exclusive wife

Chapter 211 Baby Come, Borrow A Seat

Chapter 211 Baby Come, Borrow A Seat

As for Comrade Qi Xiaoxiao, who was sleeping heavily at this time, he had the feeling that he didn't know what day it was.

When I woke up, I was still holding a big warm pillow by my hand.

In a daze, she leaned over and rubbed against each other, softly, um...

It should be that the second brother hasn't woken up yet?
That oily and smooth skin, um, why is it a little hairy?
She opened her eyes suddenly, and then saw Dabai hid himself in the quilt in ecstasy, facing her with his chubby big white buttocks, with his tail moving, Qi Xiaoxiao said in his heart, "..."

It is said that the civet cat is replaced by the prince.

Is this a beautiful cat for a handsome guy... Her man was switched by a cat?

She stretched her waist and sat up, only to realize that she had left the Fu's building at some point and returned home.

Looking at the time, it was nearly eight o'clock.

After she finished washing, Uncle Yuan prepared breakfast downstairs, "Young Mistress, good morning."

"Wow, so much food, why are there so many cookies?"

Uncle Yuan smiled, "Master was afraid that you would have nothing to eat on the set, and the snacks would be unhygienic, so I asked Xiao Zhao to make some snacks, you take the set, and after you finish eating, you can call back at any time, and I will ask Xiao Chen to send them over. .”

It's just a small detail, but Qi Xiaoxiao's heart is full of emotion.

He even remembers this.

"When did the second brother join the company?"

"The young master left an hour ago. He told you not to worry too much. He has already greeted the director."

Thinking of Ye Yishui's wonderful expression, Qi Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling amused.

After breakfast, Xiao Chen sent her away. Dabai secretly rolled himself into a fat white ball and hid it behind the seat. He wanted to run away with Qi Xiaoxiao every minute, but Qi Xiaoxiao still found out.

She asked Uncle Yuan to carry Dabai down, and before getting into the car, she saw the little old man next door fluttering in the wind.

She waved her hand, "Xiaomei, just go to my house if you want to eat, I will be back soon!"

"Goodbye!" Mason said goodbye to her in jerky Chinese.

When Qi Xiaoxiao returned to the crew, Ye Yishui's tone was obviously different, and he spoke in a soft voice, Su Yaner couldn't help being angry, "Is Ye Yishui insane, let me stop cursing, go currying She is a woman with no family background!"

Family background?

Qi Yanran sneered, God knows where Qi Xiaoxiao has been fooling around for the day she disappeared.

But other people didn't know, but Situ Menglong couldn't be ignorant. He had been cold-faced since early in the morning, and Qi Xiaoxiao ignored him when he talked to him.

"Did you eat dynamite today?"

Situ Menglong glanced at her, then turned his head away, doing his own thing.

"Situ Menglong, tell me clearly, how did I provoke you today?"

The man frowned, "You didn't provoke me, it was me who lost my nerve."

After speaking, he sat on the other side.

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Yunqi raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

Situ Menglong is a smart person. He knew where Qi Xiaoxiao went when he disappeared last night. He was unhappy because he cared... But with Situ Menglong's strength, he might be too young to compete with Fu Erye for a woman. .

this day.

Situ Menglong is not in the state.

Ye Yishui seldom yells out during filming, but today he yelled out quite a few times during filming.

"Situ, take a rest first, adjust your state, and then take pictures of you."

Situ Menglong nodded.

Su Yaner was next to her and said strangely, "I thought these two were so good, and I thought they were some kind of revolutionary friendship, but I didn't expect it to be like this... Tsk, after getting along for a long time, you will sooner or later see what kind of person you are, Qi Xiaoxiao , your fox tail will be exposed sooner or later!"

Qi Xiaoxiao looked blank, what does this have to do with Su Yan'er?
The corners of her mouth twitched, and she was about to speak when she noticed a cold gaze not far away.

Situ Menglong was losing his temper at the moment, his face was gloomy, and seeing Su Yaner's proud expression, he became more and more angry, and smashed the glass kettle beside him directly, and the scalding hot water almost poured on Su Yan'er. On the white and tender face.

She was scared out of her wits.

"Situ Menglong, how could you do this! Do you know that I was almost disfigured!"

"You don't care about me!" The man looked angry, "If you continue to gossip over there, it's the first time I'll fuck you!"

Su Yan'er was trembling with anger, but no one in the entire crew spoke for her...

On the contrary, Situ Menglong has a bad temper, and when he is in a bad mood, there will be female drama assistants to comfort him.

"This group of sluts, I will make them pay the price sooner or later!" Su Yan'er thought in her heart, when the filming of the TV series is finished, she will settle the score with them!

After lunch and a short break, I started working.

In the afternoon, Qi Xiaoxiao and Xu Yunqi's rivalry scene was filmed.

The filming progress is not slow, and the process is considered smooth. Right now, Zuo Lin is being imprisoned in the film and executed a few days later. Ajie purposely ran into the emperor near the cold palace, revealing her true nature. The emperor sees nothing strange Responsibility, on the contrary, thinking of his childhood, there are some complicated emotions in his eyes.

Maybe it's appreciation, surprise, or maybe it's that Ah Jie can be so elegant and refined, with a rare sense of beauty.

After all, he is the emperor.

No matter how infatuated he is with Concubine Shu, he is not the only husband of a woman.

Ajie knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks, her lips turned bright red from being bitten by herself, the emperor was a little obsessed with it...

And right now.

There was the sound of a car whizzing by outside the set.

Master Fu came to visit the class.

Last night, he ate and drank enough, and he and his daughter-in-law settled their suspicions. Naturally, someone was in a good mood...

Even if you are not busy, you have to find time to visit the class.

The black Mulsanne has a sense of low-key luxury, even if it stops on the periphery, it has attracted the attention of many people.

There is no shortage of big money in the film and television city.

Among them, many first-line stars are very generous, and they are also picked up by famous cars...Of course there is another category, that is, local tyrants.

Most of the local tyrants are elderly, or they are the rich second generation, who come to pick up the beautiful actresses in the crew.

Everyone knows what to do when they go back.

Qi Mu pointed to the direction not far away, "Young Mistress is filming there."

"Go down and have a look."

Fu Dongqing was wearing a white shirt, maybe it was rare to relax, and he didn't wear a tie, but even so, the innate aristocratic atmosphere made people unconsciously take a second look.

The man was wearing sunglasses, and Qi Mu followed closely behind.

Although Qi Mu's eyes are not big, he can see things quickly.

After scanning around, I found the shooting location of "The Legend of Concubine Shu". Originally, ordinary people and others were all outside. At this time, the media was not open to visit the set, and tourists were not allowed to enter.

Qi Mu gave a business card, and immediately everything was easy to talk about.

"I don't know what role the young mistress is playing?"

He just said something casually, and saw not far away...

Qi Xiaoxiao knelt on the ground, looking pitiful, with the corners of her eyes slightly upturned, she looked charming, but I felt pity... and the man in the bright yellow dragon robe squatted down, hooked the woman's chin, The face is full of deep meaning.


Qi Mu's heart was extremely broken at this time.


It's okay to play against men and women.

Anyway, it's not the first time that young mistress has been met, but who can tell him why the leading actor is Young Master Xu?
The corner of Fu Dongqing's mouth twitched, his expressionless handsome face became even colder now.

It seems that within three feet of the surrounding area, people can be frozen into ice cubes every minute.

"Boss, do you want me..."


Before Qi Mu finished speaking, the man had already turned away with a cold face, and Qi Mu was a little confused.

In the scene just now, the two protagonists and heroines naturally didn't notice it, but Ye Yishui was asked to talk to him not long after.

Do you really think Second Master Fu doesn't care?
If that's the case, then it's not Second Master Fu!
The second time Ye Yishui received a call from Master Fu, he was really flattered. He rubbed his hands, "Mr. Fu, what do you need?"

"What kind of role does Qi Xiaoxiao play in the play?"

Ye Yishui thought that Second Master Fu felt that he was eccentric, so he didn't arrange a good role for his little lover.

Of course.

Absolutely not!

On the one hand, Qi Xiaoxiao strives for success, and on the other hand, he has a good vision.

He eloquently said, "Boss Fu, it's like this. Although Ms. Qi's role in the play can't be considered as the first female lead, she only plays the role of the first female lead, she can be regarded as the second female lead, and she also has a lot of roles with Emperor Xu... ..."

Balabala, once we talk about the drama, there is a feeling that we can never stop.

The corner of Fu Dongqing's mouth twitched, his eyes furrowed unconsciously, "I see, do you know how to arrange it next?"


Ye Yishui looked bewildered.

arrange something.

Isn't the current arrangement the best?
"I don't want her and Xu Yunqi to have too many intimate and ambiguous behaviors!"


All of a sudden, Ye Yishui understood.


As a woman in the harem, how could she not have an intimate scene with the emperor?
This is not scientific!
But Ye Yishui didn't dare to say no to Master Fu's cold face, "Mr. Fu, I understand what you mean... But if you really want to delete it, Miss Qi's role will be..."

Fu Dongqing had a strange expression, "I asked you to delete it?"

"No, no, no, no..."

"Director Ye, you are a smart person, you know how to do kissing scenes?"

With such a mention, Ye Yishui suddenly realized.


(End of this chapter)

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