Chapter 510 Reunion
In Kunyi Palace, in front of the Buddha's spirit.Yan lamented that she had taken off the gorgeous and graceful palace attire, the golden beaded hairpins, and layers of makeup. She was dressed in plain clothes and a string of Buddhist beads.

Sitting cross-legged next to the table where the Buddha statue is enshrined, Ermao has exquisite eyebrows, a small and cute nose, and a small pink mouth, just like a little boy next to the Buddha.

After Yan Xixi finished reading a passage of scriptures, she took off the prayer beads in her hand and placed them beside the scriptures, and patted the snoring boy who tilted his head, "Xiao Xiantong, it's time to eat."

The dozing little fairy boy woke up instantly, his eyes lit up, and he looked at her expectantly, "I want to eat braised pork!"

Yan regretfully nodded his forehead affectionately, smiled lightly and cursed, "Snack."

Ermao licked the corners of his mouth covetously, with one pair of eyes, pretending to be a greedy little mouse, and pouted in a buzzing voice, "Because I belong to the mouse!" It was so funny, it made Yan regretted laughing out loud.

Aunt Ji led the people in with the food, and was very pleased to hear the empress's laughter, "Madam, just now Xiao Anzi sent someone to report that the third prince Li Chenxue escaped, He Zong was shot to death by King Thunder, Xiao Dongwei and Feng Chengyi The others have already subdued the law."

Yan Xi took Er Mao's hand and walked towards the table, without any surprise on her face, her gentle smile was as warm and generous as ever, "This storm is finally over..."

Outside the door, I suddenly heard the voice of the maidservant blocking me, "Madam He, the empress is resting, and there are no outsiders, please..."

"Go away!"

The next moment, the door was pushed open, and He Qian led someone into the room.

The guard in black beside her looked anxiously and cautiously outside the palace wall, urging He Qian, "Mother, time is running out, let's go out first."

He Qian stretched out her hand and waved away the hand handed by the guard in black, and glared at Yan regretfully, "She will not die, and I will not be reconciled to leaving."

The leading guard in black looked at Yan regretfully, and finally gave the person behind him a wink, "Go and kill her."

"Yes." The man drew his sword and stabbed at Yan Xixi.

Seeing this, Er Mao rolled neatly under the table with a short body, and hid behind the bright yellow tablecloth, only revealing two bright and clear eyes.In the world of grown-ups, a child should not participate in it!

The crown prince had already arranged secret guards beside Yan Xixi for protection, how could she, He Qian, be able to kill if she wanted to.The man's sword tip hadn't pierced into Yan Xi's chest before he was stopped by two hidden guards who rushed out suddenly.

Seeing this, the guard in black panicked and pulled He Qian forcefully, "Let's go!"

"Want to leave?" Sen Leng's voice suddenly sounded, and Yi Mo rushed into the Kunyi Palace with archers, and shouted sharply, "Let the arrows go."

In an instant, He Qian and the guards in black were shot to death by random arrows.

Ermao, who was hiding under the table, saw Yimo, who was like a god descending, was overjoyed beyond words, and hurried out from under the table, shouting loudly: "Mother!"

"Yan'er?" Yi Mo frowned, looking at his son dressed as an eunuch, his brows were so frown that he could kill a fly, wasn't he by A Yu's side, why did he come here?Also dressed so nondescript...

Yi Mo originally slaughtered all directions in the Golden Luan Palace, but just after killing He Zong, Xiao Dongwei and a group of rebel officials and thieves, he heard a report from the servants, saying that He Qian led people straight to Kunyi Palace to take the Queen's life.Yi Mo's heart was full of murderous intent, and he couldn't stop killing. When he heard about this, he threw his son at Li Chenyu, and headed straight to Kunyi Palace with the archers.So... Great King Mo, your son Cheng Yeyan is with his father right now!
The crown prince took his son and led the crowd towards Kunyi Palace shortly after Yimo left.

"Mother!" Cheng Yeyan was worried about his mother's comfort, and hurried the crown prince into the palace, seeing his mother standing there intact, he was relieved and at the same time proudly shouted out.Look, this is his mother, his mother is amazing!
Hearing the sound, Yi Mo suddenly turned around, and was shocked when he saw the little luotou standing at the door!Stupidly turned around to look at this in the hall, then turned to look at the one at the entrance of the hall, then at that, then at this... Finally, it turned into wood directly!
On the contrary, Yan regretted calling out in surprise, "Ah! Why are there two Ermao?!"

As soon as the words fell, the crown prince stepped into the hall, saw the two identical faces, and immediately screamed, "Ah! Why do you have two sons!?"

The prince helped his daughter-in-law, who had already lost her mind, to sit aside, and then ordered the little boots to find two small benches, and let the two little radish heads squat on them.Yan regretted that after shedding her graceful and dignified expression, she became as lively and curious as a young and beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Regardless of her image, she squatted in front of the two of them, and glanced back and forth at Da Mao and Er Mao, "This is too handsome. It's like...the nose, the eyes, the eyebrows, they're all the's amazing."

Even Aunt Ji, who is as steady as she is, couldn't resist saying, "Yeah, it's really too similar."

Er Mao smiled sweetly, and leaned against Da Mao, "My little brother and I look alike."

Aunt Ji had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Er Mao, could you be brothers?"

Er Mao bowed her head in frustration, "I don't know, I don't have a mother, Aunt Chunhua said that when my mother passed by Shengfengling, she accidentally left me in Zhangjia Village..."

Seeing his sad face, Yan felt distressed, and quickly changed the topic, "Let's not talk about this, the world is so big, there are always a few who look alike, and two people who look alike are not necessarily brothers... Come on, stand up and let me see if they are the same height? Ah, they are really the same height, even the hair is the same length, stretch out your hands... even the little hands are the same fleshy."

The prince was also tickled, and finally couldn't help but squeezed up and squatted with his mother, pinched Ermao's steamed bun face, and squeezed his son's steamed bun face, and said in surprise, "Even the cheek is as soft as it is!" Huh."

"..." Cheng Yeyan's head was covered with black lines, and with a cold face, he stretched out his hand to slap the claws off his face.

"Hiss! Damn boy, you hit really hard." The prince withdrew his hand in pain, and stared at him, "I'm your old man, dare to hit me? Be careful when you strike with lightning."

"What did you say!?" Yan Xi was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and screamed.He glanced at his son, then stared sideways at Ye Yan, and suddenly slapped his thigh.With his little face, who dares to say that this child is not her son's son, she killed his whole family!
Her son's son is also her grandson!She regrets that she finally has a grandson——

"Hahaha... Good grandson, my precious good grandson." Yan Xi was so excited that he hugged Xiao Yeyan into his arms, laughing and crying for a while, and kept murmuring, "My good grandson, good grandson." She was looking forward to her grandson like crazy, and now she is finally looking forward to it, death is worth it!
(End of this chapter)

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