Chapter 412 Deterrence (2)
"The throne is related to the rise and fall of Wangchuan. Yimo, did your father leave any last words or letters when he left, and did he say who to pass the throne to?" Give up the throne to the second child?

"That's right, sister Yi Mo, did the second uncle leave anything behind when he left? If so, please tell me the truth. Succession to the throne is a matter of great importance. Please think carefully about the future of Wang Chuan, please." It's all in your hands." Cheng Yihu said the last two words with a lot of meaning.

Yi Mo glanced at Cheng Yihu, then at Cheng Qing, and had to say.In terms of means, it is better to be a target than to be a target; to talk about a conspiracy, it is better to be a target than to be a target.

Chengqing is proud, although he can bend and stretch, but it is always a look of contempt and contempt towards men and women.Chengqing is a concubine who cannot be favored, and neither is his mother. The mother and son suffer all kinds of grievances in the backyard. His mother is weak, she washes her face with tears every day, and ends up depressed.Therefore, in Chengqing's view, women are the most useless, they cry so much that they cry all the time!

But Cheng Yihu is cunning and changeable, and his mind is treacherous. From the fact that he was able to win over Zhu Hua to seize the throne, it can be seen that this person has some tricks.Furthermore, when Cheng was leaning forward, he knew how to avoid his edge, and he also knew the truth of taking a step back, but now, the appearance of Cheng Yimo is an obvious variable.He even firmly grasped this variable in order to achieve his goal.

Yi Mo looked at Cheng Yihu, with a little appreciation in his eyes, "My father was unable to speak after the accident, so he didn't leave any last words." She didn't say that the reason for her inability to speak was because she was dead or unconscious.Everyone thought that the Thunder King was dead. In order to ensure the safety of her father, she was happy for them to think so.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and a family cannot be without a owner for a day. Well, since the Thunder King didn't designate who will inherit the throne, it should be chosen from among the capable members of the clan."

As soon as Cheng Qing said this, one of his generals praised him in a very sensible voice, "The last general thinks that the second master is brave and resourceful, and he is also capable of governing the world, so the second master should take the throne."

A group of soldiers echoed, "That's right, my master is both wise and brave, it's the most suitable."

"That's right, it's the most suitable. General Cao, don't you think so?"


It stands to reason that Cao Qing was ordered by the second master to go to Thunder City to catch the rebels, so he should strongly agree at this time.But he stood aside with his head bowed, not saying a word.

It is also because of Cao Qing's backing that Chengqing dared to contend with Zhu Hua's 5 horses, but now that Cao Qing does not express his position, there will be variables in this matter.

Both Chengqian and Cheng Yihu looked at Cao Qing suspiciously, unable to understand the meaning of his silence at this moment.

With a downcast expression, he said, "General Cao."

"Second Master, succession to the throne is a major event, and a hundred civilian and military generals from Wangchuan must be present." When Cao Qing spoke, he glanced at Princess Pingan indistinctly.

Cheng Qing felt that his words made sense, nodded and said, "Then today, the old man will take the place of Thunder King temporarily and hold the seal of Thunder King. Wait until tomorrow to call all civil and military officials, and then accept the ceremony to inherit the throne."

"Why wait until tomorrow." Cheng Yimo ordered Baihu and Zhang Yuelu in a cold voice, "Go and invite the civil officials from the three provinces of Qing, Ma, and Gong, as well as all the generals from the Garrison Battalion, Jiaoqi Battalion, and Mayu Battalion!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled.

Outside the city gate, the leaders Gong Ling and Qin Que stood at the head of the civil officials, and on the other side was a majestic general in silver-gray armor.The heavy city gate slowly opened, and after that, thick blood rushed towards the face, the sticky scarlet all over the ground, and the mutilated corpses.

Outside the city, the autumn wind is lingering, and the red leaves all over the mountains are against the sky like colorful rays of light.And inside the city, corpses are everywhere, blood flows like rivers, it can be described as hell on earth!
Those civil servants who had seen such bloody and cruel scenes, the courageous ones turned pale with fright and their legs became weak, while the timid ones were so frightened that they held their breath and fainted at the gate of the city.Even a general who is used to seeing life and death can't help but feel chills when he sees the corpses everywhere in the city.

I saw a ruthless and mighty general riding a horse, leading a team of cavalry towards them with murderous aura.The horse's hooves stepped on the corpse, the bones were shattered and the flesh was splattered.But those soldiers didn't seem to feel it, their cold eyes were like blades, and there was no anger, no pity, no joy, anger, sorrow, and joy in them. Such people made people panic.Besides, there is not just one such person, but a group of them.

The civil servants, who were already frightened, rolled their eyes when they saw these ferocious ghost soldiers, and fainted again.

The white tiger came to the city gate, reined in the horse, and raised his hand. The cavalry behind him stopped instantly, and their neat and neat movements seemed to be one, without making any noise.Bai Hu rode on the horse, glanced coldly at the fainted civil servants, and ordered Zhang Yuelu without looking back, "Take it away."

Gong Ling didn't recognize Baihu, but he recognized Zhang Yuelu who often followed Princess Ping'an.Seeing that Zhang Yuelu obeyed Bai Hu's orders, he immediately understood that this person was also Princess Ping'an's.He bowed his hands politely and said, "General."

Bai Hu nodded, as a return gift, "My lords, Princess Ping'an welcomes you, please follow me to the main hall."

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head and took everyone to the main hall.There is still a distance from the city gate to the main hall of Thunder King's Mansion. Walking all the way, all the civil and military officials were terrified.

Shenghua Street, which was originally bustling with traffic, is now as cold and silent as a yin and yang road leading to the underworld. What the autumn wind blows up is not the fresh fragrance of flowers, but a heart-wrenching stench.Looking from a distance, the corpses all over the ground are extremely spectacular and creepy to look at!

After falling outside the main hall, one can see dead bodies piled up into hills.It's about as tall as a person, and it's right at the gate of the main hall.

Everyone stopped outside the hall, Baihu dismounted, and made a gesture of invitation, "My lords, please!"

Looking at the pile of 'small hills' in front of them, everyone gasped, and finally someone couldn't stand the oppressive and treacherous atmosphere, and opened his mouth, Qi Qi Ai Ai asked, "This, these, yes yes..."

Bai Hu: "These are traitors who are trying to fight for the throne."

"..." Everyone's expressions changed, and many officials flickered their eyes and didn't dare to look any more, showing a little fear in their eyes.

Zhang Yuelu hooked her lips and smiled proudly, the master is worthy of being the master, even the methods of intimidating people are stronger than others.Others threaten people like "If you dare to do what I will do to you", see how domineering his master is, he doesn't say anything, kills a long street, spreads a blood stream for you to see, if he dares to disobey , and this is what happens.Hahaha!Seeing that these literati who open their mouths with pens are frightened, hehe, the little faces are pale and pale, and they all look like a bunch of little white faces.

"Ahhh—" A high-pitched scream sounded from behind Zhang Yuelu.

(End of this chapter)

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