black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 334 Pregnancy Discovered

Chapter 334 Pregnancy Discovered (1)
In accordance with the marriage rules of the Celestial Dynasty, it is not auspicious for a man and a woman to meet in private before marriage.

Although the crown prince was reluctant to send his wife away, for the sake of the word 'auspicious', he endured it.On the third day after the imperial decree came down, Yi Mo returned to the Thunder Palace.

In the palace, Cheng Xi was sitting opposite Yi Mo, blowing his beard and staring with anger, Yi Mo was lazily lying on the bamboo chair, crunching an apple with one hand, flipping through a small green book with the other, reading it with gusto.He didn't see anything in his eyes.

Cheng Xi stomped his feet angrily, finally stood up, and kept walking back and forth in front of her, with a restless look, "What should I do? What should I do? The emperor's father has issued an imperial edict. If you don't marry, it's against the edict." Disrespect, I'm going to be...clicked!" He made a gesture of wiping his neck, and then stuck out his tongue like a hanged ghost, "I'm going to be decapitated!"

Yi Mo didn't even look at him, he turned a page of the book, and took another bite of the apple. When he saw the traces of blood red on the teeth of the apple, he frowned slightly, his gums bleeding? !Is it an abnormal symptom after pregnancy?kindness!Let Li Xiao boil the secondary medicine later.

Her leisurely attitude was in stark contrast to her anxiety, "Oh, what should we do? Why don't we pack up our things and start fleeing now? We fled back to Wangchuan for two years, just in time, and took your hundred thousand cavalry with us , with [-] cavalry in hand, I'll see who dares to touch our father and son. Then after the limelight passes and the matter fades away, let's discuss your marriage with the Wen family..."

He is whimsical!

Yi Mo put down the apple and concentrated on reading the book.

Chengxi kept walking back and forth with his hands on his hips, "No, no, no. We are nothing like rebellion. If your old-fashioned grandpa knows that I led the rebellion, he will definitely jump out of the grave one by one and kill me and me." You grab him and sleep with him."

What are you doing to me? !
Yi Mo turned another page.

"Oh, you unfilial son, I told you not to behave so nicely, but you still don't listen, look, something big is going on now." Cheng Xi said in a hurry, "What kind of shit are those women in the palace?" Guang, you can also like someone like you? Oh, hey, I'm so mad..."

He wailed for a long time, but seeing no reaction from his daughter, he suddenly became furious, rushed over and snatched the book from her hand, blushing and roaring, "Did you listen to me--!"

Yi Mo's mood is light, his face is light, and even his tone is light, not warm, "Yes!"

Ouch, she was so angry that her brain was congested!Clutching his congested chest, he backed away again and again, until he backed up and sat down on the grand master's chair, it seemed that he had finally found a place to lean on.Then he held his hand and cried loudly, "Hey, what evil did I do, why did I give birth to this unworthy bastard! If I knew that she was like this, I might as well strangle her to death. God knows how to anger me..."

Yi Mo lowered his eyes and muttered softly, "What's wrong with marrying A Yu?"

Hearing what she said, Cheng Xi was so angry that he wanted to hit her with the book in his hand.But as soon as he lifted it up, he saw the bibliography "The Encyclopedia of Parenting" written by Qing Pi, and his complexion suddenly became wonderful. It was white for a while, then blue for a while, then red for a while, and finally became a color palette. Sichuan's spicy hot pot base is also wonderful.

Mung Dou's small eyes were as big as copper bells, staring at her belly, her lips trembled several times but she didn't make a sound, and finally she said an inconceivable roar, "Are you pregnant with evil seeds in your belly!?!"

Evil species?

Yi Mo doesn't like this title very much.He frowned and was about to speak, but he snatched him first.

Cheng Xi really collapsed, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and he kept muttering, "It must be, it must be. No wonder your taste has changed when you come back these days. Your favorite food used to be Meat, but now you look like you want to throw up when you see meat. No wonder Yuen Long always said that you smell like medicine. No wonder your mother said that you have gained weight recently..."

The news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, completely knocking her out of her mind. He stood up with his hands on the chair with his eyes blank, but he couldn't concentrate, so he almost stumbled, so Yimo hurriedly got up to help her.When he saw him, he yelled repeatedly, "Don't move! Don't move! Don't come close to me, let me calm down for a while, calm down for a while..." Then he staggered out the door, still talking Saying, "Let me calm down for a while, calm down for a while, calm down for a while..."

This news was a big blow to Cheng Cheng.In his consciousness, his daughter was still the little baby who rode on his shoulder wearing a little bellyband and laughed loudly, but couldn't even speak.It's still the little kid who shows two small front teeth when he smiles.It's still the little one who has to tiptoe to get the shortbread on the table.It's still the little girl who has to step on a small stool to be as high as the desk when learning to write a word!But in the blink of an eye, his daughter was snatched away by another man. Not only was she secretly eaten and wiped out, but she was also impregnated with evil seeds. In a few months, he would even give birth to a little girl who also wore a bellyband and could only giggle and not speak. Son.You said this blow is not a big deal to him? !
He had originally planned that no matter if it was Liang Yaozu or Wen Nuo, he would marry directly into their family. He was just such a cub in his life, so he would not be willing to marry him. The best way was to recruit a son-in-law.Although being a married woman is a shameful thing for a man, the throne will be passed on to him as compensation after a hundred years.This can at least save him some face... You see, how well he thought about it, but unfortunately, the time is not waiting for him!Why did that bastard Li Chenyu take advantage of his loopholes!

Cheng Xi was so angry that he slapped his thigh fiercely, wishing to chop him into pieces!

As soon as Cheng Xi regained his composure, he saw Yuan Long rushing to report, "My lord, my lord, someone from the Wen family is here, someone from the Wen family is here."

"People come as soon as they come, there's no need to make a fuss." After what happened to his daughter, Cheng Xi felt that he had become much calmer.If someone suddenly came to him at this moment and said, 'The emperor is dead, the prince is crazy, and the Li family dynasty is over', he would not be surprised at all.

This time it was changed to Yuen Long. I don't understand. If it was before, if his prince heard that his future in-laws were coming, he would be in a panic.But what's wrong with seeing him sickly and listless now?Could it be that you are sick?
Cheng Xi walked towards the main hall in the front yard, "Who is here from the Wen family?"

"Wen Sanzi, Wencai!"

When Cheng arrived at the main hall, Jingyang was already sitting inside to say hello.

Wencai smiled and talked to Jingyang, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Chengxi who stepped through the door, quickly suppressed his smile, got up and saluted, "Caomin pays homage to Lord Thunder."

"Excuse me, excuse me!" Cheng Xixu raised his hand, "Please sit down quickly, please sit down."

Wen Cai sat down as he said, with a three-point smile on his face, gentle and elegant, coupled with a slender and delicate figure, he is really a beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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