exclusive wife

Chapter 236 Painting King 8, Don't Press Me

Chapter 236 Painting bastard, don't pressure me

Qin Zheng shrugged, showing a rare smile of relief.

"I'm not here, but the neighbors are still there. Anyone who wants to eat can pick it... there are several fruit trees behind the house, go and have a look?"

Qi Xiaoxiao scratched her head, "Okay."

The two walked back and forth, but Aze and the bodyguards did not follow, and some people in and outside the village noticed this side.

There was no one in the Qin family all the year round, the old man Qin had disappeared a long time ago, and the old man Qin's son hadn't been seen for decades... Many people thought that maybe he was gone long ago.

Now that it suddenly appeared, no one knew that Qin Zheng was the same Qin Zheng back then, they only thought that this house had already been sold to someone else.

There are many fruit trees behind the house, including purple peaches, loquats, pears, and grapes. Some of them in the countryside are found here.

Qi Xiaoxiao was picking a strawberry and was about to eat it when she heard a groan from outside the fence.

The back door opens.

Only then did I see three or five little dolls of seven or eight years old climbing trees to pick peaches, and two little girls carrying baskets filled with yellow and orange loquats.

Maybe everyone has an understanding.

There is no one here.

So they are picked openly.

Hearing the sound suddenly, every little thing was startled, and a little boy with a bare head was so frightened that he slipped and fell from the tree.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with falling down on the muddy ground below.

Qin Zheng deliberately put on a paralyzed face, radiating majesty, scaring children every minute.

"Whose children are these! Are you so ignorant to steal peaches?"

As soon as Qin Zheng drank it, the little ones were stunned for a while, and some of them withdrew without even having time to carry the fruit basket.

Qi Xiaoxiao chuckled, and stared back at Qin Zheng, "There are so many fruits, I can't finish them anyway, why are you scaring them?"

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, and he only replied two words.


Qi Xiaoxiao remembered.

Back then, Qin Zheng took him to steal peaches in other people's backyards, wasn't it the same... He was completely stupid when he was snubbed by the owner, but even if Qin Zheng was stupid, he didn't forget to take the fruit basket away, and by the way, he would take the fruit basket for a few more a loquat.

Now that I think about it, it really is...

Just as she was thinking a lot, she heard a familiar voice not far away, and Qi Xiaoxiao turned her head...

I saw grandma standing at the entrance of the narrow alley calling my name.

The old lady looked surprised and looked at it several times before she dared to confirm.

Because she often does work in the countryside, the old lady is in much better health than those old men and women in the city. Although she is not as light as a swallow, her legs and feet are quite agile. She walked over and took Qi Xiaoxiao's arm to look at her. .

"Xiao Xiao, why are you back? Isn't this a holiday?" After a series of words, he noticed the tall and handsome young man next to him.

Even if she is old and dizzy, she still knows that this is not the one from last time.

But didn't the granddaughter say that she was married? What's going on?

The old lady was a little confused, waiting for her explanation with a blank face.

Qi Xiaoxiao coughed, "Grandma, let me explain to you, this is Uncle Qin's son, do you remember? This house belongs to the Qin family, this is Qin Zheng, who used to play with me when I was young, Take good care of my big brother."

The old lady nodded with an 'ohhh', and then thought for a while before she finally figured it out.

"Is it Lao Qin's son? It's been so many years, I didn't expect to be so big and so handsome..."

Qin Zheng's face had already softened at this time, like an ordinary young man, he said softly, "Grandma Qi, I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so young."

The old lady was happy, but still clung to the question, "What about you and Xiaoxiao..."

Before Qin Zheng could speak, Qi Xiaoxiao quickly picked it up, "Grandma, didn't I happen to meet Qin Zheng? He wanted to come back and take a look, so I came back together when I was not busy. Just in time to see you... "

This reason also makes sense.

"It's almost ten o'clock, let's all have lunch together."

Qin Zheng glanced at Qi Xiaoxiao, who nodded.

As for Aze and the others, they could only wait desperately in the car.

When the old lady is alone at home, she usually just sends something away to eat. It's not like the granddaughter is back, and she just wants to cook two dishes.

Qi Xiaoxiao went to pick vegetables in the vegetable garden, and Qin Zheng, the black boss, was assigned to work in the Huotou army. If Ze and the others found out, they would rush over to help the boss share the work?

But Qin Zheng is happy!

This is to gain favorability in front of the old lady.

Fu Dongqing is a high-ranking noble son, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, but he is not.

He has eaten all the ups and downs, and he can do any kind of work, which is what the old man likes most.

as predicted.

At first, the old lady was a bit repulsive. After all, even if this is Qin Zheng, he is still a stranger...

After this meal, the relationship will be much closer.

Several 'Qin boys', 'Qin boys' in a row...

Qi Xiaoxiao suffered from embarrassment accidentally.

After dinner, the old lady also knew that the two young people would not stay in their hometown for long, so they probably left soon...

The old lady pulled Qi Xiaoxiao and refused to let her go, "Xiaoxiao, is your relationship with that Mr. Fu okay now?"

Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

Qi Xiaoxiao touched her nose, "Grandma, we are doing well!"

The old lady had a face full of jokes, showing gossip from time to time, "So, have you got it?"

"have what?"

The old lady pointed to her belly, "It's a baby!"

Qi Xiaoxiao feels like being struck by lightning. She hasn't even exposed this relationship to the public, but she is afraid that it will be affected to some extent, not to mention that she might die at the sight of the light...

So the child's problem has not been considered.

But when the old man mentioned it, she naturally couldn't say much, "Grandma, let the child go with the flow, after all, it's not something I can get if I want it."

"I understand, but have a baby early while you're young, so you can earn more money in the future!"

The old lady was open-minded, but Qi Xiaoxiao's face was said to be flushed with embarrassment. The words Fu Dongqing kept ringing in Qin Zheng's ears, and his face had already turned cold unconsciously.

Qi Xiaoxiao was afraid that Qin Zheng would get angry suddenly, so she kept trying to end the topic, but the old lady didn't notice it.

After all it is.

It's too lonely at home alone, too lonely, and if I want to find someone to talk to, I have to go out.

"Xiao Xiao, next time you have to bring your husband back together, it would be great if the three of you could be together."


Qi Xiaoxiao was still in a daze, but when she thought about it, she instantly understood... After all, the old lady still hopes that she will get pregnant right now!
"Grandma, I..."

She was worried and didn't know how to appease the old lady, when suddenly the half-hidden door of the compound was opened from the outside.

She turned around and looked over.

The man came in a suit and leather shoes, his powerful aura was completely incompatible with the atmosphere here, he was tall and handsome, on par with Qin Zheng, his sharp eyes were like sharp knives, he passed by Qi Xiaoxiao, and shot straight at Qin Zheng.

Love rivals meet, extremely jealous!
Qin Zheng leaned back on the rattan chair and swept over lazily, as if he was the owner of this place and Fu Dongqing was just a guest.

Although the old lady has some presbyopia, she has a good memory and is not face blind.

Seeing Fu Dongqing, he smiled and immediately stood up.

"Is this Xiao Fu?"

Qi Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the old lady would not ask that annoying question again, and also knowing that she no longer had to follow Qin Zheng...

It's just that I am a little worried about conflicts between the two.

However, she obviously thought too much.

Fu Dongqing didn't pay attention to Qin Zheng at all, but stood directly beside Qi Xiaoxiao, hugged his daughter-in-law's slender waist in a high-profile manner, and slightly curled his thin lips, "Grandma, I'm Xiaofu, I've been busy with work recently... ...Xiao Xiao said to come over in the morning, and I immediately took the time to finish a meeting ahead of time, and came over."

In this way, why Qin Zheng and Qi Xiaoxiao both came, but he didn't... This gap is completely filled.

The old lady didn't understand anything, she nodded, "It's normal to be busy with work, but you are not young, Xiao Fu."

Qi Xiaoxiao pinched him aside, motioning him to say less.

But the old lady knew it well.

With a sigh, "Oh, when I can hold a great-grandson, my life will be complete."


Qi Xiaoxiaote was helpless, "I'm still young, I've just graduated from college, so I'll take two years off at least."

Second Master Fu raised his eyebrows, "Grandma is right, Xiao Xiao and I will work hard to make human beings successful this year!"


"Good good!"

Second Master Fu left with his young wife, and still did not forget to provoke, "Since Mr. Qin likes to go back to the countryside, I think it's better to live in the countryside?"

Qin Zheng snorted coldly, slammed the door and left.

What's the hurry, the fun has just begun...

As soon as Qin Zheng left, Fu Dongqing's face darkened.

His wife had been missing for two days, and He Yue had waited all afternoon downstairs in Qi Guofu's house, but no one was found, and only then did he know that the matter was serious...

It's just that the Qi family refused to admit it, so naturally no evidence could be found.

Now that Qin Zheng is behind the scenes, one can imagine Fu Dongqing's mood.

Green plum, bamboo horse, live together for two days, huh.

Along the way, Qi Xiaoxiao felt the man's low pressure. At first she was willing to tease him, but later she just lay down on the side to sleep!
Who does the old lady owe?
For no reason, she was tricked by those bastards at home and sent to Qin Zheng's bed!Shouldn't she be the most wronged and pitiful person?
Finally got home.

Qi Xiaoxiao hurriedly went to the bedroom, then closed the door with a bang and locked it.

Uncle Yuan glanced at the man standing next to him, a little uncertain, "Young Mistress, this is..."

(End of this chapter)

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