Chapter 443 Distress
The two bad-hearted children left the golden ring girl without any effort, and came to Ziyang City together.

After all, the two of them are children, and they encountered many bad guys along the way. Some of them were dressed luxuriously and wanted to cheat money, some of them were good-looking and wanted to kidnap and sell them to traffickers, and some of them had no father or father. The mother wanted to trick her into going home to raise her... Cough cough, no matter what she wanted to do, she was finally messed up by two poor children.

All the way 'fighting, killing and killing' he insisted on walking the journey of seven or eight days for more than half a month.

"Little brother, do you really care about sister Jinhuan? She is a girl alone, and she is also a very beautiful girl. There will be many men who want to bully her. My mother and aunt said that the girl's innocence More important than life, if she loses her innocence, she will definitely commit suicide. Hey! Poor sister Jinhuan is not a good person! If it weren't for the heartless young master who forcibly took her out of the house, she would not have suffered such a serious crime. She You are still so young, you haven't pulled your hair up yet, you haven't married and had children, you haven't been filial to your parents-in-law and serve your parents..." Ermao blinked and blinked, with a small mouth chattering on the street from the time he entered the city gate until now. After wandering around for two or three laps, it still hasn't stopped.

Ye Yan's face was dark, and the fist hanging by his side was clenched and creaked. After taking a few deep breaths, he finally couldn't hold back, and punched him with a punch, shouting, "Shut up!"

Ermao blinked again, his big watery eyes were full of tears, he stared at him pitifully and aggrievedly, and continued to babble: "Don't let me talk, just say it, if you don't tell me how do I know you don't like to listen to me, you Don't tell me, I thought you liked listening to me, so I kept talking..."

"..." Cheng Yeyan felt insane and extremely painful.Gritting his teeth, he casually threw a bag of money to him, "We split into two groups, you take the money and go to the Wuji Inn to book a room, and I'll go find out the news and buy some clothes." Back away.There is a posture that after leaving, he will never come again.

If it was normal, Ermao would definitely not let him leave like this. You must know that this young master from a rich family is his parents.But now... Ermao weighed the money in his purse, and smiled brightly, as long as he had the money, even if he ran away, he wouldn't be sleeping on the street hungry.

Ermao put away his purse, entered the Wuji Inn happily, stood on tiptoe and talked to the shopkeeper behind the counter who was dialing the abacus, "Shopkeeper, please give me a room."

The shopkeeper stopped, looked at the child who was not even above the counter, and then looked up at the door, "Are you alone? Where's your adult?" The shopkeeper's tone was not very good, if it wasn't for the child wearing a brocade robe, he looked like For wealthy and noble families, he would have kicked him out a long time ago.Such a small child staying in the hotel alone?Make fun of him.

"My father is going to the county government next door to do business. It is not convenient to take me with him, so let me stay at your inn for one night, and say that he will pick me up early in the morning. Shopkeeper, this is silver. By the way, please send some food to the house Lie." Er Mao had a pure and well-behaved look on her face, and her beautiful little face was smiling very pleasingly.

When the shopkeeper heard him say 'go to the county government next door to do business', he guessed that his father was either an official or a policeman. No matter who he was, as long as he was involved in the government office, he would be a big man who couldn't afford to offend ordinary people like them.The shopkeeper hurriedly groveled and accompanied the smiling face, his flattering smile was almost obsequious, "Young master, I'm sorry for the poor hospitality, please come inside quickly." Then he raised his head, suppressed his smile and shouted, "God boy, come here and take care of the little one." Young Master, go to Room No. [-], Tianzi. Old Ma, go and order the kitchen to cook some good food, and act quickly, so that you don’t starve Young Master.” After some instructions, he returned the money to him with a groveling smile, “Little It is a blessing that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes to come to the small inn, how can you accept money from you?"

Ermao was not polite, and took back the money without any pressure, and raised a smile with a deep meaning, "Let the shopkeeper spend the money."

"No cost, no cost." Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the shopkeeper bent his back even more.This beautiful messy smiling face should be pleasing to the eye, but why does he feel a little creepy?

Er Mao's inadvertent air of extravagance made the shopkeeper even more convinced that his father was an official in the yamen, maybe even a high official.

Ermao doesn't care about your big or small officials, he only cares about the white money in his pocket.The little hand pressed the purse containing the silver tightly, and recalled happily in his heart, that day I bought osmanthus cake for my little brother and left half a penny for pears. The extra two taels of silver from the inn... I counted carefully with my fingers, and the total added up to five taels!

Get rich!Get rich!
When I think about the family wealth of five taels of silver, I am so excited that I can't find it.Thinking about it in my heart, when my little brother comes back later, should I tell him that I spent three taels of silver or four taels of silver to stay in the hotel?
Naturally, Ye Yan didn't know that his cheap brother was planning how to exploit him for his money. He turned around an alley and was about to go to the tea house in the next street, but suddenly bumped into someone walking towards him at the corner.

There was a sudden bump, as if hitting Buzhou Xianshan, the small body fell backwards involuntarily, and fell to the ground hard.

Ye Yan sat on the ground with his arms propped up, bit his lips tightly, his face was pale, and a few strands of hair stuck to his cheeks, obviously in a bit of embarrassment.At this time, not only did his butt hurt badly, but his head also suffered from shocks and stabbing pains.Ye Yan, who had never been treated like this before, was immediately annoyed, but before he could yell at him, a stern voice exploded above his head!

"You bastard, you don't have eyes when you walk, and you dare to bump into your grandpa!"

Unprepared, Yaluhong was bumped by this kid, pulling the wound on his back, sweating from the pain, grinning and yelling, "Fucking bastard, don't lie on the road and block Grandpa's way!" Lu, get the hell out of here!" He stretched out his foot to kick him away, but was stopped by Qi Yuncang.

Qi Yuncang's face was cold and hard, with an unhappy expression, "Let's go, one more thing is worse than one less thing, so as not to spoil a big event."

Yaluhong reluctantly withdrew his feet, and let out a 'pooh' in his heart. The "bitch of a son of a bitch" was about to leave cursing, but when he lifted his feet, his eyes met the boy's sinister eyes, and he couldn't help but Startled.

The coldness and cruelty in his eyes made Yeluhong feel timid in an instant, but after the timidity, he became angry!How can he be afraid of a hairless child who is a dignified general of the Shu Kingdom? !
In anger, Yaluhong felt murderous in his heart, his gaze froze, and he swiftly struck out, striking Ye Yan's Tianling Gai with a palm with strong inner strength, "Little beast! You want to die!"

The moment the palm fell, a blue lightning flew out of the sky.The three-flowered snake's pupils flickered slightly, and it bit Yeluhong's wrist with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Although Yeluhong is reckless, his martial arts are not bad, and because he was bumped into by Ye Yan before, he became vigilant. When he saw the blue poisonous snake flying out, he was shocked and quickly withdrew his palm.Qi Yuncang and Yaluhong are now grasshoppers on the same rope, so naturally they would not just watch him have an accident, but also shot instantly, and the majestic internal force swept out, shooting down the three-flowered snake.

Although Yaluhong withdrew his hand, Ye Yan was still affected by his palm force, his small body was blown up by the strong wind and fell to the corner of the wall, and passed out after a muffled groan.

"That poisonous snake just now..." Yaluhong felt lingering fear in his heart. Although he didn't recognize what kind of snake it was, he knew it must be extremely poisonous after thinking about it.Looking at the kid who was stunned by the palm, the furious murderous intent in his eyes became stronger, "This little bastard is so vicious at such a young age, let's see if I don't kill him to save the people."

"Enough!" Qi Yuncang stopped coldly, "He was injured by your palm, even if he didn't die, he would be disabled. We still have important things to do, it's not worth delaying important things for an insignificant person. Let's go!"

Yaluhong snorted coldly, and finally listened to Qi Yuncang's words, and left in a flick of his sleeves.

Qi Yuncang's hidden guards were all in ambush outside the Shuanghua Inn. When Qi Yuncang and Yaluhong arrived, their own subordinates reported the situation to them.

"General, our people are ready and ready to act at any time."

Qi Yuncang nodded. Although the arrangements had been made properly, he still asked cautiously, "But after finding out, she really only has ten guards around her?"

"Well, the subordinates have found out clearly, and there are only ten people in total including the personal maids around her."

Yaluhong was overjoyed, "Okay! God open your eyes, this is a great opportunity to assassinate." The tiger's eyes were ferocious, with murderous intent in his eyes, "If that bitch stays obediently in the military camp or government office, I may still have nothing to do with her .But who told her to be dishonest, she wanted to hang out, and she brought so few guards, didn't she understand that she wanted to invite Lao Tzu to kill her?"

The speaker has no intention of the listener.

"Could it be a trap? She lured us out on purpose to catch us all..." Qi Yuncang guessed.

"Don't worry, the general. The subordinates can be sure that there are no reinforcements or ambushes within a hundred miles. There are indeed only a few guards around her."

Qi Yuncang felt uneasy and hesitated, "With the method and wisdom of the Thunder King to kill my 40 army, it should be impossible to put myself in a difficult position..."

"There is nothing to hesitate. To deal with a woman who has no power to restrain a chicken, let alone ten people, I can take her head and hang it on our army flag as a sacrifice to our army's dead " Yeluhong swung his knife and slashed, as if Cheng Yimo's head was in front of his eyes, and when he swung the knife down, his head fell to the ground.

Qi Yuncang had had enough of his arrogance, and sneered, "But this powerless woman ruined our 40 army."

Being exposed to scars in public is very uncomfortable.Yeluhong's face suddenly turned ugly, and he retorted, "In my opinion, you were terrified by that woman. You don't have any scruples. You are afraid that the woman will kill you like you killed your two brothers, so I dare not make a move."

Mentioning the two dead brothers, Qi Yuncang lost his mind in an instant, his eyes were red with anger, and he ordered: "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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