon today, I will ask your sister-in-law to cook some nourishing ginseng soup for you to take care of your body later."

Ren Chongyuan felt warm in his heart, as if there was a hot spring flowing in his heart, even his father had never cared about him so much, with slightly rosy eyes, he refused, "Brother, don't go busy, the younger brother has something to do when he visits the door this time." I want my elder brother to ask, and my younger brother will leave after asking. My younger brother has important matters at home, so I hope my elder brother will not keep her."

Cheng Xi lowered his eyes, and picked up the teacup at hand, "Since the virtuous brother said so, then brother Yu will not stay any longer. If you have anything to ask, it's okay, as long as brother Yu knows, he will tell the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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