exclusive wife

Chapter 192 One wave is not flat, another wave rises

Chapter 192 One wave has not settled down, another wave has arisen

In the phrase.

There is still a fine line between actors, entertainers, and stars.

"Be my model, and I'll tell you who I am!"

Are you talking about terms?

Qi Xiaoxiao was hesitating, and the two bodyguards next to her were whispering in her ears.

"Young mistress, this old man is not decent no matter how he looks, and he has a very wretched smile. Who knows if he is a liar! You should not agree."

"Yeah, your net worth is not low now, and you can act as a model for him for free? This is a big loss!"

The little old man has an attitude that I don't force it, but the more he is like this, the more it arouses Qi Xiaoxiao's fiery little universe, "Give me a day to think about it, how about it?"

"of course can!"

After the negotiation, Qi Xiaoxiao rushed away with a group of bodyguards.

Erye Fu's side is a closed meeting, so the call cannot be answered.

Qi Xiaoxiao made her own decision, she is lucky to be able to make it all the way to this day... In that case, why not take a gamble?

If she is really a liar, she admits it!
If not!
After going back, I searched a bunch of well-known designers on the Internet, but this one seems to be particularly low-key?Can't find it?

In the evening, Qi Xiaoxiao took two cat warriors with her to visit the little old man.

The little old man happily prepared dinner, and said in blunt Chinese, "I want to treat you to a steak!"

Before Qi Xiaoxiao could react, he had already gone to the kitchen to fiddle with it. After she recovered, the old man came out with two pots of three-ripe, bloody beef...


The two silly cats glanced at the owner, and then quickly licked the beef on the plate with their red tongues. The little old man said "hey", "Wow, what a cute cat!"

Xiaobai was touched by the old man, this little thing was bullying and fearful, and he didn't know if he was frightened, so he immediately hid behind Xiaoxiao... Xiaohei gave the old man a paw, meowing in protest!
"Looks like they all like steak! Very good! Very good!"

But Qi Xiaoxiao knew that these two fat cats only ate cooked meat and not raw meat, so it was useless!

She put down the fork, suppressed the desire to vomit, and rushed out in a hurry...


After waiting for too long, Qi Xiaoxiao went back and forth, carrying an exquisite handmade basket in his hand, from time to time there was a hint of the smell of food in it.

The forks in the little old man's hand stopped.

A pair of eyes fixed on several plates in the basket.

Qi Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded for a few days, but these days she turned on the witty as me mode again, and there was a bunch of food in the basket, all of which were the classics of the family chef Zhao Xiaopang.

Spicy beef, sweet and sour pork with pineapple, beef stew with potatoes, and claypot beef rice!

There are also many Chinese and Western desserts.

Mango pudding, chocolate donuts…

The old man couldn't move his eyes away, "What is this?"

Qi Xiaoxiao introduced him one by one, but the introduction of professional terms was a bit unfamiliar, but fortunately, the little old man could understand half of them.

"Try it?"

The little old man doesn't know how to use chopsticks, but after tasting a piece of spicy beef, he couldn't stop!

I clicked several likes at once.

When he was about to continue chopsticks, Qi Xiaoxiao took it away immediately, "Eat slowly! Let's discuss it!"

The old man didn't understand when he heard it, before he negotiated terms with her, but now this girl turned her back on the customer, he leaned on the chair like an old god, and his eyes didn't look at the meat anymore...

That posture is exactly the same as the non-violent non-cooperation state shown by my cat warrior when he doesn't want to take a bath!
Qi Xiaoxiao was amused, he didn't expect to meet a stubborn old man!

But the tougher the tough bone, the more she likes to hit it!

She was not stingy either, "Yes, you should eat first, and we will talk tomorrow."

Saying that, she didn't talk nonsense, took out all the food in the basket, and then left at a high speed, leaving behind the little old man with a dazed face.

For the next three consecutive days.

The little old man will always receive delicious food from next door, and he will come in different ways...

Shenma fried small yellow croaker, Shenma honey sauce char siu, Shenma mapo tofu... He doesn't want to eat anything.

Every time a meal is delivered, Qi Xiaoxiao personally delivers it.

What's the little old man's attitude?

Like to eat or not!Ignore it!Hmph, it's impossible to discuss anyway!
But every time Qi Xiaoxiao sneaks a look at the kitchen, the food has already been swept away...

Fourth day.


Qi Xiaoxiao asked Uncle Yuan to watch secretly at the door.

Sure enough, the little old man's door was opened a crack, and he was waiting at the door, as if he hadn't waited for breakfast, unhappy!
Fresh meat wontons, seafood porridge, meat egg rolls, small pancakes with tomato sauce... the rhythm of drooling every minute, but why don't you come, don't come?
I thought I overslept, but what about lunch?

I am used to eating delicious three meals a day, and then eating three-ripe raw beef, there is a feeling of chewing wax, not delicious!

The delicate stomach that was raised refuses to eat this stuff!

Qi Xiaoxiaote can happily imagine the expression on the little old man's face at this time, but she has no time to compete with him today, and asked Qian Xiaomei to go shopping in the afternoon... Xiaobai will follow her life and death. It was hidden in her handbag, and it was huge when she picked it up!
Just hide this stuff, the key point is that the big fluffy off-white tail can't be stuffed in, so Qi Xiao carefully carried the cat out of the house.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei was still sleeping, otherwise she would definitely suffer if she took the two cats out.

"Little! Little?"

As soon as she went out, the little old man next door waved his little hand at her on the balcony, expressing how much he missed her, and almost shed a few tears.

Qi Xiaoxiao blew a kiss over, with a wicked smile on her face, she walked backwards, "Goodbye, let's meet tonight if we have something to say!"

"Hey! No, no, no..."

When he said no, Qi Xiaoxiao got into the car and left happily.

The driver is Xiao Chen.

"Young Mistress, shall we go directly to Lanhai Commercial Building?"

"Yes, take Dabai away when you come back later, you can't bring cats into the mall."



Dabai opened his beautiful blue eyes, and was acting like a baby with her. Qi Xiaoxiao nodded her pink and tender nose, and chuckled, "Don't be cute, even if you're cute, I can't take you away! Be good, I'll eat it for you at night delicious."

While communicating with the big white cat, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly became serious, "Young Mistress, there is a car following us all the time, can you see if it is? I don't know if I am overthinking."

Through the rearview mirror, Qi Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes and looked over.

A silver-gray van seems to have followed them!Not only that, but there is another one ahead!
"Take the road!"

Xiaolu's words are attacked in minutes!

It's just that the two cars seem to be confident, and they still follow closely, as if they plan to intercept them at any time!
Qi Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and dialed Qi Mu's mobile phone. Qi Mu's mobile phone was turned on 24 hours a day.

The first time there was no answer.

At this time, the car turned a corner.

Suddenly the two cars came to an emergency brake, and they all rushed over!

Qi Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and before she had time to react, she felt a strong impact, and the call was connected at this time...

over the phone.

Qi Mu didn't hear anything, the only thing he heard was a scream, meowing, and then a huge crash...

Then it was gone.

He broke into a cold sweat with fright, and his face was pale.

The assistant asked, "Chite helped you, are you okay? Could it be that you are sick? Why are you sweating?"

Qi Mu waved his hand, "No, I have something urgent to find the boss!"

"Ah, the boss is still in a meeting... I don't know when it will end."

The project this time is big, and everyone in the company has spent a lot of energy on it. There are also some acquisitions. The big boss went in in the morning. What time is it now, and the meeting is still in progress...

I don't know how many high-level officials have been lectured.

The assistant was sighing, when Assistant Qi rushed into the conference room recklessly.


How about steady?

Assistant Qi is the one who has been with the big boss the longest, and also the one who understands the boss's mind best.

The more critical this kind of time is, the more the big boss doesn't want to be disturbed, how can he...

Qi Mu was so anxious that he even forgot to knock on the door. As soon as he entered, everyone's eyes were fixed on him.

The head of a certain department who was being lectured was relieved at this moment, and looked at Qi Mu with special gratitude...but others didn't think so.

Right now, the big boss is getting angry, and he might fire everyone here in a matter of minutes.

Assistant Qi Te came in at this time, and he felt that there was a lot of bad luck.


Fu Dongqing's expression was cold, his handsome eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he just glanced over. The executives who had been complaining all showed no complaints at this time, as if they were saying: President, please whip!

Qi Mu ignored all the probing eyes, and whispered in the man's ear, just finished speaking, instantly!
The man's face suddenly changed!

Almost everyone can feel the powerful coercion and the terrifying aura when the storm comes...

With a cold face, Fu Dongqing got up and put his suit on his wrist, his eyes darkened, "The meeting is over!"

After speaking, leave the scene.

Everyone looked at each other.

"What's going on here?"

"Oh my god, the face of the big boss really scared me just now... It's even scarier than when I was giving a lecture just now!"

"Isn't it? I don't know what happened...but fortunately, we escaped a catastrophe today."

Fu Dongqing rushed to the hospital, and he was already sent to the operating room...

(End of this chapter)

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