black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 327 Get angry and show off your power, use your tire gas?

Chapter 327 Get angry and show off your power, use your tire gas? (1)
Today is a rare good weather, the clear blue sky is cloudless, the bright sunshine flows like musical notes, there is no trace of variegated colors in the sky, and it is so magnificent that it shines.

"The sky is clear and blue, spotless, the mountains are covered with black, and the wind brings warmth." There is a hint of coquettishness in the low murmur, and Yingbo's eyes are shining brightly, "Does this indicate that today is a good omen..."

Feng Ya looked at the sky for a while, her eyes implied anticipation, in two hours it would be time to go to the Kunyi Hall to pay homage to the empress.Today is the final election of the crown princess, and from the moment she stepped into the Kunyi Hall, the fate of this life is determined.Whether to fly up the branch to become a phoenix, or fall into the water to become a pheasant, success or failure only depends on that moment.

The extravagant Shulan Hall was heavily guarded at this time, and the guards of the Royal Forest Army wearing silver armor and holding baby red spears surrounded the back hall tightly, but all the maids and eunuchs who entered the hall had to go through strict searches.

A beautiful palace lady in pink holds up a golden dragon-carved plate. Inside the plate is a jade bowl with dragon patterns. The jade bowl is crystal clear and warm to the touch. A nine-clawed golden dragon hovers and dances around the mouth of the bowl, baring its teeth and claws. .In the jade bowl is a decoction made of milk. The decoction exudes a delicate and medicinal fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed when they smell it.

The maid is a personal servant who specially waits for the Lord Long Live to get up, and no one dares to stop her.The maidservant lowered her head, holding the decoction aloft, all the way across the pavilion, stepped on the corridor, and entered the palace.

In the luxurious outer hall, Eunuch Su Mu, the chief executive of the palace, stood with his head bowed. When he saw the maidservant coming in, he put his finger on his lips, signaling her to keep quiet, and then went out first.Seeing this, the maidservant glanced at the inner hall covered by the light veil, and followed her out with her head bowed.

Outside the hall, Su Mu said in a low voice, "Long Live God hasn't got up yet, take the soup and medicine to warm it up."

The maidservant is a maidservant in the third rank of the imperial court, and her status is not much lower than that of Eunuch Su. He was a little surprised when Su Mu said that the Lord Long Live hadn't gotten up yet, "Your Majesty has never been up at this hour. Are you feeling unwell?"

Su Mu sighed, "Maybe I'm tired. Yesterday I invited Mr. Cai Youxiang into the palace to have an audience, and the two talked for two hours in the Imperial Study Room, and they came to Shulan Hall to go to bed very late last night..."

"Come on!"

At this time, Emperor Ganmin's call came from the hall.Su Mu and the female officer looked at each other, then solemnly entered the palace.

Su Mu stood outside the gauze curtain and bowed respectfully, "Long Live Lord."

"Come in and serve."


Su Mu opened the curtain and entered together with the female officer.The changing maids waiting outside the hall followed closely behind in an orderly manner.

Emperor Qianmin lifted the quilt and sat up.Concubine Ren Shu, who was sitting in front of the bronze mirror painting her eyebrows and putting on makeup, immediately put down her rouge and gouache, swayed her graceful figure, walked up to Emperor Ganmin and sat down, grabbed his shoulders, and called out charmingly, "Your Majesty, today let the concubine come to you!" Waiting for you to change clothes..."

Emperor Ganmin was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed freely, "My concubine, let these servants come. I don't want to be wrapped into rice dumplings by you again."

Concubine Ren Shu's pretty face flushed, and she said coquettishly, "Your Majesty... just let my concubine try...try..."

It has to be said that the years still treat Concubine Ren Shu very kindly.In his thirties, he is still glamorous and unparalleled. The charm accumulated by the years is not comparable to that of young girls. His eyes seem to be able to see the innocence and simplicity of the age of cardamom.No wonder Emperor Ganmin's favor towards her lasted for a long time. Which man can let go of such a delicate and sweet person? !

Emperor Ganmin really doted on her, and finally waved back the maidservants who were waiting in the hall, and spread his arms, as if letting her be ravaged.

Concubine Ren Shu also knew how to capture a man's heart, she smiled sweetly and lifted up the bright yellow dragon robe, made gestures on his body, and asked knowingly, "Your Majesty... should I wear the dragon robe first, or the belt first?"

"Aifei, you can figure it out." Emperor Ganmin lazily stood up, not in a hurry to deal with political affairs.It is the best choice to relieve worries and relax when you are tired.

"Then put on the robe first." The pale white hand brushed across the golden dragon, the bright yellow and white contrasted, making it even more dazzling.Concubine Ren Shu pretended to be careless while dressing him in a dragon robe, "The weather is really good today. When I got up this morning, I saw two magpies calling on the tree outside the window. I'm afraid there is a happy event coming in our palace." gone."

Emperor Ganmin straightened his cuffs by himself, and said with a smile, "It's really a happy event. Isn't today the final selection of the crown princess? In two hours, the crown princess will be finalized. The crown prince's engagement is a great joy .”

"Look at me, I actually forgot this important thing!" Concubine Ren Shu smiled wryly and shook her head, "I'm really old, and my memory is not as good as before."

It was ridiculous for her to say this when she was young and beautiful.

Emperor Ganmin comforted, "How could my concubine get old? When I see my concubine, I often think of what she looked like when she entered the palace. You were as beautiful as a flower at that time, and you haven't changed at all."

"The emperor is wrong. There are more concubines than when they first entered the palace." Concubine Ren Shu nestled in the arms of Emperor Qianmin charmingly, and murmured, "The concubines are becoming more and more in love with the emperor. She gave birth to a son for the emperor, and changed from a young girl to a woman who devoted her heart and soul to her husband and son. How can the emperor say that his courtiers and concubines have not changed at all..."

Emperor Ganmin was also quite emotional, patted her on the shoulder, and responded meaningfully, "It has changed."

Concubine Ren Shu didn't see his expression, and continued, "By the way, today the crown princess is settled, and I don't know who the empress will choose. Although she is choosing the crown princess, she is also choosing the daughter-in-law. Among the people, this mother-in-law chooses The daughter-in-law is very picky... The girl from the Cai family is dignified and virtuous, the lady from the Feng family is gentle and quiet, the little girl from the old general Qin's family is straightforward and brave, the princess in neon clothes is young and quiet, and even that princess Ping An is a dragon and phoenix among people. This time the queen My sister has to be picky..."

Emperor Ganmin looked out of the window with an unfathomable expression, "Then Aifei thinks who is more qualified for the position of Crown Princess?"

Concubine Ren Shu had been talking for so long today, but she was just waiting for his words.

"According to my concubine, the only ones who are most qualified to be crown princesses are Miss Cai and Miss Feng. Cai Xuehui and Feng Ya are collectively known as Qingqin Shuangshu, not only because they are talented, but also because they are gentle and kind, and have a heart for the people." Presumably the emperor has never heard of it. Ms. Cai and Ms. Feng often donate porridge in the refugee area outside the city to relieve disasters. In the eyes of the common people, they are the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva..." Last night, the emperor summoned Cai Qing overnight, and she naturally Also got news.Cai Xuehui will lose the election in all likelihood, so she will mention Cai Xuehui and Feng Ya without any scruples, and her focus is naturally on mentioning Feng Ya, "...Master Feng is upright and unselfish, and his daughter is naturally excellent. "

Emperor Ganmin squinted his eyes and murmured, "Yes, the daughter Feng Chengyi taught is naturally not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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