black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 378 Jade Butterfly Shot!

Chapter 378 Jade Butterfly Shot! (1)
Li Xiao frowned, obviously worried about the 'common pulse' that the woman said, "There are such things?"

The thinking of the two is completely different from the same plane.

Five days later, Lixiao went to the mountains to pick the living grass and boiled it into an anti-fetal medicine for her, "Drink it."

Yi Mo took the medicine bowl, and after drinking one bowl, he was still unsatisfied, "Do you want another bowl?" She is pregnant with twins, and it is only fair for each child to have a bowl.Otherwise, what if one is fat and the other is thin?

Li Xiao glanced at her and didn't even bother to pay attention to her, what about eating?One bowl per person!
At this time, Bai Hu came in and said to Yi Mo, "Master, the manpower has been arranged, and we can set off."

"Then let's go." Yi Mo stood up after rinsing his mouth, today is a good day for bloodbath.

Li Xiao turned around to dump his medicine residue, and said casually, "Didn't you say you want to accumulate virtue for the child?"

Yi Mo's footsteps stopped immediately, he looked down at his protruding belly, thought for a while, and then raised his voice and replied, "I'll accumulate virtue after killing me." She felt uncomfortable if she didn't kill all the people in Xingfenglou.

The sun sets and the night falls. Tonight's night is the darkest, and you can't see your fingers.

The night is dark and the wind is high, which is a good time to kill people and sell goods. I have to say that even God is helping her.

Xialing County, Essence Inn!

Yi Mo stood outside the inn, glanced coldly at the plaque, and raised his hand.The white tiger understood, a firework signal was released, and figures rushed out from all directions, rushing into the inn in an instant, killing the killers hidden in the inn by surprise.

"Let's go!" I don't know who yelled, and the killers of Xingfenglou fled desperately to the inn.When they saw Cheng Yimo standing at the door, the leader immediately stopped and rushed back.The killers following behind were puzzled, "Brother Yu, there is only one woman at the door, which is the weakest place, why don't we rush out from there?"

This 'Brother Yu' is the killer who helped Xue Ruxue escape from Shengfeng Ridge. He held the sword in his hand and swept the enemies back, "The weakest point? You fucking know nothing! If that woman Let’s start a killing spree, no one here can leave! Go to the window on the east side... Damn it, where are these wild ghosts, they are all as fierce as wolves!"

No one dared to run to the main entrance after being 'pointed' by that brother Yu.

There are not many people in Xingfenglou in Xialing County, and none of them are masters, and the people brought by Yimo are all top-notch kung fu masters, so this is a completely unilateral massacre.In just two hours, Shengsheng killed all the people in Xingfenglou.

When Li Chenxue received the news, it was already two days later.

In a luxurious but low-key house outside Beijing, Li Chenxue is sitting on a polished warm jade stone, with a lotus pond under her feet. In the pond, colorful koi swim to and fro under the lotus leaves. It is very cute to watch. people like it.

Li Chenxue wore a snow-white brocade robe, the corners of the robe cascaded down from the warm stones and hung on the clear water, reflecting a pure white reflection in the water, the corners of the robe rippling on the surface of the water as the breeze blew by, attracting fish in the water to compete chase.He picked up some bait to feed the fish and slowly sprinkled it into the pond. The fish shifted their targets and swarmed towards the bait on the water surface.

At this time, the black-clothed man who was in charge of the killer in the Xingfenglou came quickly and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Li Chenxue squinted at him, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

Feng Sha replied tremblingly: "All the people in Xialing County were killed."

There was a dull sound of 'dong'.With a gloomy face, Li Chenxue raised her hand and threw the jar of bait into the pond.Without saying anything, he stood up from the warm stone, turned and left.

When Xue Ruxue passed by the pond, she was a little surprised when she saw the dead fish with white bellies all over the pond, "These koi are the third master's favorite, which servant is so brave to swell them to death?"

Feng Sha stood behind her, without the timidity and humbleness in front of Li Chenxue, only indifference and ruthlessness remained on his face, "Miss Xue, the third master has agreed to your proposal that day, and I want you to start preparing, and the sooner you The better."

A murderous intent full of resentment flashed in Xingren's beautiful eyes, and he replied crisply, "The third master should have agreed at the beginning, otherwise Xialing County would not have fallen today."

Feng Sha, who was leaving, suddenly turned around, and the scar on his face that crossed the bridge of his nose and ran through the entire face looked particularly hideous in the sunlight, "Miss Xue, if you don't want to die early, you'd better shut your stinky mouth." Sharp murderous intent Straight to Xue Ruxue's face.

Xue Ruxue felt a chill in her heart, and couldn't help taking a step back.Ever since she experienced the tricks of that lunatic doctor last time, she has grown fearful of these desperadoes, and at the same time, has even more murderous intent in her heart. These bastards will one day make them die without a place to bury them!
Xue Ruxue left the house and went straight to the capital to find Qian Huan, because only Qian Huan could contact that weak and incompetent Yuwen Shen!

After the bloodbath of the killers hidden in Xialing County, Yimo let Suzaku and Baihu lead them away.Baihu is in charge of the [-] cavalry in her hands. If he leaves for too long, he is afraid that there will be chaos in the army.And Suzaku is assisting Xuanwu to thoroughly investigate the kidnapping. She wants to see who has such a big hatred against her!

Everyone left, only she and Li Xiao were left in Shengfeng Ridge.

Yimo suggested that Lixiao should look for the living spirit grass again, because she had realized the benefits of the living spirit grass.The anti-abortion medicine made by using Shengling grass as medicine is more than ten times better than the usual anti-abortion medicine.

"Lixiao, why don't we take some seeds back to plant?" She asked whimsically.

Li Xiao was walking ahead with a medicine basket on her back, and when she heard her words, she turned her head and gave her a white look without hesitation, "The living grass has no flowers, no fruit, and no seeds."

Yi Mo pursed his mouth, propped up his sore waist, and stubbornly followed behind him with his big belly, "Then let's move back all the living herbs in that place?" I ran once in the deep mountains and old forests.She is a pregnant woman with cubs, how tiring going back and forth.

This time Lixiao didn't even bother to look at her, "Life grass can only survive in that place." He also didn't bother to explain to her why, he detests her now, wishing she could disappear from his eyes immediately, "You Go back if you're too tired."

"No! I'm going to see if my life grass has been stolen." How boring she was in the temple alone.

"..." You are better bored than I am troubled!Lixiao hopes that she can give birth sooner than anyone else.The previous Cheng Yimo was so good, cold, decisive, arrogant, and awe-inspiring. The key is that he never talked nonsense.What do you see now?Chicken mother-in-law, long-winded, pestering, petty, and sentimental and indecisive.Recently, he has acquired another habit. He drags people to chatter non-stop, making it sound like thousands of bees are buzzing in his head.Ya so annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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