black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 478 The Crown Prince Wins!

Chapter 478 The Crown Prince Wins! (1)
Yi Mo picked up the teacup, raised the bead curtain, and walked inside, his eyes fell on the gorgeous and huge stage, but he said softly to Baoqin, "Miss Boss, please do it yourself, I don't need anyone to wait here."

There was a moment of embarrassment on Baoqin's face, and he unnaturally brushed his hair behind his ears, and smiled, "In this case, the concubine will resign."

After Baoqin retreated, only Fengyuejin and Yimo were left in the room.

"Lonely men and widows living in the same room, how decent is this! How decent!" The prince was so angry that his face turned green.

Eunuch Boots quickly stroked his chest, "Please calm down, please calm down. This is in broad daylight, Mr. Feng dare not do anything to Miss Biao."

"Who said that? Beasts don't distinguish between night and day." The prince retorted.

"..." Eunuch Boots said: This is about you, right?

The innocent little monk Wen Nuo clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, you are so kind! The little monk sees that the Feng donor is upright in his words and deeds, and has a modest temperament. He doesn't seem to be a murderer. Donor Li doesn't need to worry about the safety of the donor."

Li Chenyu: "..."

Eunuch Boots: "..."

As soon as Wen Nuo said this, the room was silent.At this time, there was a pleasant faint fairy sound from the building, and on the gorgeous stage, a beautiful woman in a neon dress appeared enchantingly. The woman's body was as light as a swallow, and she danced with the music. Every movement and every gesture is so elegant and beautiful, like a butterfly dancing among flowers, coquettish, charming, and the dance is thrilling.

Feng Yuejin was also gradually fascinated by it. It was the first time he had seen such a beautiful dancing posture, and he murmured the background of the woman unconsciously, "The dancing woman is the number one girl in Lixiang Building. She was on Tongsi River last year. In the Oiran Contest, she was amazing in her dance and easily won the crown, because her dancing skills are superb, and she dances as beautifully as a dancing butterfly, so she has the reputation of 'Butterfly Fairy'."

Since he can get such high praise as 'Die Xian', it is natural to dance extraordinary.Yi Mo also looked a little absent-minded. Although the dancing girl was depraved, her expression was cold and lonely, like a pure and flawless white lotus flower on the top of a snow mountain, pure and beautiful; and as if she was still tall and straight under the thick snow Standing green pine, unyielding.Proud and noble temperament, glamorous appearance, coupled with superb dancing skills... It is not an exaggeration to dance all over the city!

Feng Yuejin was fascinated by it, and when she put the teacup on the table, she accidentally knocked it over, and at this moment, Yi Mo put her hand on the table again, and the overflowing tea splashed her hand.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose..." Feng Yuejin suddenly panicked, took out a silk handkerchief, and held Yi Mo's hand to help her wipe off the water stains.

With a loud bang, the door was kicked open.

Feng Yuejin turned around in astonishment, before she could see who was kicking the door, she saw an afterimage left in the air, and then...he was kicked away? !
The prince was full of evil spirits, his eyes were full of murderous aura, and the cold air in his sharp eyes made the atmosphere of the whole room cool down in vain. "you wanna die!"

Locked by that cold gaze, Feng Yuejin paled in shock, coupled with the colic pain in the abdomen that was kicked like a knife, her head was empty, her eyes went dark, and she fell unconscious immediately.

"Amitabha!" Monk Wen Nuo, whose heart was as good as that of the Buddha, hurried over, helped him sit on the chair, and then healed his wounds without saying a word.Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!
The crown prince despised his fake mercy, snorted disdainfully, then moved to Yi Mo's side, raised her wet hand, and wiped it distressedly, "Mo'er, no, no Was it scalded? Does it hurt? Why are you so careless, your hands are red, you really feel sorry for me."

Yi Mo originally wanted to teach him a lesson, but Feng Yuejin was also her future husband-in-law, and she was injured by him inexplicably. As a future wife, she must find Feng Yuejin's place and face.But his series of 'ahhh' made his eyes turn into circles of mosquito coils.Very powerless!

Feng Yuejin fainted quickly and woke up quickly, the main credit is that the little monk Wen Nuo tried his best to infuse him with true energy, which caused him to wake up with a rosy complexion, which is comparable to taking Shiquan Dabu pills!

"Caomin see His Highness the Crown Prince." After waking up, Feng Yuejin immediately knelt in front of His Highness the Crown Prince to salute.Just kidding, this is His Royal Highness the Chujun who kills without blood and cannibalizes without spitting out bones.I heard that when he is in a bad mood, even a third-rank official of the imperial court can push him out without hesitation!

The crown prince's face turned serious, and the jealousy and resentment in his heart rolled like waves, and he was about to trample him to death.Mr. Boots stopped him quickly with his eyes and hands, and whispered in his ear, "Master, Fifteen said that Miss Biao wants to find a good husband who is gentle, courteous, courteous, and polite. The man who killed..."

Eunuch Boots sighed in his heart, gentleness, gentleness, gentleness, modesty and politeness are all the same in his father, and the flow of unreasonable fighting, fierceness, domineering, brutality and cruelty is the same for his father.

After being repeatedly reminded by Eunuch Boots, the crown prince has no choice but to pay attention to his Mo'er's preferences.Calmly suppressing the murderous thoughts in his heart, with a solemn face, all kinds of noble and glamorous stared at Feng Yuejin: "Excuse me."

Although Feng Yuejin has a lot of backbone, he is a scholar after all. After hearing about His Royal Highness's cruel deeds, how could he stand in front of him and answer as if nothing had happened? After receiving a sharp look from His Royal Highness, his face turned pale , his legs went limp, and he instantly looked terminally ill.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, a heavenly voice sounded from behind, "Amitabha. The body of the donor is just right, and it is not easy to stand for a long time. Let the little monk help you to sit aside."

Fengyuejin heaved a sigh of relief, put all her weight on Wen Nuo, and gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you, Master."

"Don't be polite."

After sitting down, my heart was still a little trembling. I looked at the cup of Wuyi rock tea in my hand. I wanted to drink a cup of hot tea to calm my shock, but considering that there was still His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who held the power of life and death sitting in the room, I immediately turned my eyes away. Kai, looked at him respectfully and admiringly, and said with some doubts: "Your Highness just now..."

Heck, that's a very polite question.

The crown prince squeezed his throat, feeling a little dry, so he naturally picked up the teacup Mo'er had drunk, took two sips to moisten his throat, and said nonchalantly, "Oh, the crown prince accidentally read it wrong just now, and what's wrong?" I thought someone insulted my cousin Mo." When she lied, she didn't even blink her eyes.

Hearing this, Feng Yuejin was stunned for a moment, then relieved.Thinking about it carefully, what I did just now was indeed inappropriate.It is wrong for a man and a woman to kiss each other, even staring at a woman a few more times, let alone holding her hand and not letting go.Although I said it was an unintentional mistake, it is a frivolous act in the eyes of outsiders. If it is spread, the woman will not be innocent at all. If she changes to a family with serious education, her reputation will be ruined before she is married, and she will not be dragged into a pigpen Shen Tang to show his innocence! ?
(End of this chapter)

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