Chapter 357 The Third Prince (5)
Li Chenxue got up resolutely, maybe she didn't see the sadness on her face, or maybe she saw it, but she didn't pay attention, her smile was still like the sunshine in spring, "I will leave."

Outside the palace, many ministers went back in carriages, but Grand Master Yan did not leave.Taishi Yan drank a little too much, his old face was flushed, and he stood staggering on the spot with his eyes closed, frightening the two little eunuchs who had been guarding him all the time.

He opened his eyes suddenly, "Hi!" Jiu Hiccup rippling in the air with the smell of alcohol in his mouth, and then slowly closed his eyes, his body began to sway from side to side like a tumbler.Seeing that he was about to fall, the little eunuch quickly supported him, looking like he was about to cry, "Master, please stop playing, what if you really fall?"

Yan Wenshu seemed to be addicted to playing, still kept swaying, and said vaguely, "Hi! If my grand master falls, hi! It's because you two little eunuchs are not careful. Hehe, if the empress knows, she will definitely pick it up!" Your heads!"

Another little eunuch really cried, with tears streaming down his face, "My lord, please have mercy on this servant. There is an 80-year-old mother on this servant, and a three-year-old child on the bottom. If this servant dies, they have to go with him." Ah, Grand Master!"

Yan Wenshu was not drunk, he opened one eye and smiled at the little eunuch, "You are an eunuch and have no son."

The little eunuch choked, his face flushed, and he said, "...that's the slave's adopted son."

"Oh!" Yan Wenshu closed that eye, and then began to shake again, "It's okay, after you die. I will take your mother into my house and treat her as my own mother, and I will take care of your son as well. Take him to my family and raise him like my own son. Hehe..." He chuckled twice, thinking evilly: If he has a wife, I will also take his wife into my house and 'take care' of him like my own wife .

"Master Taishi?" Yu Qingfeng was called by the prince to talk about something, so he came out late, and just after he left the palace, he saw Yan Wenshu who was waiting at the door.He looked at the two young eunuchs, "You two father-in-laws, why are you waiting here?"

"Master Hui Yu, I heard that the carriage at the Grand Master's residence broke down on the road, so I have to come later..."

"Master Grand Master has drunk too much, it is inappropriate to stand here and blow the air. How about this, ask the two father-in-laws to help Master Grand Master get on and off the carriage of the officials, and the lower officials will take the Grand Master back to the residence."

"Okay, okay!" The two young eunuchs nodded repeatedly, overjoyed.Afraid that he would repent, he hurriedly carried Yan Wenshu into his carriage as quickly as possible, then waved his hands happily, "Master Yu, please go slowly—"

Seeing the carriage driving away slowly, the two young eunuchs breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent the national treasure away.Isn't it a national treasure?The father of the empress, the father-in-law of the Long Live Lord, the grandfather of His Royal Highness the Prince, and the great Confucianist of the country who is admired and worshiped by the literati and officials all over the world.If something happened under the care of their two little eunuchs, ten heads might not be enough to chop off!
On the carriage, Yu Qingfeng took out a cloak from the box under the seat, and put it on Yan Wenshu, who was drunk and sleeping soundly. Just as he withdrew his hand, he saw a tear slowly dripping from the corner of the old teacher's eyes. Yu Qingfeng was a little surprised .

Just about to look away, the old master suddenly opened his eyes.

Yan Wenshu raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes without changing his expression, and chuckled softly, "It's true, you are so old, and you are still so emotional."

"Teacher, what happened? It makes you so sad." The person Yu Qingfeng admired and respected the most in his life was Yan Wenshu. He thought he was the wisest and freest person he had ever met in his life. The eyes that see everything in the world are always so clear and leisurely. I thought that there was nothing in this world that could make him let go of his leisurely and free and easy, but he didn't think... what happened to make him cry in his sleep?
Yan Wenshu smiled wryly, "What's the matter, today is just the death day of my late wife."

Yu Qingfeng has never met Mrs. Yan, and he heard that she died early, and also heard about the epic love story between her and Grand Master Yan, and even heard that Grand Master Yan never remarried because of her, and he is still alone until now.

"The grand master is the most affectionate man Qingfeng has ever seen!" In Cheng Tianchao, which man is not three wives and four concubines? , and place one or two partial concubines at home!

Yu Qingfeng thought for a while, then said quietly, "On this point, the crown prince probably followed the grand master as well."

Yan Wenshu burst out laughing, "One is affectionate, one is fickle, and the other is sentimental. The royal family of this generation is really worth seeing."

Yu Qingfeng thought for a while, he was talking about the prince affectionately, and he was talking about the seventh prince affectionately. Could it be that he was talking about...the third prince affectionately? !
"Grand Master, I don't think the third prince is a fickle person?" Yu Qingfeng was the most puzzled. At today's dinner, the third prince was well-mannered, gentle and elegant, and he was also kind and amiable to others.The eyes are clear and bright, and there is no desire for power at all, nor the darkness of the harem killing.

Yan Wenshu shook his head with a smile, but did not explain.Others said that the prince was cruel and cruel, but the real cruel person in the royal family was the third prince.The crown prince is a tiger that does not eat its sons, but this third prince is hard to say...

(End of this chapter)

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