exclusive wife

Chapter 228 Resist, I want to go to heaven

Chapter 228 Resist, I want to go to heaven

"Boss, I..."

"You go first!"


"Go in!"

"Second Master Fu is really unwilling to take any losses. I have only one person in my hand, but you exchange the lives of two families...is it worth it?"

Qin Zheng's tone of voice was particularly flat, and Qi Xiaoxiao suddenly wanted to take a super glue and seal his mouth.

Qi Xiaoxiao looked at Fu, who was thinking about it day and night, and then saw Ah Da and Ah Er, and a hundred feelings were tossed in her heart.

"To me, she is a priceless treasure, Mr. Qin, do you think it's worth it or not?"

The two confronted each other for a long time.

Qi Xiaoxiao felt that her neck was a little sore, and the atmosphere at the scene was filled with gunpowder. She thought for a while that a fight was really going to happen, but she didn't expect...

Both sides live in peace.

Second Master Fu took her away in a very domineering manner, and Xie Tian and Liu Ben's family members were also released safely. Qin Zheng's subordinates were a little unwilling, "Boss, just let her go like this, don't chase after him?"

"Not chasing."

Even if she chased her, she still couldn't catch her heart.

"Xie Tian and Liu Ben, what is the boss going to do?"

Qin Zheng's face suddenly turned cold, "Fix it well! Send someone to watch over it, and don't make any trouble! Next time, I won't care about brotherhood!"

Being caught in the weak spot once, this kind of thing must never happen again!


For Qin Zheng.

This is not necessarily the end, but the beginning.

It's just that this game is much more interesting than he imagined.

at this time.

On a black stretched Bentley.

There was a strange smell in the car.

The man has been silent since he got in the car, and with a paralyzed face, the rhythm is scary every minute!
Qi Xiaoxiao peeked at it several times, always with an expressionless face, a pair of ink-like black eyes emitting a cold light, and finally Qi Xiaoxiao didn't hold back first.

She broke the jar and said, "Don't you have anything to ask me? Why didn't Qin Zheng hurt me, why did he talk to me in a harmonious voice, why..."

"To shut up!"

The air pressure around the man has been extremely low.

The driver, Old Chen, could feel it, shrinking his neck unconsciously, but Qi Xiaoxiao didn't seem to notice it at all, put his hands on his hips, and continued to mumble, "Since you don't ask, then I said, Qin Zheng and I, then It's a childhood sweetheart..."

Originally, seeing his expressionless face, I wanted to give him a slap in the face, but I didn't expect the power to be stronger than an atomic bomb...

Qi Xiaoxiao's arm was pinched tightly, the man squinted his cold eyes, his eyes were like knives, "What did you say!"

"Childhood sweethearts?"

Qi Xiaoxiao knew she shouldn't be angry with him, but she didn't like this dull atmosphere, especially the man's questioning eyes!

She gritted her teeth and said stubbornly, "Don't you know! We are childhood sweethearts. We grew up together. Qin Zheng treats me very well! Give me anything delicious, and if someone bullies me, he will help me out. Well, he also..."

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked severely.

The man even gnawed and bit, making it impossible for her to say a complete sentence.

His eyes seemed to kill her instantly at any moment, Qi Xiaoxiao was still struggling, but the harder he struggled, the harder the man's attacks would be!

Now it's not as simple as being angry.

be angry!
Lao Chen was scared out of his wits by the BOSS's eyes. He was afraid of hearing something he shouldn't hear or seeing something he shouldn't see. Sneak away.

In the car.

In the narrow space, there are only the husband and wife.

The two stared fiercely at each other.

Qi Xiaoxiao's mouth was bitten by this beast, and she grinned her teeth in pain at this moment, "Fu Dongqing, are you finished!"

The man sneered, "Don't even think about it for the rest of your life!"

"Are you annoying? You know that I..."

The man didn't wait for her to finish speaking, he looked at the small mouth that was crackling, and then continued to stop it. Seeing her dumbfounded look, he felt more balanced.

He bites her.

Bite without mercy.

Qi Xiaoxiao was also angry, took a bite, and bit back!



Do you really think she is a kitty cat? Do you really think she won't resist?

Qi Xiaoxiao turned against the guest every minute, sitting on the man's lap, and turned this "battle" from passive to active. The sparks between the husband and wife have already been flying, and it may be triggered at any time.

From the car, the two went all the way to the living room, then to the stairs, to the bedroom...

Almost all battlefields.

Uncle Yuan took a sneak peek, and immediately flinched.

Fu Dongqing didn't know the same as his little wife at first, he was a hooligan when he was hooligan, and he ate tofu when he ate tofu, but his little wife seemed to want to go to the house to expose the roof tiles, so he couldn't be blamed for that.

The man grabbed her by her thin arm, dragged her into the room, and closed the door with a slam.



The dress on Qi Xiaoxiao was directly torn in two, and turned into a strapless dress, and it still exposed her chest...

Fair and tender skin, and plump and seductive...

Fu Erye's eyes were already spitting fire at this time, coupled with the suppressed anger, he started in minutes!
Seeing that the man is about to succeed, Qi Xiaoxiao is not happy!Being kidnapped, she is also a victim, so why should she be suppressed!While the man wasn't paying attention, she bit down on the man's arm. Fu Dongqing accidentally felt the pain, and as soon as he let go, the little wife was about to run away.

"Qi Xiaoxiao, you are against heaven!"

Qi Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows provocatively, "My sister not only wants to fight against the sky, but also to go to the sky!"

Fu Dongqing felt annoyed after hearing this, "Go to heaven? You come here, I will let you go to heaven!"

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and every minute there was an ambiguous taste...

Qi Xiaoxiao thought about it carefully, and he didn't know what he meant by "God to heaven!"She jumped angrily, "You! How can you be such a beast!"

"Beast? Qi Xiaoxiao, I'm your man, I can do whatever I want!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was not happy, "Then I am your wife, and I will pressure you to do it, so I will pressure you, why not!"

The corner of Master Fu's mouth twitched, "You really think so?"

"Of course!"

Since my daughter-in-law likes this position, Second Master Fu can only bear the pain and agree!
He took a big step, threw his wife on the bed, and then turned over. Qi Xiaoxiao sat on Fu's lap. Fu Dongqing teased, "I've already satisfied you, shouldn't you also be satisfied as a husband?"

The man's voice was hoarse and deep, and the suggestive meaning in his eyes was extremely obvious, Qi Xiaoxiao's face was flushed red from being teased.

"Who said I like it! I obviously just said it casually, so I don't..."

The cover under his body has already been torn to pieces, and now he can't cover it even if he wants to.

Qi Xiao was too stingy, "Fu Dongqing, can you listen to me and say a word!"


"Then you still use your hands and feet?"

The man was serious, his eyes darkened instantly, "Isn't it just right that you said I would do it?"

"Actually, Qin Zheng and I are not childhood sweethearts, we just spent two years together when we were young."

"Been together?"

There was something wrong with the man's expression again.

Qi Xiaoxiao hurriedly waved her hands, "What are you thinking! At that time, I was not yet ten years old. Could it be that I fell in love so early? But Qin Zheng took good care of me."

She just explained their relationship to him.

Hope he doesn't misunderstand.


Fu Erye did not misunderstand, but he accidentally overthought.

Puppy love?

take care of?

Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng.

Is this the rhythm of raising children and daughters-in-law since he was a child?

The corner of the man's mouth hooked slightly, and a bad taste flashed across the corner of his lips.

So what if the child bride is not his woman in the end?Once in his hands, no one wants to go back!
There are so many Qi Xiao novels.

He said dry mouth, hoping that someone from Fu would let her go on the bed.

But the beast turned a deaf ear, pretending it hadn't heard anything, and began its conquest like a storm...

How could Qi Xiaoxiao be his opponent on the bed.

It didn't take long to beg for mercy, but the man's interest was high, how could he let her go!

"Honey, who am I to you?"

"You are Second Master Fu, Second Brother, My Second Brother..."

Her consciousness was a little loose at this moment.

My head was in a mess, I didn't know what to think or what to say.

"No, think again!"

"Wuuuuuu, the second brother is my husband, my man, and me... ah..."

Being hit hard, Qi Xiao was so angry that he punched him, but that kitten-like strength was not painful to the man, on the contrary, he became more excited, and his movements became more and more violent.

"Honey, who do you love the most?"

"I love you big-headed ghost! Big-headed ghost!"

This answer seemed to be unsatisfactory to Fu Erye, he moved several times, Qi Xiaoxiao almost couldn't bear it, and his voice was a little whimpering, "I love you, I love you, I also love Dabai, Xiaohei, and Xiaomei. like……"


Tolerance is a virtue.

Not satisfied.

Very dissatisfied.

"Whoever you love the most, there can only be one person!"

The man's deep black eyes were filled with a demonic deterrent force. Qi Xiaoxiao glanced at it, as if her whole body and soul had been sucked in. She gritted her teeth and let out a cry before finally falling limp. "Love you, love you the most."

Only then did the man feel satisfied. The fleeting smile on the edge of his thin lips was gentle and beautiful.

Wake up the next day.

Qi Xiaoxiao's waist can't move at all, she hasn't had a married life for a long time, she almost forgot what it's like!

(End of this chapter)

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