exclusive wife

Chapter 226 Conflict, Not Just a Rival

Chapter 226 Conflict, Not Just a Rival
Fate makes people.

I thought that I would never see each other in this life, he has already fallen into the abyss, but she is still beautiful, I didn't expect...

He rubbed her short hair, his eyes were still as warm as when he was a child.

Qi Xiaoxiao never expected to meet Qin Zheng here.

The two hadn't seen each other for too many years. She was worried about his disappearance back then, but she heard from the family that Qin Zheng had gone to live a good life, and she was relieved afterwards.

When I was young.

Qi Xiaoxiao is not welcome at home.

Her father treated her pretty well back then, but Qi Yanran hadn't gone abroad yet, and in that family, she would always be the one almost forgotten.

Whenever she quarrels with Qi Yanran, she will always be the one who gets beaten up in the end.

Once again, Qi Xiao was beaten indiscriminately, and Qi Xiao became so stingy that she simply ran away from home... Fortunately, there were not many human traffickers at that time, and she stopped and stopped all the way, relying on dozens of pocket money in her hand, it was really good. Arrived at home.

I lived with my grandma for a while.

Qi Xiaoxiao is a poor child, and she is not the only one in the village...Qin Zheng is also one of them.

The old lady is a dancer, and she gave birth to him with a street ruffian. After giving birth, she ran away, and he lived with the gangster father.

Fortunately, the little ruffian was quite conscientious at the time, otherwise he might have sold his son directly.

Qin Zheng has lived among a group of people in the market for these years, and he is also in dire straits. Because the two children met by chance, Qin Zheng can do everything at that time, and his grades are good. It's just that he is in the third grade of junior high school. Give money to continue studying.

Qi Xiaoxiao stayed in her hometown for nearly a year, and Qin Zheng also protected her for a year. It was not until Qi Guofu found out with his conscience that he came to pick up Qi Xiaoxiao, the unlucky child, back home, and the two were separated.

After they separated, Qi Xiaoxiao would call his hometown once a week to ask about Qin Zheng...

At the beginning there was news, but after the arrival, Qin's father owed a whole lot of debt, saying that Qin Zheng had run away because he was in trouble?
At that time, Qi Xiaoxiao was sad for a long time.

Qin Zheng can do everything, earn his own living, he is omnipotent, and he is also smart. It would be a pity if something unexpected happens...

She looked at the man in front of her.

It seems a little different from when I was a child.

His facial features became more three-dimensional, and he had already lost the innocence of his childhood. Qin Zheng was several years older than her. Although he was still gentle now, she couldn't understand the look in his eyes.

Qi Xiaoxiao hesitated to speak, "Brother Qin Zheng, why are you here?"

Facing her expectant eyes, Qin Zheng swallowed the words again, "Guess."

Qi Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, and suddenly her face moved closer, "Could it be that you are the savior sent by the monkey to rescue me?"

Qin Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, she really hasn't changed from before, except that she's more beautiful, and it's even more irresistible...

The man hooked his lips, "Xiao Xiao, with me here, no one will embarrass you, but I... am not the savior you think."


The man narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm that right-hand man. Although I can't let you go, no one will make things difficult for you."

Qi Xiaoxiao opened her mouth wide, as if she was surprised by Qin Zheng's new identity, but she was relieved, "Do you know why he arrested me? This is the first time I met a kidnapper who treats me so well, eating, drinking and sleeping... ..."

Those who didn't know thought they had changed places for vacation.

Qin Zheng lowered his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, "I can't figure it out."

Qi Xiaoxiao was a little disappointed.

After Qin Zheng left.

In the next two days, she could clearly feel that the treatment seemed to be better. Well, the five-star treatment might be just like that.

Live in luxury villas.

There is a big meal every day.

After eating, you can go for a walk in the back garden, watch TV, and have everything you need except not playing computer games.

One day, she weighed herself.

Immediately his face collapsed.

"Ah, I've lost three catties!"

How do you live this day...

Qi Xiaoxiao will accept the report to Qin Zheng every day. After Qin Zheng listened, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, as if he was in a good mood.

"Boss, who are you and that girl...Are you really going to let her go like this, she is Fu Dongqing's woman!"

Qin Zheng closed the document at hand, leaned back on the black leather chair behind him, narrowed his eyes suddenly, his expression turned cold, and the temperature around him seemed to drop several degrees at once.

"Old, boss..."

"When will it be your turn to intervene in my affairs!"

"I didn't mean that, it was just..."

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows impatiently, "It will be a matter of time before I meet Fu Dongqing! It's just that I don't plan to return this woman!"

The subordinate was taken aback for a moment, and almost didn't understand what it meant.

It didn't mean to humiliate the person severely, and then rub the man's spirit, but now...

"Do you like Qi Xiaoxiao?"

Qin Zheng just glanced at him lazily, even the silence is enough to explain everything.

This is not.

It didn't take long for these people to know that Boss Qin will soon have Mrs. Yazhai... Isn't this Mrs. Fu Erye's woman?
This green hat...

It was worn by Master Fu every minute!


Qi Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa eating fruit salad, she didn't know if she had caught a cold at night, and her head was a little dizzy.

"Where is Qin Zheng, I want to see him!"

Calling the boss by his name, it seems that he really has the demeanor of a big brother and a woman, so the subordinate didn't think too much, and said, "The boss is in the study, I will inform you."

Qi Xiaoxiao is more sensitive to words, first she heard the boss, and then you...

Isn't she a meat ticket? When did she become a VIP?
"Wait!" She stopped the goose subordinate, and then asked, "You just said boss? Qin Zheng?"

His hands were taken aback, as if realizing that he had said something wrong, he immediately covered his mouth in a daze, "I didn't say anything just now!"

No shit.

All that needs to be said has been said!

Qi Xiaoxiao just rolled her eyes at this kind of magic knife, she pushed away the stupid goose in front of her, and went upstairs to find someone.

No wonder she always felt that something was wrong.

Even if he is the right-hand man of Big Brother, isn't Qin Zheng's status here so preeminent?

"Miss Qi, where are you going?"

"I'm looking for Qin Zheng!"

"Boss, no, no, boss Qin, no, Qin Zheng is not upstairs right now!"

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

The man wanted to catch Qi Xiaoxiao, but Qi Xiaoxiao escaped very well and went upstairs in minutes.

The door of the study room was ajar, so there was no need to kick it at all... Qin Zheng was sitting at the desk looking at some documents, when he saw her coming, there was a moment of surprise on his handsome face, "Little?"

"Very surprised?"

The astonishment on the man's face was only momentary, and he quickly regained his composure, "Fortunately, I just didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect that I would know your identity so soon!" Qi Xiaoxiao stared, grinning like an angry Xiaoqiang.

Qin Zheng put down the folder at hand, with a slight smile in his eyes, "Blame me for lying to you?"

"That's not the point! The point is...why did you tie me up in this way! If it's really just a simple meeting, I won't stop coming when you ask me out, but..."

She was puzzled.

Qin Zheng frowned slightly, and was about to explain, when his subordinates rushed in and whispered something in his ear.

"Want to know the answer?"

Qin Zheng walked ahead first, Qi Xiaoxiao thought about it, and had no choice but to follow.

Going downstairs and outside the door, she saw Second Master Fu.

The whole person suddenly became illusory.

Qin Zheng and Second Master Fu, they...

clap clap.

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows and clasped his hands together, "I didn't expect the dignified Second Master Fu to be so affectionate and righteous, and dare to single-handedly trade himself for a woman!"

Fu Dongqing didn't follow anyone behind him, he said with a gloomy face, "In that case, let her go!"

Qin Zheng sneered, "You really think I will keep my promise, Second Master Fu really thinks highly of me, Qin Zheng! Now that you have entered my territory, don't even think about leaving!"

Listen to the conversation between the two.

Even if Qi Xiaoxiao was a silly girl, she understood at this time.

Did Qin Zheng and Second Master Fu have a deep hatred?

The reason why I tied myself here is actually for fishing, to catch the big fish of Mr. Fu... Now that the fish is caught, my value will come to an end...

Her heart is full of mixed feelings at this time.

That big brother who always took care of her when she was a child, but now he is using her, is like a different person...

"Qin Zheng, what do you mean!"

The man's face was ferocious, and he walked to Fu Dongqing's side with a sneer, and at some point in his hand conjured up an exquisite pistol and pointed it at Fu Erye's temple.

"What? Did the aloof Second Master Fu never think that today will happen! As long as I slam the trigger, your life... will be gone with a bang, isn't it exciting?" The man's handsome face showed It's crazy, bloody.

Seeing the indifference on Fu Dongqing's face, Qin Zheng felt ashamed of being ignored, and he punched him hard!
"Qin Zheng! How dare you!"

She rushed over, seeing him hurt, but she was helpless, and all this was thanks to Qin Zheng!
She didn't know where the courage came from, so she grabbed Qin Zheng's hand holding the gun and pointed the gun at herself, "Kill him, kill me first!"

Afterwards, thinking of the cold muzzle of the gun, I was still a little scared.

Fu Dongqing's expression was a little complicated.

Qin Zheng was so angry that he twisted his eyes and looked cold, "Qi Xiaoxiao, don't think I dare!"

"Then you come! Come!"

"Xiao Xiao, this is a matter between us, you don't need to intervene!"

(End of this chapter)

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