Chapter 491

"Master, Sun Honggeng's housekeeper has left the village with weapons." In the kitchen, Shiwu habitually looked around cautiously before reporting to the crown prince.

Li Chenyu was making sweet-scented osmanthus cake for her daughter-in-law. Hearing this, he paused his hands, his expression froze, and asked, "Which way are you going?"

"The official road in the northwest."

"Northwest? Is it the road leading to Shengfengling?" Li Chenyu squinted his eyes, and suddenly remembered that Mo'er was in Shengfengling three years ago when his accident happened.Although he ordered Long Yi to investigate what happened back then, Long Yi never found out where Mo'er was or what he did during the month when he disappeared in Shengfeng Ridge.Judging from the news from Long Yi's investigation, Cheng Yudie suddenly appeared in Zhangjia Village, and took advantage of Mo'er's negligence to assassinate her and caused her to have no child. A month later, Mo'er appeared in Shenbing Villa. He was rescued by a maid who went home to visit relatives in the villa.At that time, Mo'er fainted by the side of the road, and her whole body was covered with bruises... Li Chenyu suddenly clenched his hands, his whole body was filled with hostility, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.He will definitely pay back twice the suffering that Mo'er has suffered!
"Tell Long Yi not to act while occupying the position, and keep an eye on the butler. Sun Honggeng was able to transfer weapons so quickly, it should be because someone in the court informed him. If so, there must be someone who will support him at the destination he is going to reach. Wait for them to connect before we attack again, just to catch them all!" Li Chenyu had a feeling that Shengfeng Ridge would be the place to unlock all the secrets, touched the kitchen knife that Fifteen used to chop vegetables, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, "Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate!"

"Yes." Fifteen took the order, and was about to pass on His Royal Highness's order to Long Yi, but he was called back by the Crown Prince just after walking two steps.

Li Chenyu opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound. He hesitated for a moment and asked Ai Ai, "That, that..."

Seeing his expression on Shiwu, he understood, "Master, you want to ask Miss Biao, right?"

"Well, does she, does she have, does she..." I want to ask but feel embarrassed.

"I want to ask Miss Biao if she asked about you?"

The crown prince nodded quickly, and looked at him expectantly, "Yes, yes, did she ask?"

"No." Shiwu shook his head, so sincere that Li Chenyu wanted to die.

The prince suddenly felt his heart go cold, his twinkling eyes dimmed in an instant, he lowered his head in frustration, and murmured sadly, "How can I not ask, I have been missing for so long, how can she not?" Just ask... Could it be that she really has no feelings for me..."

Once this idea popped up, I couldn't suppress it.Suddenly, Li Chenyu felt that his heart was dead, and walked out of the kitchen in a daze.What are you doing hiding here? Anyway, Mo'er doesn't care about him, it doesn't matter whether he hides or not.

Seeing Master like this on the fifteenth day, he was very worried, and followed behind him cautiously, "Master, where are you going?"

Li Chenyu looked up at the sky sadly, and said in a deep and slow voice, "Master is going to a place where there is no joy or sorrow!"

Fifteen was so frightened that he staggered and almost fell to the ground. There is no place to be sad or happy?Western Paradise! ?
ah!Lord, is this the rhythm of seeking death?
Half an hour later, when Shiwu sat in the tavern and watched His Royal Highness raise a glass to himself, he finally calmed down his frightened mood, and secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking, it seems that he wanted to too much.

Li Chenyu was in a bad mood. When he came to the tavern to sit down, he drank one cup after another in silence. He drank a pot in half a cup of tea. Half an hour later, his eyes began to blur and his cheeks began to turn red. Caixia began to speak incoherently, "Why? Why? Why didn't you ask me...I love you so much, why did you leave me..."

"My heart hurts so much!" He suddenly roared, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the tavern.

Fifteen sat on the side obediently like a wooden man, with his head lowered to his chest. If he could, he would like to transform into a mouse and dig a hole in the ground, what a shame!

"Brother, it turns out that you are also trapped by love."

Hearing the sound, he turned around fifteen and saw a plain-clothed man in his twenties walking towards them with a wine jug. Looking carefully, the man's footsteps were a little frivolous, his gait was a little faltering, his eyes were a little blurred, and he was obviously a little drunk.

The man walked up to Li Chenyu and sat down, the two brothers stretched out their hands and patted him on the shoulder, feeling quite empathetic and comforting.Then he looked at the front with blurred eyes, as if he was talking to Li Chenyu, but also as if he was muttering to himself, "Brother, do you think this woman is making trouble for no reason?" Two sips of wine.

That's obviously a way to drink away one's sorrows.

Don't you want to drink away your worries? The prince also took two sips of wine, and even the breath he exhaled was full of alcohol, "No, women are really hard-hearted."

The man in plain clothes seemed to be looking for a bosom friend, and nodded excitedly, "Yes, she has a small belly. This woman's heart is smaller than the needle holes of an embroidery needle, and she is quite unreasonable. Didn't I just go to drink flower wine a few times Well, as soon as I go home, I will never let you go. Besides, that Cuihua and I are in the past, we have not been in touch for a long time, and she always uses her as an issue. There is also that pear flower, which is 800 The matter of Chen Zhima and rotten millet from years ago, she will talk about it endlessly all day long..."

The prince also nodded excitedly, "Yes, yes, yes. My wife is also a worry, you said she has given me a child, why is she still thinking about leaving me all day long? Am I right? Is she not good? I have devoted my heart and soul to her, what else does she want, is she willing to take a step forward only if I put my life in her hands..."

The man in plain clothes: "Which man do you think doesn't have any entertainment outside, and doesn't have one or two confidante? As long as I still love her, take care of her, and don't bring home messy women outside to annoy her, she will turn a blind eye and close her eyes." One eye is enough! You have to make trouble with me so that everyone knows about it... This woman is so ignorant."

"Yes, yes, yes." The prince agreed and nodded.

Fifteen covered his face, almost knelt down to this ancestor: Master, do you know what he is talking about, just keep nodding? !

The words of these two wine lunatics are completely different from each other, and they are simply wrong, but just looking at the scene of the two of them getting along, they feel that they are strangely harmonious.

The man in plain clothes took a sip of wine, shook his head and patted the prince's shoulder, "Brother, we are really destined." The man obviously couldn't tell which was right and which was wrong, so he opened his mouth and said eloquently, "Brother Taiwan, let me tell you, if you really love your daughter-in-law and really don’t want to break up with her, you have to pretend to be a grandson, you have to admit that you are cowardly, don’t care about right and wrong, you have to admit your mistakes first, admit your mistakes The attitude must be sincere, and you must not let your daughter-in-law see any falsehood. Also, you must not be half-hearted. When she is with you, you cannot flirt with other women's women, and flirt with each other. If you accidentally make skin contact with a concubine , don’t worry about whether you should or not, first confess to your daughter-in-law, and then kneel down on the washboard, cry and beg for forgiveness, so as to ensure the long-term stability of the family.”


Then the prince stopped cooking during the 'yes' response.As soon as his legs softened, he slid directly under the table, hugged the corners of the table legs, and started snoring.

Fifteen took a lot of effort to fish him out, then bowed twice, and muttered: "This subordinate has offended you." After speaking, he put the prince on his shoulder, carried him back home.

Yi Mo naturally didn't know about the scene of 'using wine to relieve sorrow', she saw Wen Nuo just as she walked out of the steamed stuffed bun shop.

The moment she saw Wen Nuo, she was neither surprised nor surprised, because she always knew that as long as she turned her head, she would always see that indifferent figure.It was because she knew it that she turned around resolutely and left at the next moment.Because she couldn't give him what he wanted, since she couldn't, why give him hopeless expectations!
The figure of her leaving resolutely was hidden in the depths of Wen Nuo's eyes, and the small shadow gradually drifted away.The smile on Wen Nuo's face only increased, "I knew she would be like this."

Wen Cai didn't have such an open mind like him, he didn't have such an indifferent disposition like him, seeing Cheng Yimo being so unfeeling, he felt only anger and unwillingness in his heart.I really want to rush forward to seek justice for my younger brother, I really want to question her loudly, how is Xiao Nuo inferior to that prince! ?She clearly had a marriage contract with Xiao Nuo first, but because of her empathy, she broke up the engagement as soon as she said it was broken off, which made Xiao Nuo so painful that she even became a monk!
"Xiao Nuo, you still laugh when she treats you like this." Wen Cai gritted his teeth with hatred.What's so good about such a woman.Why Xiao Nuo has to be her.

"Third brother, you won't understand."

Until the time of his death, Wen Cai still remembered this sentence.At that time, he was sitting on his grave, looking at the blood-stained tombstone, recalling this sentence, and said sadly in his heart: Yes, he really didn’t understand, what kind of magical power does love have, that it can make a person prefer I don't want to drag out an ignoble existence even if I burn everything together.

Yi Mo went in the direction of the Shenbing Villa. The purpose of her visit this time was to medicine Baicao. Since the medicine Baicao was hidden in the Shenbing Villa, it didn't matter if she took the initiative to enter the villa.

But not long after walking, I heard a strange yet familiar female voice behind me, "Miss?"

Yi Mo turned his head and saw a woman in peach pink running towards her with a full face of a smile. She was still as cheerful and lively as three years ago. When she smiled, there were cute dimples on both sides of her cheeks, and her long hair that was originally fluttering had been coiled up. In the beautiful woman's bun, the satisfaction and happiness that cannot be concealed are in the shining eyes.

When the woman ran close, Yi Mo smiled, in a very good mood, "Xiao Tao."

This person was Xiaotao, the servant girl next to the second owner of Shenbing Villa who saved Yimo and Yeyan's lives.

"Miss sister, is it really you?! I thought I had misunderstood the person." Xiaotao was very happy to see her, and held her hand affectionately, laughing and dancing, "It's great, Xiaotao finally sees you again. Now that it's your turn, I thought I'd never see you again in this life. Young lady, you left without saying goodbye, but you made Xiaotao sad for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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