exclusive wife

Chapter 254 Food, Gift

Chapter 254 Food, Gift

Cruise and Annuo stood by the door like two door gods.

Mason was about to feast on the beef stew with potatoes, when he suddenly choked, retracted his paw embarrassingly, adjusted his makeup, and looked depressed, "I don't want to bring these two unfilial people..."

This baby is suffering.

I finally thought that I could go back to China and be myself, and I could eat and drink as I wished, but I didn’t expect...

Cruise and An Nuo followed in minutes.

The eyes of the two also stared at the table.

I am used to eating fast food Western food, and seeing such a complicated Chinese food, the faces of the two handsome men are even more admirable and admirable.

"It smells so good!" An Nuo couldn't help it.

Compared with An Nuo, Cruise was much calmer, but his straight eyes also revealed his obsession with this table meal at this time.

Looking at the two apprentices' recognition of Xiao Zhao, Mason felt a sense of pride, his eyes seemed to say: Can a cook recognized by the teacher be an ordinary cook?
Can such a picky mouth eat those unbearable meals?

What's more, Xiao Zhao is still his master!

"Cruise, Annuo, this is the master Zhao I knew in Huaxia."

Faced with the piercing eyes of the two great talents, Xiao Zhao was a little embarrassed, lowered his eyes, scratched his head, not very confident.

Qi Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows, "Xiao Zhao is a Michelin-starred cook, and his craftsmanship is absolutely undeniable! It's not easy to eat the food he cooks!"

"Young Mistress..."

Xiao Zhao's face was a little red from the praise.

As for Mr. Fu, he was sitting on the sofa, his dark eyes swept over lazily... an expression that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Both Cruise and An Nuo are the kind of people who have experienced big scenes. If they have never eaten any food, they will naturally not be shocked by this kind of scene, especially if it is an ordinary home-cooked food...

When the two sat down and planned to eat while supervising teacher Mason...

Cruise's cold face finally changed subtly.

With students nearby, poor Xiaomei could only look at the vegetables and sigh, her eyes drooling, she switched to vegetable soup and steamed fish, and she dared not touch the greasy ones at all!
He can't, but Cruise and Annon can.

After An Nuo ate a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, his long and narrow eyes narrowed immediately, and he even let out a soft "wow".

Cruise was also a little confused, not knowing whether it was delicious or not.

He also grabbed a piece quickly, and ate more than An Nuo calmly... But he definitely used practical actions to prove whether he loves or hates this dish!

Before An Nuo could react, the ribs in the basin quickly decreased a lot...

It is definitely visible to the naked eye!
"Cruise, you're such a foodie!"

For the younger brother, Cruise just showed an evil smile, "I'm a foodie, who am I afraid of!"


Is this what a generation of film kings said?
It's very detrimental to your identity, okay?

Seeing that the two students were having a great time eating, Mason secretly picked up a piece of potato and beef. After eating it happily, he started to eat the tomato shrimp next to him...

That look is simple!

Recently, Qi Xiaoxiao, who has a normal appetite, originally saw big fish and big meat. Although he wanted to eat, his stomach seemed to be churning, and he could vomit every minute...

But seeing that everyone's food is so delicious and full of taste, she must rest, and the rhythm of a pot of meat will be killed in minutes, so she can only rush to eat.

I accidentally killed a bowl of rice.

Fu Dongqing watched from the side.

For a lunch, a group of people who ate were so exhausted that they didn't want to walk. Fortunately, Mason's villa was next door, and it was only a few steps away by walking by the wall...

At night.

Ordinarily, Mason seldom comes to eat. Occasionally, Xiao Zhao is in a good mood and will send some freshly baked snacks over.

Xiao Zhao, who was praised so much at noon, was in a good mood, and he accidentally made an extraordinarily rich dinner!

There are more meat dishes, and there are many vegetarian dishes for dinner.

Stir-fried shrimp and cabbage, burnt tofu, fried chicken nuggets with black pepper, cold cucumber rolls, colorful enoki mushrooms, cumin fancy potatoes, saliva chicken...

There are also several staple dishes for you to choose from.

There are Xiao Zhao's homemade rolled noodles and braised beans noodles.

There is also refreshing shrimp porridge.

And sausage and potato risotto.

Plus a bunch of Chinese desserts.

When Mason is not in China, sometimes Fu Erye is in the company and Qi Xiaoxiao eats alone or with Uncle Yuan.

There are fewer people and less food to eat.

The appetite was aroused for lunch, and after eating some fruit in the afternoon, Qi Xiaoxiao was hungry again.

"Dongqing, if I eat like this, will I become a big fat man?"

She visibly felt her face rounded.

Fu Dongqing held the person in his arms, and his slender fingertips ran across the tactile skin, which seemed to be more sensual and elastic to the touch. He squinted his black eyes, and slightly raised his thin lips, "No."

The man's tone didn't seem perfunctory, but he wasn't serious enough either.

Qi Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and met the man's teasing black eyes. She made a face, "If I become a big fat man, I will overwhelm you in minutes!"

The man raised his eyebrows, as if imagining such a scene, with a happy expression, "Oh? You can try it."

Qi Xiaoxiao, who was just talking about it, felt provoked by someone inexplicably, her little face was blushing and dripping blood, she grabbed the man's strong and strong arm, took a sip, carved her own tooth marks, and then bare He ran away on his feet.

Fu Dongqing couldn't laugh or cry.

At this moment, Xiao Zhao's creation has come to an end, and the aroma of various dishes has hooked Qi Xiaoxiao's gluttons.

"Xiao Zhao, do you have a date?"

She said it casually.

But it caught the attention of two men.

One is Xiao Zhao, the client, and the other is Mr. Fu.

The latter frowned unconsciously.

Xiao Zhao is a shy child. When he was asked straight to the point, he faltered a little, "Young Mistress, I'm still young."

"Xiao Zhao, you are already 25 this year, you are not young."

Qi Xiaoxiao leaned against the kitchen door, with a motherly brilliance on her face, trying to win over Xiao Zhao every minute.

"I, like me, some girls don't like it."


Xiao Zhao, whose culinary skills have reached the pinnacle, how could he not please the girl?
In addition, the reward given to him by the Fu family is definitely a considerable figure.

Xiao Zhao thought of the three blind dates arranged by his parents before, all of which ended without a problem.

On the one hand, he couldn't express it, and on the other hand, when the girls asked him about his occupation and whether he had a house...they all retreated.

Xiao Zhao's annual salary is actually more than one million yuan, but before he came to Fu's house, his salary was not high, and his job was worse than most of his peers... Second Master Fu should be regarded as his bole.

Xiao Zhao's father is also a cook, and his mother is a full-time mother. The family's income is average, and they all lived in the basement at the beginning...

Later, Xiao Zhao's income got better and better, and now he rents a small apartment in the urban area.

With an ordinary job, plus no house, only a scooter, and not good at expressing, even if Xiao Zhao is decent-looking, it is difficult to find a partner.

When Qi Xiaoxiao heard it, she thought about it too.

With an annual salary of more than 100 million, it will take two or three years to afford an ordinary house in the imperial capital, and if you live in an urban area, you will have to struggle for another two years...

"Young Mistress, I'm not asking for a salary increase. The salary given by the Young Master is already very, very high, and I'm already very satisfied."

Qi Xiaoxiao understood, and raised her eyes to look at her husband.

Fu Dongqing didn't know the twists and turns in her heart, and raised his handsome eyebrows, "Xiao Zhao's performance is indeed good, plus [-]% of the monthly salary, I will pack a big red envelope for the year-end bonus."

"That's right! Also, Xiao Zhao, you are Xiaomei's master. It's fine for that guy to come here every day to eat and drink, and he also brings two oil bottles! When come again, I have to let these guys, hehe !Pay some tuition!"

Xiao Zhao desperately shook his head and said no.

Before he could continue, Mason had already rushed over with two oil bottles in a mighty manner, as if a bandit had entered the village.

"Is dinner ready?"

Xiao Zhao glanced at the kitchen, "There are still 5 minutes left, please wait."

After talking with Xiao Zhao, Qi Xiaoxiao dragged Mason and the two bastards behind him, "Did you enjoy your lunch?"

"Happy! Happy! So happy!"

"What about you, Cruise?"

"very good!"

Since it's delicious, it's right!
Qi Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled, and Mason felt like he had fallen into a trap. Second Master Fu also knew that his little villain was about to start plotting against others.

"Xiaomei, Cruise, Annuo, our little Zhao is pretty good at it, right?"


"As for you, you can come to eat and drink every day, but what!"

All three pricked up their ears and looked at her with piercing eyes.

"It's got to be, cough, I mean it."

She made a gesture of rubbing money.

Mason was still in a daze, but Cruise realized first, "Huh?"

"I just mentioned to Old Fu about raising Xiao Zhao's salary...Xiaomei, Xiao Zhao lived in the basement a year ago, but now he lives in a small apartment with dozens of square meters, and his parents are in the apartment."

"Wow, isn't that enough money?"


The most important thing in his life is money, he can't spend it at all, okay?

Some time ago, I was still thinking about how to donate it.

Mason wanted to spend a lot of money at the slightest disagreement, "That's easy! I still have an apartment in the imperial capital, so it's my apprenticeship ceremony!"


"At the second ring of XXX."

Apartment in the second ring...


I'm afraid it won't work without 700 million.

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't refuse, so she naturally agreed for Xiao Zhao!As for Cruise, he said that he had an extra Rolls-Royce in his garage, and he didn't like it, so he gave it to Xiao Zhao.

An Nuo saw that the teacher and senior brother had given away, but he seemed to have nothing to give away.

He shrugged, "My family has a set of kitchen utensils made of gold, I think Zhao will like it very much!"

Kitchen utensils made of gold?

This can't be eaten, can it?
Qi Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, but she still helped to accept it.

Xiao Zhao, who thought that he could rely on himself for two more years, would get a flat and a luxury car. He didn't want to accept it, but Mason said, "Master, if you don't accept it, it means you don't treat me as an apprentice?"

"Zhao, the dishes you cook are really good, this is a little bit of our heart!"

For them, this little money is just drizzle.

But for Xiao Zhao, it is definitely...

Every day after that, the three dogs next door came to eat on time, and Qi Xiaoxiao was also fed fat and white, but when everything was at ease, she received a speechless news.

(End of this chapter)

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