Crazy Concubine is very sturdy

Chapter 393 is about to give birth

Chapter 393 is about to give birth (1)
When Leng Xia woke up, she stretched out her hand to check her side, and it was as cold as last time.

The phoenix eyes opened, and looked around, but there was no sign of that person in the room, she put on her clothes and got out of bed, the little palace maid outside the door was startled, and asked softly: "Your Majesty?"

The sky outside was already getting brighter, and her belly was turning white. She nodded and asked lightly, "Where's the emperor?"

"I don't know where I went. The imperial husband left the bedroom before dawn." The little maid thought for a while, and then said: "There was a rush like a gust of wind, and I didn't say anything."

Liu Mei frowned, where did that person go in the dark?

Lan Zhi came with a group of court ladies, saluted, and called softly: "The emperor woke up so early today, it's time to go to court."

"Hmm." Leng Xia replied, turned around and entered the room, changed clothes and washed.

Since this maid doesn't know, it's useless to ask others what they think about it. Zhan Beilie's kung fu is rarely matched in the world, so naturally she doesn't need to worry about it.

Zhan Beilie is indeed in a hurry, but if Leng Xia finds out about this matter, he will definitely roll his eyes.

Ever since that idea popped up in his head yesterday, he has always believed in the fact that the one in his wife's belly is Xiao Lengxia, and he suddenly realized...

This matter is really uncertain!

Therefore, the whole day and night yesterday, Daqin God of War was restless, and he kept struggling with the issue of his son and daughter. Finally, after waking up in the middle of the night for an unknown number of times, he decided to up...

Think of a way!
It is true that the baby's gender has already been determined at this time, and our God of War is still unwilling to sit still.

As a battle-tested God of War, he deeply understands the importance of preemptive strikes!
So at this time, Zhan Beilie was flying towards Langshan on the outskirts of Liangdu under the golden morning sun, followed by six people who were obviously not awake, with six pairs of dark circles under their eyes, staring sternly. Six late mother faces, full of resentment.

When it was still pitch black outside, the six of them were sleeping soundly with their pillows in their arms. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past. Qiqi was grabbed by his collar and stood in the backyard with a confused look on his face.

With a wave of Zhan Beilie's palm, Xiong Jiu is full of spirit, let's go!
The six of them just followed without knowing why, until now, they still don't know what their intermittent convulsions are going to do.

Langshan Mountain is steep and steep, with magnificent scenery. It can be regarded as a bright pearl on the edge of Liangdu. Along the way, the forests along the road are as green as green. When we reach the foot of the mountain, the sky is completely bright.

Zhan Beilie took a deep breath, looked up, there was really a sea of ​​people facing each other, several people stood side by side on each step.

If you ask why there are so many people scrambling to climb up a mountain, it must be blamed on its highest peak, Lingyin Peak, on which a huge temple complex is built, hidden in layers of white clouds. There is a bit of fairy air, and Lingyin Peak is named after it.

Regardless of the secluded location of this temple, the incense is very prosperous. Just look at the spectacular scene of the crowds, and you will know that no matter whether you are looking for marriage, children, success, fame, or family safety, you can find it in this temple complex. Find the corresponding gods in the city, especially recently, a large number of students have poured into Liangdu City, and all of them hope to go to high school in one fell swoop.

Jianmei twitched fiercely, looking at the endless stream of troops in front of him, Zhan Beilie smacked his lips and said to himself: "There are so many people, don't they all come to beg for a girl?"

Bang bang bang bang!
Five people fell to the ground in the back, and the five people lay on the ground in a big character shape, wanting to cry without tears, looking at the sky, my lord, you are so inspiring, so you are here to worship Buddha!
The corners of Zhong Cang's mouth twitched, his poker face suddenly turned pale, Lord, you are really overthinking!
In this world, there are really few people who can be thought of by a girl who can't eat or sleep!

The six of them cautiously looked around. Fortunately, the passers-by were busy going up the mountain and didn't hear this sentence, otherwise they would have rolled their eyes fiercely and asked him in disgust.

Seeking a girl, isn't it shabby?
But he naturally didn't care about these things. In the heart of the Great Qin God of War, the cute and tender little Leng Xia was really unmatched by 1 sons.

Scratching his hair irritably, Zhan Bei Liefang was about to perform lightness kung fu, when he was half-flying and suddenly stopped, and fell to the ground with a "huh"!
It's better to rely on walking, this matter, sincerity makes spirit!

Daqin God of War stepped on his noble legs, followed Daliu to climb the stairs step by step, followed by six sad guards with eyelids fighting continuously, and when he slowly crawled to the top of Lingyin Peak, he was already At noon, bursts of bells, drums and Sanskrit sounds came, which made people feel refreshed physically and mentally.

The bluestone path, the ancient trees are long, the birds are singing and the water is gurgling...

It's a pity that Zhan Beilie didn't even take a look at such a beautiful scenery, he just wandered around among the temples, looking for the one in his mind.

Daqin God of War had never worshiped Buddha before, and he didn't believe it at all, so in his consciousness, he should be a Buddha.

I never thought about it until I realized that there are so many temples for worshiping Buddha!

Suddenly, the eagle's eyes lit up, and he strode towards a temple with a plaque on it: Temple of Songzi Guanyin.

There was a long queue outside the temple, full of women of different ages, seven big men suddenly came over, the scene was as weird as it could be.

The women in line looked at them vigilantly, their eyes seemed to be watching, perverts gathered among a group of beauties!

Lightning covered his face and shrank behind the wind, muttering in a low voice: "I knew it earlier, I should have asked Zhong Yin for the black cloth to wrap the head."

The five sighed in unison: Shame, shame!
Time passed slowly, and it finally arrived at Zhan Beilie. He walked in and was about to burn incense and pray, when he suddenly stopped!
His eyes fell on the baby in Guanyin's arms, and he raised his eyebrows, how could he be a...

At this moment, a middle-aged woman with a big belly beside her was muttering: "Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, please bless the believer, Mrs. Chen, this time she will definitely give birth to a son, and the believer will give birth to six daughters in a row. The head of the family is mad with anger, Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, you must bless him, this time it is a son..."

(End of this chapter)

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