exclusive wife

Chapter 139 The short-term guard, the warm man 2

Chapter 139 The short-term guard, the warm man 2
She shook her head.

I don't want to say it.

Don't know what to say either.

She is sad.

She is aggrieved.

That kind of dirty thing was maliciously magnified and presented in front of everyone.


She is a public figure now, and her words, deeds, and actions are watched by others.

Others are fine.

But that kind of thing...that kind of self, being treated like that.

Thinking about it now, I still have lingering fears.

The whole person is cold.

She is afraid of the night, afraid of the night, afraid that if she is not careful, she will be counted into it.

It wasn't the paranoia of persecution, but a psychological shadow. That kind of feeling may be ridiculous, but she was really scared, and she didn't want to have a second time.

"Leave me alone, I'll just sit down for a while."

"You are my wife, I don't care about others, but I have to care about you!"


"Bao'er, I've said it before! No matter what happens, we will face it together, have you forgotten?"

Qi Xiaoxiao shook his head.

"Since you remember, why don't you listen?"


you are not here.

Fu Dongqing felt pain in his heart, stretched out his ape arms, and hugged the man into his arms. He sighed, resting his chin on the young daughter-in-law's shoulder and neck, spraying hot air on the edge of her earlobe.

"I'm late, sorry."

Qi Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, her eyes were red, "It's not your fault, you don't have to blame yourself, but I don't know who it is, why did you target me like this!"

This is no longer a matter of thinking about her future. To put it bluntly, if you don't work in the entertainment industry in the future, no matter what you do, others will look at you with colored glasses.

"I'm looking into it, and there will be results soon."

"I really want to fight an eye for an eye!" Qi Xiao gritted his teeth angrily.

The man raised his eyebrows, "As long as you want, do it! I'm the one behind!"


"Of course!"

Qi Xiaoxiao's mood finally eased a little, "Are you tired?"

Come back so late.

She didn't know he just came back from the company.

"Not tired."

"Go to sleep, or it will be dawn."


The man slept with his arms around her.

This time, Qi Xiaoxiao didn't sleep well, she probably thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night, her brows were tightly furrowed, as if she had been having a nightmare.

Fu Dongqing looked at the little thing in his arms, feeling very distressed, and planned to get out of bed and go to order something immediately, but as soon as his legs left, the octopus got entangled again.

Never had one.

Little things are so active.

The man laughed out loud.

this day.

Fu Dongqing didn't go to the company and concentrated on spending time with his wife at home.

However, today the company has a shareholders meeting, which is very important, but he cannot be absent. Could it be that he fell asleep?"

Bai Qiao coughed, "Boss Fu didn't leave until four o'clock last night, so it's not surprising that he came late."

"But we've been waiting for half an hour..."

The shareholders only dare to play tricks when Fu Dongqing is not around, but when he arrives, they are like a mouse seeing a cat, and dare not say a word.

Qi Mu waited for a while before dialing the phone.

The phone had been turned off just now, but this time it got through.

"Boss, today..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard the reply from the other side, "The meeting is postponed, or a video conference."

If it is delayed, it will be more troublesome.

"Then video conferencing."

Qi Xiaoxiao slept until 45:[-], and still felt uncomfortable when she woke up. Her head was still a little dazed at the moment, and she didn't even bother to put on her shoes, so she went to the study with bare feet.

Originally it was hit and miss.

Who knew it would happen.

"Second brother."

Qi Xiaoxiao smiled silly.

This girl is usually very sensible, and only this time, she acted very soft and clingy.

Second Master Fu couldn't stand his daughter-in-law acting like a spoiled child the most, so he withdrew in the middle of the meeting.

In the conference room, everyone, "..."

"I seem to have heard a woman's voice just now?"

"I heard it too!"

"Boss Fu didn't come to the meeting just because of a woman, right? That's not his style... Didn't he say that he is not close to women? Could it be that he is in the golden house?"

"Assistant Chit, who is it?"

Faced with all kinds of winking, Qi Mu only let out a chuckle.

"I have no idea."

Bai Qiao rubbed his nose, his heart cleared, he and Vice President Ye looked at each other and smiled.


Luckily, I made the right bet last night and really put the treasure on Qi Xiaoxiao... I didn't expect the big boss to really value this girl so much.

The future is really endless.

"Why don't you wear shoes, what if you get cold?"

The man hugged him horizontally, and Qi Xiaoxiao sniffed his nose. Like a child for the first time, she put her arms around the man's neck and snuggled into his arms.

"I couldn't find you, so I came here."

"Then what if I'm not in the study?"

"Then I... will not look for it!"

As he spoke, he pursed his lips on purpose, as if he was angry.

Fu Dongqing only felt that such a little daughter-in-law had a rare cuteness and coquettishness, and he couldn't love it in his heart, "I can't be like this next time."


The big boss will act as a warm man for a day today, serving his little wife at home.

Putting on socks and shoes again, and serving meals... even Uncle Yuan felt gross looking at it.

Dabai and Xiaohei have already automatically hid, for fear of being blinded by this loving couple.

The two of them have been getting tired of it for two days, and they don't get tired of it.

It wasn't until this day that Qi Xiaoxiao turned on her phone, and she was about to be overwhelmed by text messages.

Many friends and people in the circle wrote to her, asking what happened to her?Do you want to stand up for her?

And words of comfort.

Zhou Yushen: Everything will pass, hold on, everything will be bright again, the sea and the sky will be bright, come on!
Tomorrow's studio.

Chen Dafa: What a dog day plotted against us, tell brother, brother will teach him a lesson for you!
Xiao Taohong: Tell me, which one is it? My sister went over and raped him!If it's not enough, I'll find someone to fuck!

Lao Gao: Don’t be afraid, little one, just cry if you feel uncomfortable, we will always support you!

Xiaomei: I already made the old Xu Gang headlines, you come down, don't worry, everything will be fine.

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't feel sorry for herself any more, plus she had been at home for the past two days, and her mood had almost recovered. When she opened Weibo again, there were no disgusting photos or topics...

Fu Dongqing had already received the news at this time.

"Boss, this is the IP address of the person who posted it. Look at it, and this..."

Fu Dongqing's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

In the old house.

Fu Donglin was packing up his things and going out, Meng Nan stopped him, "Where are we going, can't we stay at home?"

"I recently got a job and figured I'd be more comfortable going out."

"Why are you so comfortable? Someone cooks for you at home, but outside? Or you and Yanran..."

"Don't mention that woman to me, disgusting!"

"Then you plan to be with her..."

Ding ding ding.

Fu Donglin's cell phone rang.

He made a 'shh' gesture, "It's the second brother."

After pressing the answer button, he walked out, only to see that his face became more and more serious. When he heard the other party hang up, he slammed the phone and dropped it. The screen couldn't withstand such a drop, and it fell to pieces all at once.

Seeing his son lose his temper, Meng Nan felt a little worried, "What's the matter... Who made our Xiaolin angry?"

"Who else! It's that bitch!"

"Qi Yanran?"

"It's really lingering! You cleaned her up last time, and you think she did it for a reason!"

"But think about it, no woman would use her child as an excuse, and she still had a miscarriage..."

"What did she do again?"

"Heh! This time it's really great. I hired a group of people to spread rumors on the Internet and caused trouble. Xiaoxiao has been implicated badly. Now there are rumors everywhere, and the second brother is so angry!"

Meng Nan's expression was a little subtle.

"What did he say?"

"What else can I say? Qi Yanran is still my fiancee, what can he do?"

Fu Dongqing only said: You can figure it out.

It seemed to be the lightest punishment for Qi Yanran, but letting Fu Donglin know about it was the cruelest.

Qi Yanran is still doing a beauty treatment at a beauty club at this time, and she is in a good mood. There are a few little sisters next to her who are envious of her marrying into a wealthy family.

They all want to curry favor with her.

"Ah, Yan Ran, Third Young Master Fu has come to see you."

"That's great, I know you're doing beauty treatment, so I'll come right away."

"So sweet!"

Qi Yanran sat up, her face was a little red, she didn't know if it was from being scented or shy, she smiled, that smile was also generous and decent, "Donglin, are you here to pick me up?"

Fu Donglin sneered and slapped her without giving her any chance to recover.

Everyone present was terrified.

This is……

"Fu Donglin! What are you doing!"

This is in front of everyone, not giving her face.

Fu Donglin pinched her chin, slowly moved his fingertips down, and finally pinched her neck, tightening slowly.

"Bitch! You've worked so hard to get married and that's fine! Who gave you the courage to harm people over and over again! Do you really think I dare not kill you!"

"If something happens to her, I will take care of you!"

Seeing that Qi Yanran was breathing in and out of breath, someone from the side shouted.

"Kill it, kill it..."

Only now did Fu Donglin let go of the person and put him aside.

Qi Yanran coughed loudly, her face was completely drained of blood, she still pretended to be innocent, "Donglin, you always wronged me, I obviously..."

"Injustice? Do you know Ge Jian?"

Qi Yanran's hands trembled unconsciously.

Fu Donglin saw all of this.

"From now on, you are no longer my fiancée, Fu Donglin. Let's get together and part ways. From now on, we will return to Qiaotouqiao, and the engagement will be terminated!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qi Yanran passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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