exclusive wife

Chapter 118 The box office heats up, new publication

Chapter 118 The box office heats up, new publication
The man's eyes narrowed dangerously, Qi Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, her pupils widened, "No, no...Second brother, what's wrong with you? Are you out of your mind? I didn't mess with you... "

Qi Xiaoxiao said it realistically, but the man was offended.

"No mess? Heh..."

Qi Xiaoxiao's head started to run quickly, thinking about how to escape the beating, but the man didn't wait for her to react, and the whip had already hit her naked buttocks...

"Ah! Fu Dongqing, you are so serious!"

"I never come to fake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was another whip.

It didn't hurt very much when the whip went down, but it was tingling and numb, and there was an indescribable feeling... What Qi Xiaoxiao didn't know was that there were traces of pink powder left on the buttocks, and those traces made the man's eyes tingle. His expression has changed and changed.

That is the sign of being about to transform into a beast.

"Don't fight! Stop hitting...I'm just drinking, what's wrong with drinking once in a while! Aren't I tired, I want to reduce stress... What's wrong with having fun together? If you don't want me to be like this, it's a big deal ... At worst, you divorce me, at worst, you get divorced!"

Seeing that the whip was about to fall, she closed the show directly and ignored it.

"Come on, come on, come and kill me!"

Her face turned pale, as if an old lady was desperate.

Fu Dongqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but half of his anger went away.

Seeing the smile on his face, Qi Xiaoxiao just felt ashamed.

Being served like this.

His hands and feet were tightly bound, he couldn't move, and his clothes were stripped off, and he was beaten in such a shameful posture...

How to think, how uncomfortable.

My heart was sour, thinking of some bad things, Qi Xiaoxiao's tears flowed down like a floodgate, and couldn't stop, the tears fell down patter, it was quite Rhythm...

Eye circles are red.

Seeing this posture, Fu Dongqing didn't know what to do.

He is angry.

Angry at this girl for kissing me with other men, angry at her for not explaining to herself, angry at her...

But now, seeing her aggrieved appearance, he couldn't be angry anymore.

The whip was thrown far away, he knelt down and rubbed her head, "I won't hit you anymore, I have already thrown the whip."

Qi Xiaoxiao looked up, then at him again, and continued to cry loudly, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances in her life.


Fu Dongqing rubbed the center of his brows, suddenly he didn't know what to do, obviously he had never encountered such a situation.

Before there was no woman around.

Now there is, this is another annoying little thing, which makes him confused at all.

"do not Cry."

woo woo woo woo……

"Xiao Xiao, don't cry, I won't beat you anymore."


Crying harder.

Downstairs, Uncle Yuan was frightened when he heard the movement.

Especially when he heard the heart-piercing cry of the young mistress, he was afraid that the second young master would commit violence at home and torture him to death...

After all, the cold expression on the second young master's face when he came back made no one doubt that he would kill someone to silence him.

After listening for a while, there was still no pause.

Uncle Yuan had no choice but to go up and knock on the door.

"Young master, take it easy, young mistress is still young, I can't bear you to make trouble..."

The blue veins on Fu Dongqing's forehead twitched, his fists clenched and then loosened, he let out a foul breath, "Go down, I know it!"

It's all like this, Uncle Yuan didn't dare to say more, clutching his chest and went downstairs.

Qi Xiaoxiao's tears and snot were almost in a ball, and she was still whining, Fu Dongqing couldn't bear it anymore, and roared, "I told you not to cry!"

a time.

The whole world is quiet.

Qi Xiaoxiao tried her best to hold back her tears, and looked at him eagerly, her small mouth tightly pursed, as if the tears would fall down again if she didn't pay attention.

Fu Dongqing was afraid of her.

Go forward and untie her.

Originally, he planned to teach her a lesson, but now he ended up suffering for himself.

The magic sound pierces the ears, and the ears are still a little swollen now.

After being untied, Qi Xiaoxiao's first reaction was to roll into the quilt and protect herself with the quilt, even retracting her forehead, as if I would not come out even if it was the end of the world!
"come out."

The man coaxed her nicely.

Qi Xiaoxiao hiccupped and refused angrily, "No!"

"Really not coming out?"

There was simply no sound inside.

Fu Dongqing was overjoyed. With one hand stretched inside, he lifted the quilt and dragged the person out.

But even so, Qi Xiaoxiao refused to separate herself from the quilt, and there was still a quilt at her feet...

"Look up, look at me!"

The man's voice was cold, as if he was about to turn on the lecture mode at any time, Qi Xiaoxiao let out an 'oh', lazily drew circles, looked up at him casually, and then lowered his eyes, but his jaw was pinched To die, to have to look at someone.

"What are you doing!"

The man slapped her fiercely, "Fuck you!"

Thinking of the previous toss, Qi Xiaoxiao was quite scared. Her eyeballs seemed to be still spinning in their sockets, and now she was going to play tricks again, "You will kill me! Tell me, how can I provoke you?" , I’m sorry for you...Say it! You can’t say it, you think I’m an eyesore, okay, I’m leaving!”

No, struggling to get out of bed and get dressed.

But how could Fu Dongqing allow her to leave.

Throwing the person onto the bed in one go, he bullied himself and pressed on top of him, like spreading a meatloaf, crushing the person tightly, the little thing under him opened his mouth slightly, and the white skin was stained at this moment. A layer of pink halo.

"You know how to bully me, you know... Now you want to bully me again."

With that said, I began to feel wronged again.

Fu Erye, who was still burning with desire, suddenly lost his thoughts when he was crying at this moment. He originally wanted to punish people on the spot, but at this time he had to change his strategy. He sighed and turned over from his young wife's body Come down and cover her with the quilt.

Junmei frowned fiercely.

"Know why I bully you?"

Qi Xiaoxiao looked at him with a confused face, "I don't know."

"Do you know why I want to slap you?"

"I do not know."

"Then I'll tell you now!"

Fu Dongqing threw a newspaper.

The headline of the day in the newspaper was a photo of her having dinner with Zhou Yushen intimately. The two looked ambiguous and had an affair no matter how you looked at it. Plus, last night, he saw her with his own eyes.

Qi Xiaoxiao's face was normal, and after watching it for a while, she was happy instead.

She sniffed and made a face at him, "What is this? It's just a meal together, just friends... It can be written like this! Second brother, don't tell me, you believe it too?"

The man didn't speak, but just looked at her sullenly.

Seeing him like that, Qi Xiaoxiao suddenly slapped her thigh, and laughed out of joy, going crazy, which made Uncle Yuan downstairs tremble with fear.


What are you doing...

Crying for a while, laughing for a while, it's all so crazy... Don't be tossed into a crazy person.

"Hey, do you really believe it? You are obviously a fake."

The man snorted, "Then how did you explain last night?"

"last night?"

Qi Xiaoxiao was even more ignorant when asked, with a dazed expression on his face.

"What happened last night? Oh, yes, I went to eat, and I don't remember it later..."

Fu Dongqing only felt that his fist hit the cotton, it was soft, but he couldn't let out his anger.

Feeling very bad!

"Second brother? Dongqing? Husband, you are jealous!"

Qi Xiaoxiao smiled wickedly, like a sneaky kitten, squinting her big eyes, just looking at him steadily.

No matter who it is, being looked at like this, it's not easy to get angry.

On the contrary, no matter how much he cares, he is a man who is petty and has no heart.

But what she didn't know was.

The man in front of me is possessive, selfish, domineering, and petty!It's his man, and he must never tolerate being missed by other men!
"Does your ass still hurt?"

The man suddenly interjected.

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't pay attention to it just now, but when she mentioned it, she suddenly felt that Bai Nennen's butt was burning. It didn't hurt very much, but it was a very strange feeling.

She pouted and stared at him angrily, "It's you! You beat me with a whip! It's only been a long time since we've been married, and you're going to kill me with a gun in the future!"

"will not!"

This is already the limit.

"I do not believe!"

She turned away angrily, not looking at him anymore.

Fu Dongqing's heart softened, knowing that he had misunderstood this girl.

She has no idea, it's amazing that someone else has an idea.

He strode over, sat on the edge of the bed, and stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, but she held it tightly and refused to let go.

"Baby, can't I be wrong? Let me see, huh?"

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't want to show him such a private place at all... Even after meeting so many times honestly, Qi Xiaoxiao was not as thick-skinned as the person in front of him.

Still shy.

"do not want!"

"But I want to see it."

Qi Xiaoxiao was muttering, the man lifted the quilt again, and then saw the white and tender butt, there were indeed a few marks on it.

His hand slid across, and there would be a strange feeling.


With a sudden shudder, she was about to hide herself.

But the man forbids her to do this!

"wait a moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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