black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 422 The Little Overlord

Chapter 422 The Little Overlord (2)
Now this little deer is a big celebrity in front of King Thunder, even a veteran like Gong Ling and a strong general like Cao Qing will stop and say hello when they see him, and say "Hello, little deer", ah bah, it's Zhang My son is good'.

Zhang Yuelu was so proud these two days that her tail was up to the sky.See, he still has foresight, since he was a child, he has seen that the master is a great person, and sooner or later he will have a great day, so he stubbornly dragged the master to follow him and wait on him without going anywhere.have a look.He has witnessed with his own eyes that his master has changed from a powerless 'Princess Ping An' to a high-ranking 'Thunder Lord', the Thunder King, this is the Thunder King who controls Wangchuan's life and death.Dirty, with the master's intelligence and wisdom, he might be able to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor in the future.

If the master can be called the empress, he would be willing to become Xiaoluzi's father-in-law even if he cleans himself!

Naturally, Cheng Yimo didn't know that he had such rebellious thoughts, looking at the deserted street, biting the delicious meat buns in his mouth, he felt nothing but tastelessness.It has been five or six days, and it is not an option to continue like this.

While Cheng Yimo was thinking about how to restore Thunder City to its former prosperity, a young man wearing a special bag appeared in her field of vision.This obese boy was wearing a dark green long gown, a red mandarin jacket outside, a huge emerald Chinese cabbage around his waist, and a pair of golden boots on his feet.He raised his head high, squinted his eyes, walked with his hands behind his back, and walked in a very chic and mighty figure-of-eight gait, shaking and shaking, and the fat around his waist trembled with the majestic emerald Chinese cabbage.That look, it looks really... appalling!
"Pfft!" Zhang Yuelu spat out a mouthful of steamed stuffed bun meat, pointed at the boy with a trembling finger, and said in horror, "Mother, why is this man so fat?! He's just a round ball! He's wearing such conspicuous clothes, bright red and green, What is he doing? Going on stage to sing in an opera?"

A sledgehammer fell on the dining table of the two of them, shaking the wooden table twice, and the edge of the plate on the round bun rolled down on the table, and Cheng Mo watched it turn twice before stopping.Zhang Yuelu and Cheng Yimo looked at each other, they looked up together, and saw a big man in gray glaring at them fiercely.

"Presumptuous!" The big man opened his eyes wide and glared at the two of them angrily. He opened his mouth and said in an astonishingly loud voice, "My young master is extravagant! What do you mean singing on stage! The singers on stage can afford my young master's expensive clothes." Is the brocade robe? Can the singer on the stage be worthy of the emerald Chinese cabbage on my young master’s waist? Can the singer on the stage be worthy of the golden boots on my young master’s feet? Cut, something that has no eyesight—”

Ah, the big man's lion's roar skills are very comparable to others, Cheng Yimo and Zhang Yuelu, who were defenseless, turned their heads when he roared like this.Picking out my ears, shaking my head, I felt like a swarm of bees were buzzing in my head at a gathering, and I didn't know whether to marry a daughter or a wife, but it was very lively anyway.

"Dare to say that our young master is singing——hmm!"

Seeing that the big man was about to speak again, Cheng quickly picked up the steamed stuffed bun on the table and stuffed it into his mouth with his moyan eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuelu immediately pulled out the soft whip from his waist, loosened it and rolled it up, binding the big man tightly.


Seeing that the stone fell in just one round, the boy was startled. He stared desperately at the small eyes that were squeezed by the fat on his face, trying to make himself look more majestic, and then shouted, "Thief, hurry up!" Let go of the stone. Otherwise, this young master will make you look good!"

The street, which was originally underpopulated, became even more deserted after the young man appeared.The old beggar, who was pretending to be sick and dying to beg not far away, got up and ran away when he saw this plump young man.Even Zhang Yuelu couldn't match that speed.

The owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop who rushed out after hearing the sound also looked like he had seen a ghost when he saw the young man, his face turned pale, he didn't want the money, he turned around and put up a sign saying he was out of business, and thanked the guests behind closed doors.

Zhang Yuelu was amazed again and again, and put her foot on the boss's door, ignoring the boss's anxious and frightened face, and asked curiously, "Who is this kid? Are you so afraid of him?"

The boss couldn't close the door, almost crying to death, "Guest officer, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. If you offend this young master, there is really no way to survive and no way to die."

"Ah, so powerful?! Tell me quickly, how is he so powerful." Zhang Yuelu was even more curious.

"This young master is the grandson of Lord Dong Jing, known as Yun Xiaobawang. He has harmed the people in Thunder City since he was a child. If anyone makes him unhappy, he will pour boiling water on your vegetable garden and put scorpions in your bed. This is a common occurrence. What's even more absurd is that once when Er Gouzi went to collect slop from a rich family, he accidentally splashed his shoes. When I hugged him, I actually hugged a big bitch. Where is his mother-in-law? This young master has been sent to the bed of Liu Mazi next door..." Oh, the evil things that the little bully Yun did, it was said for three days and three nights not finished.In the end, Zhang Yuelu mercifully withdrew his feet amidst the begging of the owner of the steamed stuffed bun shop crying for his father and mother.With a bang, the wooden door closed, and it was isolated from the world, wishing that it would never come again in this life.

When the boss said this, Cheng Yimo suddenly remembered who this person was.Back then, when he was outing in the countryside, this daring kid even molested Li Chenyu.Thinking of Li Chenyu, Cheng Yimo's mood was suddenly not good, his face sank, and violence surfaced in his heart.

The little sapling of Yun Xiaobawang grew crooked when he was young, and under the pampering and pampering of the old lady of the Yun family, this crooked neck tree grew wildly, cough cough, in other words, it can only grow into a tree today The wives are not to the point of killing people without blinking an eye, so they are considered God's favor.

Yun Lingzhi held his head up, and looked at Cheng Yimo and the two proudly, "Have you all heard that? If you want to live a good life, just put my stone away obediently!"

It seems that he is quite proud of hearing others say about his "brilliant" life story!

Seeing that the two were not moving, Xiaobawang Yun was furious, rolled into a ball, and rushed towards the two of them angrily, "You two untouchables who don't know what to do, let's see if I don't crush you to death today!"

A lump of meat balls swept past like a typhoon, setting off the nearby stones and flying, and suddenly a burst of flying sand and stones were thrown up.The little fat man obviously liked this way of running, his mouth cracked open, showing his gleaming white teeth, "Stone, the young master is here, catch-stop-ah!"

He obviously forgot that the rocks in his house were still tied up with five flowers.Not to mention Shitou's terrified expression, stuffed buns in his mouth, shaking his head desperately with tears in his eyes: no————ah!

Rouqiu rushed to his eyes, Cheng Yimo was in a bad mood, his eyes were full of hostility, he waved his hand abruptly, "Get lost!"

Whoosh—flying away like a shooting star!
Coincidentally, it flew directly to the big man.Little Overlord Yun has never experienced the feeling of flying into the sky, so he suddenly experienced it like this, ah, the excitement is dead, the excitement is dead, and the joy is dead!

(End of this chapter)

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