Chapter 429 War (1)
"What's going on?" Bai Hu who came over after hearing the news sternly shouted.

The leading soldier's face turned serious, and he was about to report, but Jiang Chunhua cried and begged first, "General, my son broke his head, and I want to go to the town to see the doctor through the rocky valley, please do me a favor, General, let us go. Woohoo, if I wait a little longer, I'm afraid my son won't survive..."

Seeing that Er Mao's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, Xu Da dared to plead, "I beg you, military masters, to make it easier for you. Please make it easier for you. In the next life, the grass-roots will be your military masters' cows and horses!"

Bai Hu squinted his eyes and inspected the three of them. Seeing that the child in the woman's arms was indeed in danger, he nodded and let them go, "Let's go, I will personally send you there."

"Thank you General, thank you General, thank you General."

In case of fraud, Baihu ordered two soldiers to follow behind the bullock cart with guns.

At this moment, just as Yi Mo was coming out of the camp, he saw an ox cart entering the camp from a distance, because it was too dark and there were soldiers passing by, so Yi Mo couldn't see clearly, so he could only shout loudly, "Bai Hu, they Who is it?"

The white tiger said respectfully, "Master, they are mountain people nearby, and they want to go to the town to see the doctor through the chaotic stone valley."

Hearing this, Yi Mo frowned, wondering in his heart, Shengfengling is remote, there is only Zhangjia Village nearby, and there is a doctor in the village, how could the villagers go to the town to see the doctor at this time?Just as he was about to walk over, Young Master Yun rushed out at this moment, hugged his thigh very skillfully, and cried angrily, "Woooooo, little lady, you have to make the decision for me! Woohoo!"

Cheng Yimo's face turned dark, and the soldiers who came and went cast curious and inquiring eyes, and his face turned even darker, so as to avoid embarrassment, he quickly turned and entered the camp.

The moment Cheng Yimo stepped into the camp, Er Mao, who was dying in Jiang Chunhua's arms, suddenly burst into tears, "Oh—mother—"

The cry was shrill, ear-piercing, and heart-wrenching!

Jiang Chunhua and Mrs. Xu burst into tears of joy, and Jiang Chunhua hugged Ermao and kissed and kissed again, tears streaming down, "My Ermao, my Ermao, finally woke up, finally woke up! Woohoo, my ermao! Ermao, mother is here, mother is holding you, don't cry, don't cry..."

Xu Daxin wiped his tears happily, "Well, it's good to wake up, it's good to wake up. But I still have to rush to the town to find a doctor to bandage the wound..."

Seeing this, Bai Hu waved his hands, "Let's go."

Bai Hu personally sent the group out of the Rocky Valley, "Let's go quickly."

"Thank you, Mr. Jun, thank you, Mr. Jun. Let's go now." Xu Er hurriedly drove the ox cart away with a smile.

"Oh, mother, mother..." The child's cries could be heard in the distance, Bai Hu's heart softened, and he shouted, "Wait." Then another soldier brought a carriage and told him The three of them said, "The child's injury can't be delayed, you can take this carriage, hurry up. If you don't have enough money when you arrive in town, you can buy the carriage."

"How can this happen!" Xu Dalian waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, the military master has already helped us a lot, how can we take advantage of the military master. No, no, no..."

"Take it, the child's life is the most important thing." Baihu found his conscience once in a while, so he naturally couldn't be refused.

"Then, thank you, Mr. Jun." Xu Da led the carriage embarrassingly, and then asked Xu Er to drive the ox cart slowly. He took Jiang Chunhua and Er Mao in the carriage and rushed to the town.

Fortunately, the speed of the carriage was fast, so Er Mao's life was saved. The doctor who treated Er Mao's wound said that if it was a moment later, even Immortal Da Luo would not be able to heal him.

After putting on medicinal gauze and wrapping it up, Ermao cried and fell asleep.Bleeding so much blood, crying all the way, and calling my mother all the way, even an adult can't stand it.

Looking at Er Mao's pale face, Jiang Chunhua cried until his eyes were swollen, "Xu Da, what do you think is wrong with this child, I taught him like that, but he doesn't call mother, but now he keeps shouting, even dreaming Everyone is shouting..."

"What's the matter, kid? It's going to be different in a while. Well, Chunhua, it's almost dawn, and you've been tired all day. Hurry up and lie down next to Ermao and sleep for a while. I'll go to the market to see if there are any old mothers for sale." Chicken, buy one and cook some soup for Ermao to nourish his body." After saying that, he left the inn, knocked on Xu Er's door next to him, and asked Xu Er to accompany him.

"Xu Er, I really troubled you yesterday. Come on, this is borrowing money from you. Count it and see the amount, right?" Mr. and Mrs. Xu arrived in the town, and as the military master said, they didn't have enough money, so they hesitated Under the circumstances, Xu Da bought the carriage according to the army master's words, and bought 200 taels of silver.

Xu Er randomly ordered, but found that there were ten taels of silver too much, and he returned the extra silver to Xu Da, "It's too much, I only lent you five taels, and you returned me 15 taels. Hurry up and give me the ten taels of silver." Take both back."

Seeing that he handed over the ten taels of silver, Xu Dazhi waved his hand, and refused: "The ten taels will be regarded as interest, you keep it, and the two cents are also thanks to you, you are really troublesome for you to go up and down."

Xu Er is a very principled person, he will not be rewarded for nothing, so he insisted on returning the ten taels of silver to Xu Da, "We brothers grew up together, and you still say that it is troublesome or not. I got some money in the carriage, but Ermao’s medical expenses only cost 100 taels. In the next few days, I have to buy Ermao’s medicine and spend money. Ermao has suffered such a big crime, so I have to buy him something good Make up your body, you still keep the money."

Xu Da thought about it, and felt that what Xu Er said was right, and then he didn't insist anymore. The two went to the market, bought an old hen and came back to make soup. The dog thief called, "Occupy three cities in a row", "Lord Thunder personally took one hundred thousand cavalry to Yumen Pass to support General Cao" and so on.

Xu Da and Xu Er looked at each other, Xu Er guessed, "What we met yesterday was probably the prince's cavalry army."

Xu Da suddenly realized, "No wonder those military masters are dressed differently from the usual military masters..."

Xu Da went back to the house and saw that Jiang Chunhua was awake, so he told her the news he heard outside as a joke.

Jiang Chunhua sighed after a while of silence after listening, "So they are going to fight..." His tone was sad and regretful.After going to the battlefield, how many people can come back alive.Jiang Chunhua felt that although those military masters were vicious, they were very kind, otherwise they would not have helped them, the villagers in distress.

"Xu Da, when we go back, let's go to Pudu Temple and worship the Bodhisattva." Let the Bodhisattva bless them to return safely.

"Woooo, mother!" Ermao woke up and cried out choked up.

Jiang Chunhua quickly picked him up and coaxed him distressedly, "Er Mao, my poor Er Mao. Come here, mother hugs, mother is here, mother is here, Er Mao will not cry, don't cry..."

Ermao tightly grasped Jiang Chunhua's skirt, looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Mother! Woohoo, mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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