black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 498 Calling Dad, Come and Listen

Chapter 498 Calling Dad, Come and Listen (2)
Before she finished speaking, the crown prince hurriedly interrupted, "Who are you!"

Cheng Yimo: "..."

Cheng Yeyan: "..."

"..." Xue Ruxue looked at him in disbelief, her deep affection gradually became distorted and ferocious, when Cheng Yimo thought she was going to turn into a ghost and pounce on Li Chenyu's mouth, she suddenly burst out laughing, The maniacal laughter was somewhat sad, "Xue Ruxue, Xue Ruxue, look, this is the man you love, the man you fell in love with with your life! You are willing to commit yourself to a 70-[-]-year-old old man for his sake. He was even killed and his family was ruined, but what about him, he doesn’t even remember who you are! Haha, woooo——” By the end of the laugh, tears were streaming down his face.

You love him so much that you give up everything, but he can't even remember who you are.The saddest thing is this!
Hearing Xue Ruxue's desolate laughter, Feng Sha raised the corner of his mouth ironically, his eyes flickered with anger, and ordered, "Shoot the arrow!"

The golden arrows were extremely dazzling in the sun, rows of arrows whizzed towards them, and the strong wind that was blown made people's skin ache.The overwhelming sharp arrows not only shot towards Li Chenyu and Cheng Yimo, but even Xue Ruxue did not let them go.Li Chenyu narrowed his eyes, and quickly grabbed Xue Ruxue.

Xue Ruxue's expression froze for a moment, and hope was ignited in her despair.He still couldn't bear her to die... He still has feelings for her, doesn't he?
When everyone thought that Li Chenyu was trying to save Xue Ruxue, no one expected that he would suddenly turn his wrist, grab Xue Ruxue and lift her up with one hand, and he would be thrown under Cheng Yimo in front of a wall of flesh. Above her head, there is a safe world for her.

In an instant, Xue Ruxue was shot into a hornet's nest. She stared at Li Chenyu with jaw-dropping eyes, her mouth was full of blood, and finally died with shock and resentment. Willingly staring at him—he will die with peace in his eyes!
Was staring at him like this trying to arouse guilt and anxiety in his heart?

Stop dreaming.

The prince is a typical wolf-hearted man. In this world, he never sees other women except his wife.For the safety of his fake precious daughter-in-law, he is willing to shield himself from the knife, let alone you, the heinous person who kidnapped his son and murdered his wife.

I have to say that the prince is so kind to his wife, he only cares about the safety of his precious daughter-in-law, he even forgot himself, when a round of arrows shot down, Yimo was safe and sound, but he had two more legs. A blood hole.

Li Chenyu suffered from pain, his left leg went limp, and Yimo, who was being hugged in his arms, also staggered a step. Seeing that he had been hit by two arrows in his thigh, a glint flashed in his eyes, and he raised his head to look at Fengsha standing above his head, addicted The blood's murderous aura soared into the sky, taking advantage of the gap between them changing hands, Cheng Yimo clasped Li Chenyu's waist with his backhand, put his arm around Cheng Yeyan, stepped on the arrow shot into the stone wall, jumped up, and Draw a long arc in the air.

Seeing this, Feng Sha was horrified, grabbed the bow and crossbow from the hand of the man beside him, put on the feathered arrow, drew the bow, and released the arrow in one go.The sharp arrow pierced the sky and shot directly between Li Chenyu's eyebrows: the master ordered Sun Honggeng to transport the weapons to the Mufu, which was originally set up for the prince to catch turtles in an urn. As long as the prince is killed, their mission will be completed.

Yi Mo narrowed his eyes dangerously, and the majestic zhenqi came out through his body. His wide sleeve robe was like a steel plate. With the power of thunder between them, he went straight to Fengsha in pursuit.

Before Feng Sha could even react, he was shot through the throat by a sharp arrow and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Qishang rushed forward with fifty black iron cavalry, and fought with the archers in the mansion.

Yi Mo supported Li Chenyu and sat aside, looking at the injury on his body, his brows were furrowed, "How is the injury?"

Twice stabbed in the back, and two arrows stuck in the leg, blood flowed a little bit, the prince's face was pale, if it was normal, he would definitely rely on his wife's side, but he pretended to be pitiful to win sympathy, but now It's not the time, looking at her with a gentle smile, holding her hand tightly, "It's okay, don't worry."

Li Chenxue was determined to put Li Chenyu to death, and arranged nearly a thousand archers in Mufu.Li Chenyu didn't enter the mansion with Cheng Yimo, but went to arrange Qishang.Originally, Qishang would arrive tonight with [-] profound iron tools, but as a last resort, he ordered Qishang to select fifty top experts to rush to Mufu with all their strength.Although Qishang, Long Yi and the others had great martial arts skills, they were no match for four hands with two fists, and gradually became powerless under the siege of nearly a thousand archers.

Yimo handed Yeyan over to Li Chenyu, and ordered Yun Lingzhi to guard the two from the side, and then he raised his sword and charged into the enemy army.Cheng Yimo was like a god of death, anyone who was within three feet of her was killed by a sword without any accident. With her joining, the situation changed instantly.

After half a cup of tea, Sun Jinxu, the second owner of the Shenbing Villa, brought people to support him. There is no doubt that he slaughtered the third prince Li Chenxue's people in two or three hours, leaving no one alive. .

Afterwards, Qishang knelt down in front of the crown prince and pleaded guilty: "Your Highness, your subordinate came late to save you, and deserves death!"

"Get up." The prince asked him to get up impatiently.

At this time, Young Master Yun came in with the steaming medicinal soup, looking at him sadly with a hint of sadness on his face, "Your Highness, I've taken the medicine."

The sad expression in the resentful eyes is like looking at a heartbroken man who has empathized with someone else.

The crown prince was staring at him so coldly that he broke out in cold sweat. He ignored Mo's warning, raised his uninjured right leg, and kicked this unmasculine monster out with one kick, wow!A big man, coy, really disgusting!

"Hey, boy, are you dumb? You haven't snorted for a long time." The prince leaned lazily on the head of the bed, and casually glanced at Cheng Yeyan who was sitting across from him silently.

"..." Xiao Yeyan straightened his back, sat on the chair with a cold and serious face, gave him a cold look, and then looked away with a bit of disdain.

"Ho!" Being despised by his son, the prince was angry and funny, pushed away the seven wounds that came to help him, walked up to Ye Yan's little friend, bent down, stretched out his hand to grab his cheek, and deliberately squeezed his face. His mouth was twisted, and he said with a very bad attitude, "I am your father, do you understand how to respect your father? Come on, call Dad and listen."

Little friend Yeyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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