black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 366 The Death of Wen Cai

Chapter 366 The Death of Wen Cai (4)
Zhang Yuelu also looked at Yimo nervously, "Master, let us go. We will definitely bring Mr. Wen back safely."


As soon as this remark came out, Wen Cai immediately objected, "The other party said that only Princess Pingan is allowed to go there alone, and if anyone else is found following, Fifth Brother will be killed immediately."

Yi Mo slowly clenched Mu Zan in his hand, his face was full of evil, and there was a murderous look in his eyes, "What do they want!" Wen Nuo's life is naturally more important than marriage.When can't get married, miss the day after tomorrow, there are countless days after tomorrow, but Wen Nuo has only one life!
"They didn't say anything, they just said that you will go to Shengfengling alone." Hearing what she said, Wen Cai was relieved, as long as he agreed.He can't be blamed for being biased, he only worries about his younger brother's safety, and doesn't care about Princess Ping's life.Because he believed that with her strong martial arts, she would be able to rescue Wen Nuo and return to the capital unscathed.

Yimo ordered Lixiao to heal Wencai, and he and Zhang Yuelu left the servant's room and returned to the yard to discuss another matter.

"Master, you can't go." Zhang Yuelu said, "Let's not say that the day after tomorrow is your wedding day with the prince, and you are still pregnant. Master Lixiao has repeatedly emphasized that you must not use force, otherwise the child in your stomach will definitely not Bao. If you go there, it will be like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, not only will you not be able to save Mr. Wen, but you will also put yourself in danger."

If it was normal, Zhang Yuelu would be happy that he could use a profound idiom again.A sheep enters the tiger's mouth, look, how appropriate is the description, to the master who is pregnant now, it is not a 'sheep', although this sheep is not very docile, but the other party is definitely as ferocious as a tiger.

"Master, let us go, Fang Ritu and I. The two of us have the fastest lightness kung fu, and we promise to bring Mr. Wen back to you safe and sound."

Standing in front of the window, Yi Mo carefully looked at the wood clam in his hand. The delicately carved red sandalwood clam still exudes a low-key luxury, delicate, deep, and magnificent.When Wen Nuo gave it to her, she liked it very much, not only because the temperament of Mu Zan itself made her happy, but also because it was given to her by Wen Nuo.She vaguely still remembered the anticipation and joy in her eyes when Wen Nuo gave it to her.It's a pity that things are different—she held Mu Zan tightly, and it was a little difficult to make a choice. Zhang Yuelu was right, she is pregnant now, if she goes, she will probably... But if she doesn't, Wen Nuo will also May die!

"Master, why not do this. We and Fang Ritu will go to ambush first, and you will come alone later, and finally let Lord Qinglong lead someone behind you to protect you secretly." Zhang Yuelu finally wised up, "We are all If you go separately, no matter how powerful the other party is, it's impossible for the other party to know that you didn't go alone. Besides, we are watching in the dark, so if something happens, it's better to take action in time."

Yi Mo nodded, now that's the only way to go, handing the eagle-shaped jade pendant to Zhang Yuelu, "Let the people leaning on the building also prepare secretly."

"Yes." Zhang Yuelu took the jade pendant and left the palace alone.

Yi Mo was a little worried, now that this happened, the marriage would definitely not work out, she had to go to the East Palace to explain clearly to A Yu, otherwise, with A Yu's temperament, the world would be turned upside down.But as soon as she came out of the yard, she saw a young man in green shirt walking straight towards her with a broom.

I have some doubts in my heart, the servants in the mansion have always been afraid of her, and if they have nothing to report, they usually stay away.But this young man in green shirt came straight up, not the cowardice and timidity of the past.

Suddenly, Yi Mo met the boy's eyes, those eyes were lifeless and out of focus, and the whole figure was like a soulless body.The word 'gu poison' suddenly popped up in his mind, Yi Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the murderous aura surged out of his body.He looked at the 'boy' passing by coldly, and had no intention of making a move or calling someone.

The 'little servant' stopped in front of Yi Mo, his eyes were dull, and he said mechanically, "Foul! Damn it! Don't make an example!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his anger seemed to be drawn away in an instant, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Yi Mo was thinking about the meaning of his words, but Li Xiao suddenly ran to her and said, "Wen Cai is dead!"

Yi Mo suddenly opened his eyes, and ran to the gate of the palace as fast as he could, but there was no one outside the gate of the palace.The hands under the sleeves were clenched into fists, and the tyrannical look in her eyes was overwhelming. She finally understood the meaning of the boy's words 'foul, damn it, don't make an exception'!

Wencai's death was because she broke the rules and said that she was only allowed to go to Shengfengling alone, but she let Zhang Yuelu go first.

"It turns out that our every move is under the surveillance of others." Yi Mo gritted his teeth.

Li Xiao drew the sub-gu from the boy's body, his face was still cold and unwavering, "He was sweeping the floor at the gate of the palace, and the person who gave him the Gu is nearby. When you ran out just now, did you see anyone?"

Yi Mo shook his head, "He has already left."

"Who killed Wencai?" Yi Mo sneered, the killers had already entered the mansion, but none of the guards guarding the palace noticed anything!
Lixiao turned over the boy's body, and found that his sleeve was stained with blood, and it was still dark black. He looked carefully, and then answered Yi Mo's words with certainty, "It was this boy who killed him, and his sleeve was stained with blood. The poison in his blood is the same as the poison in Wencai's body, obviously Wencai's blood." He went out to make medicine for Wencai, and when he returned, he found Wencai had a knife stuck in his chest, and he was lifeless.

Yi Mo finally understood what Wencai said about 'ruthless and merciless', "Let Zhang Yuelu come back. And..." His eyes were filled with murderous intent, "All the servants and servants who have just entered the mansion are arrested and interrogated. Kill with a stick!" Let's see who dares to put eyes on Thunder King's Mansion in the future!

In Chuuyan Restaurant, which is only one street away from the Leiting Palace, a pair of smiling eyes glanced at Zhang Yuelu who was driving back to the Palace.He picked up the teacup, fanned gracefully and smelled the fragrance of the tea in the cup, with a soft and warm smile on his brows, "It's really disobedient!" The murmured voice was full of indulgence, and the sudden ambiguous atmosphere was like a lover's room. of charming.

"Women are so mean! If you don't really teach her a lesson, she will never take your words at ease!" Xue Ruxue chuckled, the mockery and contempt on her face clearly visible. It turned out that the legendary Princess Ping An was nothing more than that. The little trick made her feel at a loss what to do.

Li Chennian glanced at her indifferently, the hostility contained in that glance made Xue Ruxue restrain his sarcasm immediately.

"You have to know, her loss is not because she is not strong enough, but because she has a weakness. Once a strong person has a weakness, he will no longer be invincible." Li Chennian shook his cup Drinking some tea, she talked calmly, "Cheng Yimo has too many weaknesses, Wen Nuo, the child in her belly, Cheng Xi, Jing Jing, and even the prince are her weaknesses."

How could Xue Ruxue not understand that since the moment the imperial decree came down, she had been observing Cheng Yimo in secret, the more she checked, the more frightening she became, and she quietly changed court officials and secretly killed Ren Zong He, secretly robbed the imperial court's granary, and also had a group of highly skilled and stunning subordinates in his hands, and even held a hundred thousand elite soldiers and iron cavalry in his hands!If you only talk about present and ink, the surroundings around her are absolutely impenetrable, there is absolutely no room for stitches... But, so what?In the end, she will die in the hands of a nobody like her!
When Zhang Yuelu returned to the palace, after hearing about the incident in the palace, he also had an angry expression on his face, "Who is so courageous to kill people in the palace!"

"Master, what should we do?" Zhang Yuelu was also worried about Wen Nuo's safety.The other party is so rampant and arrogant, if the master doesn't arrive within five days, or if he doesn't go alone, Wen Nuo's life must be in danger.

Apparently Yi Mo was also worried about this, his face was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and finally he left the palace without saying a word.

Zhang Yuelu was shocked, and quickly chased after him, "Master! You can't go—"

"No one is allowed to follow!" After sternly yelling, she was seen riding straight to the city gate on the red-brown horse that had followed her since she was a child!

Zhang Yuelu looked terrified, and wanted to catch up, but remembered her warning, and couldn't move his legs, and stayed where he was, stomping his feet anxiously, "What should I do?"

Li Xiao said lightly, "Look for the prince."

Zhang Yuelu slapped his thigh fiercely, "That's right, I'm going to find the crown prince!" She used her super light kung fu and went straight to the crown prince's east palace.But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, he saw a gust of wind rushing out!

Why does the prince need him to look for it? The secret guards guarding the palace are not shit eaters. Someone came to report to His Royal Highness when Wencai was lying at the gate of the palace dripping with blood.

The crown prince rode a sweaty BMW and chased him straight to the gate of the city!
The people all over the street were turned upside down by him, but none of the patrolling guards on the street dared to step forward to stop him.

Li Chenyu who was on the horse was full of anxiety and uneasiness, he kept waving the whip and whipped the dismounted horse, wishing to put wings on it and fly over directly.Now there is only one thought in his mind: Mo'er is leaving!
Mo'er wants to leave him!

On the eve of her wedding, she actually left him for Wen Nuo!

(End of this chapter)

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