black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 325 Wen He Appears

Chapter 325 Wen He Appears (3)
"No, Deyang said that he came to the capital. But he met the third son of the Wen family. That child is also a good person. He is a good-looking person. He entered the capital with me a few days ago. I wanted to introduce him to Yu. Butterfly, it's a pity..." Jingyang felt a little regretful, it seemed that he really felt that his wealth was good.

Yi Mo asked thoughtfully, "What about the eldest son of the Wen family?"

Jingyang thought she was asking about Wen Jin's personality, so he said casually, "I heard that the boss of the Wen family went to Beiqiang to discuss business. He left at the beginning of the year, and he left for several months. Hey, that boss is also a businessman He is a talented person, and he is also kind, but he is busy running around, not at home all year round, and his wife and children at home are quite complaining..."

What she said later, Yi Mo didn't listen carefully, his face was slightly gloomy, deep in thought.Wen Jin went to the Northern Qiang Kingdom at the beginning of the year, so the noodle shop owner was talking about his elder brother, but Wen Nuo's elder brother was Wen Cai, but Wen Cai had just arrived in Beijing less than five days ago.Who is the elder brother that the noodle shop owner is talking about?
Yimo suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and suddenly had a bad feeling, so he didn't talk to his mother, and got up and went back to the yard, "Qinglong, go and check the news about Wen Nuo."


Not long after Qinglong left, Lixiao came in with medicinal soup, followed by Huawu.Seeing the medicinal soup, Yi Mo felt like facing an enemy, his face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.It's not because she's coquettish, it's because the soup is too bad to drink.

Li Xiao ignored her expression of deep hatred and hatred, first checked her pulse, and then brought her the medicinal soup, "I only drink half of it today."

Hearing this, Rumengen was amnesty, and his joy was beyond words.Holding half a bowl of medicine, he drank it boldly in one gulp.

Dirty!This girl is too easy to please.The phrase 'drink only half' made her excited and motivated.

As soon as the medicinal soup came in, Zhang Yuelu pinched his nose and jumped long. He didn't approach until Yi Mo had finished drinking it.He stretched out his hand to fan the stench, held his breath and looked curiously at the empty medicine bowl, and asked in a buzzing voice, "Master Lixiao, what's in it, why is it so stinky, and it still smells like dead fish?"

Yi Mo nodded, she also really wanted to know what was in it, and it made a brave, fearless and determined person like her feel timid.

Li Xiao glanced at her lazily, then lowered his head expressionlessly to pack the medicine bowl, and replied coldly, "It's better you don't know."

"..." Yi Mo felt more and more disgusted, and couldn't help but want to vomit.

"Hua Wu, come with me to boil another bowl of medicine, and bring it over after she finishes vomiting."

As soon as these words came out, it was more effective than plum green dates to stop vomiting.In order not to drink a bowl of medicine, even if she spits it out, she can swallow it!

Swallowing hard, he forcibly suppressed the sourness.Zhang Yuelu was extremely impressed, and immediately gave his master a thumbs up, awesome!

Yi Mo returned his arrogant eyes, this is nothing!
Lixiao packed the medicine bowl and went out, and Hua Wu was also called to help by him, leaving only Yi Mo and Zhang Yuelu in the room.

Zhang Yuelu hurriedly handed the master some tea for rinsing his mouth, his eyes filled with distress, "Poor master!" Then he looked down at her stomach, and taught, "Young master, you must honor your mother well in the future. Pregnant with you is a great crime."

Thinking of the son in his stomach, Emer suddenly felt that the medicine was not so bitter.Wiping the water stains from the corner of his mouth, he asked, "Can you find out to whom Wei Zhao handed over the account books?"

"I found it. He handed over the account books to a distant cousin. That distant cousin is a well-known radical in Bangtai. He is very good at political and legal reforms. He is a patriotic and enterprising person in his bones. He was angry when he learned about Ren Zhehe. Unbelievable, I proposed to bring the account book to Beijing to sue the imperial court, threatening to return justice to the common people.” Zhang Yuelu admired this person very much, “His original name was Wei Feng, and he always wanted to obtain meritorious service and become an official. Unfortunately, he passed several exams. He failed the Juren examination every time, and he has always been a scholar. Later, he went to the temple to offer incense, and an eminent monk told his fortune, saying that the word "feng" in his name contradicted his horoscope, and he had to change his name. Only then can he change his fate. So he went back to his Taoist home, ignored his old father’s obstruction, and resolutely changed his family tree, adding a sick man next to the word “Fengsheng”, and changing his name to Wei Feng. Miraculously, after he changed his name, he really fell for it. He was so happy that his old father knelt in the ancestral hall for three days and two nights, saying that the ancestors had manifested themselves, and the ancestors had manifested themselves. However, it is a pity that after winning the Juren, he was never promoted again."

"Wei Feng is also a bit of a brain. He took the account book to avoid the inspection of all parties, and walked directly to Beijing by water. Now he may have reached the Qin'an Canal. If there is no accident, he can enter Beijing in seven days."

Yi Mo put the water-stained silk handkerchief on the table, got up and entered.

A cold voice came from the inner room, "Spread out the traces of the account book."

Zhang Yuelu asked puzzledly, "Master, as soon as the news of the account book comes out, Ren Zonghe will definitely send someone to chase and kill Wei Feng to snatch the account book. Since you want to get the account book, why don't you take the opportunity to snatch the account book from Wei Feng? Create a strong enemy for the account books." He was afraid that his master would misunderstand him, so he explained again, "Of course, it doesn't mean that we are afraid of him. After all, whether we fight alone or in groups, we will definitely I won't lose to him, the meaning of this subordinate is, why bother..."

In the inner room, a low voice sounded, "What do you know!"

Then Yi Mo came out from the inner room again, and changed into a plain white dress, the dress just now was stained with the smell of medicine, with a faint stench, which smelled a bit pungent.

She cast a disdainful glance at Zhang Yuelu, and said coldly, "Who said I'm going to take the account book?"

"..." Zhang Yuelu said silently, if he didn't want to seize the account book, then what are they going to do?

"Someone has to worry about the account books, we don't need to intervene. We just need to ensure that Wei Feng goes to Beijing safely with the account books."

Zhang Yuelu was even more puzzled, "Since you want him to enter the capital safely, why did you pass on his news to Ren Zhehe?"

Yi Mo lowered his head and straightened Suhua's skirt, and hummed casually, "When Ren Zhehe got the news of the account book, he would be more anxious to sell food, and the more anxious he became, the more he panicked, and he might show his flaws under the panic." The corners of his mouth suddenly split open Smiling evilly, with sharp eyes in his eyes, "I'm going to make him not only take the blame this time, but also have nowhere to redress his grievances!"

Zhang Yuelu has been with Yimo for more than ten years, seeing her show such a fierce expression, it was like enlightenment, and immediately understood what she was going to do, and couldn't help muttering, "He is not a scapegoat... If I really want to say it, it can only be regarded as The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows!"

On the other side, Wen Cai had just returned to the mansion, so he changed his clothes and rushed out without even drinking a glass of water.In the back alley, a low-key carriage was parked at the back door. The man driving the horse was a man in short shirt with an ordinary face. The man breathed calmly, his steps were light, and his whole body seemed to have no breath.

(End of this chapter)

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