Chapter 432 Big Hair (1)
Forget River Thunder Palace.

In the luxurious courtyard of the East Wing, a pretty maid wearing a green dress with ruffles, carrying some hot water in a carved silver basin, carefully stepped onto the verandah.The servant girl walked across the corridor and stopped in a wing room. She collected her expression and said respectfully, "Master?"

There was no sound from the room, but the door slowly opened.

The servant girl lowered her head and obediently went in with the hot water, not daring to look up.

In the room, the veil was drooping, and the dark fragrance lingered.A screen of high mountains and flowing water separates the inner room, so you can't see the inner room clearly, but you can see that the outdoor furnishings are extremely luxurious and exquisite. The floor is covered with a layer of clean white jade, and because it is winter, a floor stall made of top-quality fox fur is added. , Step on it with bare feet, it is extremely soft.The ground orchids carved in gold are blooming coquettishly in the corner of the house, and there is a Guqin next to it. The Guqin is delicate in wood and exquisite in workmanship. It is not extraordinary at a glance.Next to the guqin is a small exquisite incense burner, in which spices are burned, and the aroma drifts away with the curling green smoke.

The servant girl became more and more cautious, carefully carrying the hot water and passing the landscape screen to the inner room.

In the inner room, in front of the sandalwood desk, a three-year-old child sat solemnly.The child was dressed in brocade clothes, which were extremely luxurious, and the snow-white fox-fur scarf around his neck made his solemn little face white and tender like a flower.The child lowered his head slightly, his long eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, perhaps because of the cold weather, the tip of his nose was still a little pink, his pretty face was pink and greasy, and his soft mouth was bright red Yes, it is very cute.

The pretty little maid stared at her obsessively, her heart overflowing with maternal love.Gosh!Young master is so cute!what to do?It's like holding a kiss!Woohoo, if she can give birth to such a cute and beautiful child in the future, she will die in peace!
The nympho little maid suddenly felt a stern gaze coming towards her, her legs trembled, she quickly retracted her starry eyes, lowered her head, looked at her nose, nose, mouth, mouth and heart, and remained silent.But the villain in his heart is crying: Woohoo, God of Thieves!Wei Mao gave the young master a cute face, but gave him a solemn and serious temperament.Woohoo!This is not cute at all!
Cheng Yeyan is worthy of Cheng Yimo's breed, when his face turns cold, you can tell how serious his expression is and how sharp his eyes are, just look at Cheng Yimo.

Zuzu, it's a replica of Cheng Yimo!

With a cold face, Ye Yan glanced at the maid next to her with deep black eyes, then lowered her head, sat upright, holding a brush, and carefully practiced calligraphy stroke by stroke.

The little maid stood silently beside him holding the hot water for half an hour, seeing that the hot water was going to be cold, but she didn't dare to remind him.Woohoo, because the young master is not only very temperamental like their lord, but even his temper is exactly the same as their lord.If you offend him, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat.

Finally, Ye Yan put down the brush with the little girl's eyes filled with Renei.

Seeing this, the maid hurriedly knelt down at his feet reverently, holding the hot water basin respectfully, and waited for the young master to wash his hands.

"Where did Hua Wu go?" There was a hint of coldness in the soft and waxy voice.

"Back to young master, Aunt Huawu has just been summoned by Lord Suzaku."

Ye Yan is used to practicing calligraphy at this time, and in the past, Hua Wu served tea and water, but it was a pity that Suzaku called him away temporarily.Jin Huan volunteered to take Hua Wu's place to take care of the young master to practice calligraphy, who knows... the regret in my heart.Woohoo!If I had known that the young master was in a bad mood today, she wouldn't have come if I was killed.

Ye Yan frowned, "Do you know what happened?"

"I heard from the elder guard at the door that the prince sent a letter back last night. The slaves guess that it should be related to the prince." Jin Huan replied with a smile.Then he took out the brocade handkerchief and handed it to the young master to wipe his hands.

Ye Yan paused when he heard the letter from his mother, then took the brocade handkerchief as if nothing had happened, lowered his eyes and suppressed the flickering gaze, and wiped his hands thoughtfully.

Seeing the young master like this, Jin Huan felt slightly sour.I thought to myself: No matter how wonderful the young master's life is, he is probably unhappy because his mother is not around.From the fact that he goes to sleep in his mother's boudoir every day, he knows how much he misses his mother.

That's right, the prince has been away for three years.When the lord led the troops to go to war, the young master was still so young that he had just started talking.Recalling the day the prince left, Jin Huan couldn't help crying, the young master cried all night that day.Such a small child, crying and calling mother at the same time, cried so hard that his heart was broken.

"Young master, don't be sad. I heard from the elder guard who guards the gate that the prince has already recovered two cities in a row. In two or three years, we only need to capture Lucheng and drive the Shu thieves out of our Wangchuan, and we will return home with great victory." .” Jinhuan’s little maid comforted her.

But it was her comforting voice that made Ye Yan immediately make a decision in his hesitant heart.In another two or three years? !No!Let alone two or three years, he couldn't wait even two or three days.Since the day his mother left, he has been waiting and waiting, day after day, year after year, no, he doesn't want to wait any longer.

The Master once said: There is no such thing as something for nothing in this world. If you want to get what you want, you have to work hard.

These three years of waiting are a good interpretation of what the Master said.If you want to see your mother, it's useless to wait, you can only do it yourself!
"Xiao Tong!" Following Ye Yan's shout, a blue cold light suddenly flashed in midair!
Then Jin Huan saw a small green snake wrapped around the young master's wrist.As if sensing Jin Huan's gaze, the little snake turned its rhombus-shaped head, its eyes gleaming with poison, and swallowed the snake's letter dangerously towards Jin Huan.

Jin Huan's face turned pale with fright, and she hurriedly backed away in a panic.She had seen this little snake before, it was the young master's pet, and she had personally seen this little snake bite someone to death.That's why Jin Huan is most afraid of this poisonous snake. If its uncle is dissatisfied and jumps up to bite her, he will definitely go home immediately to see his ancestors.

"Little Tong, go to bed." Ye Yan patted Sanhua Snake's head fondly, which was left for him by his mother.So if he wants to go out, he can take everything without it, but he can't take it without it.Moreover, Xiaotong can also protect him.

After thinking clearly, Ye Yan got up to pack his things.Clothes, silver taels, are essential!
Jin Huan just stared at her young master packing his luggage in such a daze, and asked blankly, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Ye Yan only took two pieces of Huanxi's clothes, and then took a lot of banknotes. If the clothes are gone, they can still be bought with money, but if the money is gone, they cannot be exchanged for clothes.So it’s definitely okay to get some extra money!

Hearing Jin Huan's question, it was rare for her to reply kindly, "Leave home!"

"..." Jin Huan silently read the word 'leave home' several times in his heart, suddenly, his brain opened up, and with a startled face, he jumped up and screamed: "Run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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