Chapter 466
Bi Yuewu was startled, but immediately realized that the former masters of Suzaku and Xuanwu were punished by their master and ordered to stay in Wangchuan and not leave Wangchuan.He took the eagle talisman and knelt down to accept the order, "Your subordinate obeys."

"Go down." With Mo Xingfenglou hating him so much, he originally wanted to send Sigong Xingxiu to hunt down and kill the person in Xingfenglou with all his strength, but in the end reason overcame his impulse.Qinglong Qisu, headed by Qinglong, guards Wangchuan, and must not move lightly, otherwise it will cause chaos in Wangchuan.Although Suzaku Xuanwu was punished, he still had a task to do.Lixiao is very poisonous, but he doesn't know martial arts, so he can't protect his father's safety. The task of Suzaku and Xuanwu is to protect his father and Lixiao in Hongye Villa.

Yun Lingzhi yelled at the window for a long time, but no one paid attention to him, making himself like a madman, stomping his feet, turning around and stepping on the corridor from the gravel path, when he walked to the door, he was about to open the door, but saw the door opened automatically, "yeah ? Aren’t you Bi Yuewu, the fierce general under Baihu? What are you doing in the palace if you’re not in the barracks? You’re going into the prince’s boudoir..."

Bi Yuewu didn't even bother to look at him, and walked past him without looking sideways.

"Yeah, it's really... not cute at all." Yun Lingzhi grinned at his back, it's okay for him to be ugly, and he has a pretty big temper.

Yi Mo felt a headache when he saw him, and wiped his face helplessly, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing? Why do you have the nerve to ask! In the Qing Dynasty, lonely men and widows lived in the same room, do you still want to be famous?" Ever since Young Master Yun knew that her mother and Princess Jingyang were good friends, he called Jingyang After seeing Aunt Jing, she often regarded herself as the elder brother, and was even more in charge of Yimo. "Whether you can marry the 'Princess' depends on today. If there are any gossips because of this incident, let's see which other good family is there." I will marry you!"

"..." She rubbed her temples with an ugly face, only to feel that her headache was getting worse!
Young Master Yun still knows how to advance and retreat, seeing her face is very gloomy, he knows that she has reached the verge of going berserk, if he angers her, he will be the one who will suffer.He straightened his body, coughed twice and said, "Of course, I still believe in you. I know that you are not the kind of person who doesn't know what matters. It must be because of something important that forced you to do so, avoid suspicion, I'd better be careful in the future Well, after all, this is the palace, not a military camp. If something bad comes out by accident, Aunt Jing will lose her face."

Yi Mo snorted coldly, "This king, let's see who dares to talk too much!"

Seeing her disapproval, Yun Lingzhi had no choice but to remind him, "It's better to be cautious. You must know that there are not only butler servants in the mansion, but also those young masters sent in by the adults..."

"Since that's the case, send them back wherever they came from. The king's mansion doesn't keep these slanderous people." The shouting voice carried an irresistible majesty.

Hearing this, Young Master Yun's heart tightened, and he hurriedly stopped him, "Don't, don't, don't..." In a second of thought, he pulled out a lie, "The gift sent back is returned intact, that is called hitting the face of the person who gave the gift." You must know that the officials of our Chengtian Dynasty have the custom of sending concubines. The purpose of sending concubines is to win the relationship, and the second is to ask for something. No matter what, the gift must be accepted, otherwise it will be accepted by other officials. Exclusion and isolation. The most important thing in officialdom is connections. If a person is isolated by other officials, his official career will come to an end... Therefore, even His Royal Highness will not rashly give the gift return to."

Staring at her nervously, "You said, right?"

Yi Mo thinks about it and thinks what he said is reasonable.Enen said twice and no longer intend to discuss this topic.

Seeing her nodding, Yun Lingzhi quietly wiped off his cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.If she sends all those young masters away, he will really have nothing to love!
Yi Mo had a panoramic view of his reaction, and secretly sneered in his heart, is it easy to fool her when she is a fool?Don't think that she doesn't know whose bed he got down from this morning. In this palace, there is nothing that can be hidden from her.If she didn't have more important things to do now, she would definitely punish him for his shameless flirtatious habit of cheating his superiors and using his power for personal gain!
"I asked you to investigate, how did the investigation go?" Yimo leaned in the grand master's chair, and slowly closed his eyes, as if closing his eyes to rest his mind.

Yun Lingzhi raised his head, quite proudly, "I've got some eyebrows."

In the past few days in Beijing, he wandered around the streets and alleys, wine cellars and teahouses all day long, not only to inquire about the news of young talents in the capital, but also to find out about Yu Wenchen.

Yi Mo's face was serious, Yuan Lang killed Yu Wenchen in a fit of rage, but he didn't get any news from Yu Wenchen.Thinking about it now, although Yuwen Shen is a person with strong self-esteem and cowardice and low self-esteem, he is not a person without brains. He must know what a crime it is to assassinate a feudal king, so how could he assassinate his father in full view.Reminiscing about Yudie being controlled by the poisonous poison to kill her, Yi Mo suddenly felt that Yu Wenchen's killing of his father was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Three years ago, Yuwen Shen entered the gambling house to gamble, and was bewitched by a man named Qian Huan. At first, Yuwen Shen was very lucky. Whether it was betting singles or doubles, he was the one who won, and he won several times in a row. After paying 8000 taels, Yu Wenchen became obsessed with gambling after tasting the sweetness. Later, he alarmed Boss Zhang of the gambling house, who bet 5 taels as soon as he came, and bet with Yu Wenchen on the 8000 taels in his hand and his One hand. According to the memory of the boy in the gambling shop, Yuwenchen was a little timid. He wanted not to gamble, but Qian Huan started to seduce him. When he said Yuwenchen, his heart was moved, and he wagered 8000 taels one hand……"

There is no doubt that Yuwen Shen lost, otherwise there would not be the later Yuwen Shen who came to ask for money and was humiliated and abused by his father.

Thinking of her father's unrestrained and unrestrained style in the past, and seeing how he looks sick in bed now, her heart suddenly became heavy, "Where is Qian Huan now?"

"I've already asked. Three years ago, Qian Huan and his family moved out of the capital. Where are they now?" Shrugged, "Ghost knows."

I only know one name, but no portraits. It is extremely difficult to find out among these tens of millions of ordinary people.What's more, I don't know if 'Qian Huan' is his real name.

Young Master Yun frowned, "...I always feel that Qian Huan and Boss Zhang of the gambling shop jointly designed Yu Wenchen. Otherwise, you said that Yu Wenchen would win whatever he gambled at the beginning, but instead In the last one, you almost lost your life? Others say that out of ten bets, nine loses..."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.Yi Mo suddenly opened his eyes, "Let's start with Boss Zhang of the casino. Five days later, I want to know the whereabouts of Qian Huan!"

"Okay." Young Master Yun shook his head and went out, intending to meet that boss Zhang himself.As soon as he stepped out of the door, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and suddenly remembered that there was one very important matter that he had not reported, so he immediately withdrew his feet and ran back, "My lord, that, Aunt Jing asked me to tell you With a sound, she has already replied to the old prince Fenghao's greeting card, asking you to dress up quickly, and you must go to Fenghao Prince's mansion for a banquet before Sishi arrives."

(End of this chapter)

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