Chapter 508 Ning Wang
In the 450th year of Chengtian, on the sixth day of early spring, the third son of Emperor Ganmin ascended the throne in accordance with the edict.At the enthronement ceremony, the Minister of Rites first played the invitation to the emperor, and officials at all levels saluted, and then accompanied the new emperor to the Imperial Palace.At this time, according to the rules of the ceremony, the music was played by the music in the palace, but because it was frustrated, it was stipulated that the music should not be played, and only the bells and drums were ringing on the East Emperor Gate.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, the whips were blown three times, and under the command of the officials who praised him, all the officials knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, before entering the congratulatory form.Finally, an imperial edict was issued to show that the new emperor is the "true son of destiny".This edict was originally held by the grand master who was the head of the three masters, and then handed over to the minister of the Ministry of Rites to hold the edict to the next step, handed over to the secretary of the Ministry of Rites to put it in the cloud, and then the people of Luan Yiwei held the yellow cover and shared it with the middle way Go out of the Golden Luan Gate, and then blow the whip, and the ceremony is complete.

But it stopped at the moment when the grand master handed out the imperial edict.

Li Chenxue was wearing a dragon robe and sitting majestically on the dragon chair, her gloomy face was covered by the bright yellow crown.Su Mu stepped forward to report in fear, "Your Majesty, people from the Grand Master's Mansion said that the Grand Master has a high fever this morning and is sick in bed, so he can't come..."

Li Chenxue gritted her teeth with hatred, "He thinks that if he doesn't come, my enthronement hall will not be able to continue! Feng Chengyi, I order you to temporarily take the position of Grand Master and bring me an imperial edict."

Feng Chengyi bowed to accept the order, "Follow the order."

In the palace, the new emperor's enthronement hall is in full swing.Outside the palace, King Ning was leading 5000 troops straight to the Palace of Thunder King.At this moment, a deafening explosion spread across the capital, and a mushroom cloud rose from the direction of the city gate, followed by a pungent smell of gunpowder spreading from the air.

"Woo—" Nie Wang suddenly reined in the reins, and looked at the city gate in surprise, "What's going on?"

Daxi fanned his nose, smelled the strong smell of gunpowder, and looked at the gradually dissipating mushroom cloud. A bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, "The prince and Thunder King may have already entered the city."

"Impossible!" Ning Wang exclaimed in shock, "Didn't He Zong order the city gates to be closed tightly? And he is still guarding with [-] soldiers. How could Li Chenyu and the others capture it in such a short period of time?" City gate!"

"My lord, have you forgotten? Three years ago when the Thunder King was imprisoned, Princess Ping'an presented Yimo with two big gifts to the late emperor. Do you still remember the second big gift?"

How could he not remember, not only him, but all the common people in the capital probably remember it.But in the blink of an eye, a tall Lion Mountain was blown into dust.

Thinking of the power of the gunpowder, King Ning shuddered all over his body, thinking of retreating, "That woman not only has powerful weapons in her hands, but also elite cavalry, we take these people to besiege the palace, aren't we going to die? "He dared to bring 8000 people to besiege after seeing the old, weak, sick, and disabled in Thunder King's Mansion.Now that the crown prince and Thunder King are attacking, how can he be enough for them to kill him? The most important thing is to escape early.

Daxi stretched out his hand to grab Ning Wang who was about to turn back, and persuaded him, "My lord, now we and the third prince are grasshoppers on the same rope. Regardless of whether we are harmful to the people in the Thunder Palace, the Thunder King and the prince will deal with us. At this moment There is only one way before us, and that is to capture Princess Jingyang and use her to restrain the Thunder King. As long as Princess Jingyang is in hand, even if she has millions of cavalry, the Thunder King will not dare to do anything to us."

King Ning was silent for a while with a sullen face, and finally waved his hand to order people to approach Lei Ting's mansion, and quickly besieged the mansion.

"Catch Li Jingyang alive, and kill everyone else."

"How dare you!" Princess Jingyang was trembling with anger. Although she and King Ning were not of the same mother, they were brothers and sisters. "Li Ning, you will be struck by lightning."

"Heaven strikes lightning? Hahaha..." Ning Wang seemed to hear a big joke, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "How did Li Ganmin get the throne? He killed his father and king, and did all kinds of bad things, but he was not caught by the sky." A lightning strike, am I just kidnapping a half-sister and then being struck by lightning? What a joke."

Jingyang was furious, "You poisoned the emperor and usurped the throne..."

"Wait a minute, Li Jingyang, you have to figure it out, it's not me who usurped the throne, but your good nephew. But then again, this is also retribution. More than 20 years ago, Li Ganmin killed his father and seized the throne. Afterwards, he was killed by his own son and usurped the throne, and now it's brothers killing each other again, hahaha, what a retribution." Seeing her face pale like a ghost after being beaten, King Nie felt very happy.

"Cough, cough, cough." Princess Jingyang was so angry that he supported the pillar and coughed, looked at King Ning with a sad face, and said sadly, "Li Ning, my brother has never treated you badly these years, seal you up." For the sake of the prince, you are respected by eating, drinking and enjoying yourself in the mansion. But what about you, how did you repay him?"

Hearing this, the smile on King Ning's face gradually faded, and he said ferociously, "Treat me well? If he really treats me well, he won't just give me a title but not a land! Let me lose my head in front of all the clan members! Let me be ridiculed and ridiculed by all the officials! Let me live like a grandson!"

"Li Jingyang, don't think..."

"My lord!" Daxi interrupted him suddenly, glanced at the man in Tsing Yi standing beside Princess Jingyang, and said cautiously, "My lord, they are deliberately delaying time, we must do it as soon as possible, and we must arrest them before the rescuers arrive." Live in Li Jingyang, otherwise our lives will be lost."

King Ning glared at Li Jingyang viciously, "What a bitch! You're playing tricks on me." He waved his hand and ordered, "Come on, bring that bitch to me."

Overnight, there was a steady stream of screams and screams in the palace.

Although Qinglong and the others have high martial arts skills, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands. It is very difficult to protect Li Jingyang, so they have no time to manage the servant girls in the mansion.

It was still Yi Mo who had the foresight to tell Zhang Yuelu to ignore other things after entering the city long before entering the city, and just go straight to the palace with five thousand cavalry.

When Qinglong and Yun Lingzhi were about to lose their hold, Zhang Yuelu led people to arrive, and with five thousand against eight thousand, he insisted on killing all of King Ning's men.

King Ning doesn't know martial arts, and without the protection of the people around him, Zhang Yuelu rubs him up if he wants to, and tramples him when he wants to.He kicked him off the horse with a flying kick, and the steel knife came to his neck, let's see what he has to do!
The icy sharp blade pressed against his skin, and King Ning's legs trembled in fright, "You, you can't kill me, I am the heir of the royal family, the prince personally appointed by the late emperor, and the younger brother of your concubine, you can't kill me .”

Zhang Yuelu let out a chuckle, playing foolishly, "I didn't see any prince or younger brother. I only saw thieves shouting and killing us in the palace, and even wanted to take our concubine away. My lord, I sincerely protect the lord, and I am in a hurry." With a knife in hand, he rushed forward, and chopped off the bandit leader's head to the ground with a 'click'."

Ning Wang widened his eyes in horror, "You, you..."

"Me, what am I? Hurry up and die with your eyes closed!" After speaking, he raised the knife and slashed at his neck.

"No! I have the gold medal for avoiding death from the late emperor. If you kill me, the Lei Ting Palace will not be able to get rid of it." King Ning roared anxiously.

Zhang Yuelu doesn't care if you have a gold medal or not, he will still chop with a knife.

"and many more."

A carriage approached slowly, and a deep voice came from inside the carriage.

The person who came was Yan Taishi who claimed that he was "high fever and bedridden".

Zhang Yuelu looked curiously at Yan Wenshu who was walking towards him.He held a golden sword in his hand, and vaguely saw a soaring golden dragon carved on the scabbard.Zhang Yuelu saw him walking slowly with the sword in his arms, with a solemn and stern expression, as if he was holding his father's spirit tablet!
Jingyang greeted him with the support of Yun Lingzhi, "Grand Master, you are..."

Yan Wenshu raised his hand reassuringly, signaling her to stop talking, and walked past her towards Ning Wang.When King Ning saw it, he immediately shouted eagerly as if he was seeing Guanyin Bodhisattva, "Teacher, save me quickly!"

Yan Wenshu stopped only three steps away from King Ning, and said to Zhang Yuelu, "Prince Ning is a prince, if you kill him right away, your master King Thunder will be imprisoned and interrogated by the royal clan. With the gold medal in his body, even the late emperor has no right to bestow him with death."

"Yes, yes, yes, I have the gold medal for avoiding death. Even the first emperor can't kill me, let alone you, a lowly pawn." Ning Wang seemed to have found a backer, and quickly got up from the ground, but seeing Zhang Yuelu's face was still a bit awkward. Fear, Xiucai is most afraid of encountering soldiers, not to mention a bandit like him who would stab people with a knife at every turn.Moved to Taishi Yan's side in fear, this is reasonable, safe!
But as soon as he took a step, a bright golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and then his chest felt cold... He looked down and saw a sharp sword piercing his chest.Yan Wenshu's deep and slow voice lingered in his ears, "But I have a Shangfang sword in my hand. This Shangfang sword was given by Emperor Wu Xiao. It will kill the faint king and kill Xiao Xiao."

King Ning suddenly remembered that Li Ganmin used this Shangfang sword when he killed his father and king.This is also the reason why he blatantly beheaded the emperor on the dragon bed but was still able to ascend the throne and become the emperor.No matter how cruel and heartless Emperor Jing Ren is, he is still the king of a country. Even if he uses the excuse of killing harm for the people, he cannot be exonerated from the crime of treason and inhumanity. All sins can be forgiven.Because everyone who died under Shang Fang's sword deserved to be killed, even the emperor was no exception!

Ning Wang stared wide-eyed, he would not die with peace in his eyes!

The war on this side will stop, and the war will start on the other side.

Yi Mo led the iron cavalry all the way into the palace, so fierce and fierce, it was like a god blocking and killing gods and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas, his eyes were red from the killing, and he looked so fierce, it was frightening to watch!
Qishang looked at her, and felt a sense of fear for no reason in his heart. If she continued to kill like that, she might go crazy!

But it was also because of King Mo's ferocity that he directly killed a bloody path.He entered the palace as quickly as possible before imparting the jade seal to the new emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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