Chapter 355 The Third Prince (3)
"Your Majesty, Qiu Guo is unkind first, so we can't blame us for being unrighteous later." Officials who were in charge of the battle came out to speak out one after another.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince is about to get married. It is not advisable to see blood on the day of the wedding, it will be unlucky..."

"Your Majesty, the soldiers of the Qiu Kingdom insulted our people and plundered our property. It is really abominable. If we don't fight, it is hard for the people to complain. Please send troops!"


You say what I say, and everyone talks about it. Anyway, the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right.

Emperor Ganmin's head got dizzy from their quarrel, and he slapped the desk, "It's done."

All the ministers shut up.

Emperor Qianmin glanced at Guo Tingyi, who was sitting on the seat as if he had nothing to do with himself, and raised his voice and asked, "Guo Aiqing, the left servant of the Ministry of War, what do you think?"

Queen Yan glanced at Guo Tingyi indiscriminately, and waved her hands secretly.Although she didn't know what the emperor meant, it was obvious that the emperor wanted to send troops.This result made her subconsciously reject it.

On the face of it, Guo Tingyi is a member of the queen's lineage. He winked at the queen, then left his seat, knelt down in front of the saint, and said loudly, "Your Majesty, the state of Qiu has repeatedly harassed the herdsmen on the border of our country. If you don't use force Suppression is really hard to intimidate. It will definitely happen again in the future, and it will be the people of our country who will suffer..."

Empress Yan frowned, she naturally saw the wink Guo Tingyi gave her, her heart sank, she understood the meaning: the emperor had already greeted Guo Tingyi.

A civil official still didn't give up, "Your Majesty, war is not conducive to the stability of the country, it is not conducive to the development of livelihood, please think twice!"

Emperor Ganmin didn't look at the civil servant, but turned to look at Cai Qing where the old god was present, "Cai Aiqing, do you have something to say?"

Cai Qing knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the state of Qiu is like a cancer growing in the hearts of the people in the frontier. If this cancer is not cured, the people in the frontier will never have peace!"

As soon as Cai Qing spoke, no one dared to speak out to refute. Once Ren Zhehe fell, Cai Qing would dominate the court.How dare they offend him!

"Father, my son has something to say."

Suddenly, a clear voice came from afar.

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice startled all the officials and turned their heads.

In the distance, a man walked in slowly.The man was dressed in a snow-white Jinpa, the edges of the brocade robe were outlined with deep black lines, his footsteps moved, his robe fluttered lightly, and the deep black glowed in the golden sunlight.Looking upwards, what catches the eye is the green bamboo embroidered on the snow-white brocade robe, two or three green bamboos intersect, and the bamboo leaves are randomly dotted among the branches.The green bamboo is tall and straight and beautiful, just like the tall and straight jade figure, free and easy, willful, and handsome!
There was a slight smile on the corner of the man's mouth. The warm smile was like bathing in the spring breeze. The curved eyebrows and eyes in the shallow smile were somewhat similar to Emperor Qianmin, but more like Concubine He Gui.The eyebrows flying obliquely into the temples are like ink paintings, delicate and masculine, a pair of red phoenix eyes are clear and bright like clear springs, the high nose bridge, perfect lip shape, coupled with an elegant temperament, set off people like a perfect jade carving .

He knelt in front of the saint on one knee, begging for peace and said: "My son, please see my father, long live my father, long live, long live."

Seeing his happy face, Emperor Qianmin smiled happily and asked him to stand up, "Xue'er, it's good to be back, it's good to be back."

The third prince, Li Chenxue, didn't even get up, and greeted all the nobles present, "My ministers pay respects to the queen mother, the concubine mother, and His Royal Highness the crown prince."

The happiest thing is Concubine He Gui. If it weren't for the presence of the emperor and all the ministers, she would have rushed over to hug her son, her tearful eyes fixed on his face, "Get up, get up, look at you They're all skinny."

Empress Yan also came to her senses after being stunned, raised her usual loving smile, and ordered, "Come quickly. Come here, and let His Highness the Third Prince take a seat."

The palace people quickly brought up a seat and placed it under the crown prince.Li Chenxue greeted the crown prince, "Brother."

The prince nodded calmly, and then he sat down.

After sitting down, all the ministers came back to their senses and hurriedly saluted him, "His Royal Highness, the third prince, well!"

"Hello, my lords!" There was a warm smile on his face.

The Seventh Prince who sat opposite the Prince was the most confused among those present. He left home when he was young and fought hard on the battlefield for three years. Except for his father, mother, concubine, queen, and elder brother who have not changed much, other relatives have no influence, especially The third brother who has changed the most.Looking at the warm smile on the corner of the third brother's mouth, he frowned slightly. He remembered that when he was a child, the third brother was the one who didn't like to laugh the least among the brothers!
Emperor Ganmin suppressed his smile, gently stroked the jade wrench in his thumb, his expression was a little unpredictable, "Xue'er, didn't you have something to say just now?"

Everyone looked up and saw that the emperor's joyful smile had faded away, and they couldn't help but sit upright cautiously, with their eyes downcast.

Li Chenxue stood up and said, "Father, my son has traveled all over the years to the great rivers and mountains of our country, to the blooming Licui, to the barren and desolate borderlands, whether it is the prosperous Licui people, or the border mountains. People, they don’t want the court to fight wars, because wars mean that their wives and children will be separated, wars will mean homelessness, and wars will mean that they are about to enter troubled times, so please think carefully about it.”

As soon as the third prince's words came out, the faces of all the ministers were extremely excited.Cai Youxiang took the lead in the battle, and the three princes made peace.The emperor decreed that Cai's daughter should be married to the third prince as his concubine. The two were originally Weng's son-in-law, but they disagreed with each other on the government...

Cai Qing lowered his eyes, as if he didn't see the complicated and probing gazes of everyone.

Emperor Ganmin glanced at Cai Qing with a half-smile, and asked again, "Then Cai Aiqing still insists on playing?"

Cai Qing replied, "Your Majesty, the only solution is to end war with war!"

"Okay! What a 'end war with war'." Emperor Qianmin made a final decision, "I decided to send troops to Qiu, and let the soldiers of Qiu see the bloodiness of my son, Chengtian! But..." His majestic gaze was on All the generals glanced around, "But who should I send to fight? Minister of the Ministry of War, tell me, who should I send to fight to win the battle?"

The Minister of the Ministry of War trembled and replied, "My Majesty, only Wei Yunjun is the most suitable to fight now, and the commander of Wei Yunjun, General Qin, is also a well-known God of War general in my Chengtian dynasty, so it is most suitable for him to fight. !"

The old general Qin appeared in everyone's sight, "Your Majesty, it is my duty to serve the country. It is a pity that I am already at this age, and going to the battlefield will also be a drag on the soldiers. Please ask the emperor to choose another general."

Emperor Ganmin asked calmly, "If that's the case, then Old General Qin should recommend a good general. Some time ago, Old General Qin also said that he would disarm and return to the field, and that he would choose a good general for the Wei Yun Army. All the ministers are here today, let them help you refer to see if it is feasible."

(End of this chapter)

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