exclusive wife

Chapter 264 Taking advantage of power and showing off wealth

Chapter 264 Taking advantage of power and showing off wealth

Is this intentional to find fault?
The store manager wanted to come forward to coordinate, but Qi Yanran is that pair, I have a lot of money, don't tell me anything else!

How many of the people who can buy clothes in such a big-name clothing store are not rich, not wealthy wives of the imperial capital?
But I haven't seen anyone like Qi Yanran hanging around every minute.

"Miss, these are the ones that the lady saw first, you can look at others if you need!"

The store manager didn't budge either.

Qi Yanran's face was a little cold.

She almost wanted to say, believe it or not, my sister will stop your store from opening any minute!
"Forget it, she'll pack these four pieces of clothes, Xiao Ye, let's look at other things."

Xiao Ye blinked, as if she had never seen Qi Xiaoxiao talk so easily, especially when facing such a person.

Shouldn't it be fried hair?

Qi Xiaoxiao also blinked at her, with a sly smile flashing across her mouth, "Just wait and see the good show."

Xiao also felt as if he understood something.

She then picked out five pieces of clothing for Xiao Ye.

Qi Yanran bought it again.

She chooses, and she is responsible for buying.

The clerk naturally had no objection, but the store manager looked at Qi Xiaoxiao with an embarrassed face, feeling very sorry.

"Mrs. Fu, in fact, if you want..."

Qi Xiaoxiao shrugged her shoulders, "It's okay, if I want it, I can come again at any time. The lady just picked out some clothes, take a look."

She doesn't choose now.

And the teller also started calling Qi Yanran to check out.

"There are 21 pieces of ready-made clothes in total, and the total price is 310 million. Do you pay by card or cash?"

Qi Yanran frowned, her face was a little displeased, "Why are there so many!"

310 thirty thousand!

She was planning to taunt Qi Xiaoxiao severely.

Let her know that she is not what she used to be now, she can throw money out at will now, but more than 300 million?

Just a few rags.

Seeing her like this, Qi Xiaoxiao glanced at Xiao Ye, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Miss Qi, didn't you look carefully at what store this is, the price of big-name ready-to-wear is not expensive...or you can't afford it?" Qi Xiaoxiao fanned the flames beside him.

Originally, Qi Yanran planned to give up, but after hearing this, her anger came from her heart.

"Joke, will I take this money seriously?"

As he said that, he took out a card and gave it to the teller, but it was inevitable that his face would hurt when he swiped the card.

As early as the night when he recognized his relatives, Xu Anzhi gave her a card with a limit of 500 million.

If you run out, ask her for more.

But it's not been a few days, not even a week... She can't speak anymore.

Before going to the club, plus buying clothes, after spending more than 300 million, she really had no money and became a pauper again.

"Qi Xiaoxiao, just wait and see!"

She left with big bags and small bags, but she was still the laughing stock of everyone.

The store manager shook his head helplessly, "Mrs. Fu, don't leave yet. There are still some clothes here. Do you two see if you like anything?"


The store manager took out some clothes from the backstage.

These are not hanging from the outside.

But the style is very good.

One piece with broken hair is suitable for Xiao Ye, and the other is very loose, with a belt for self-cultivation, without a belt, it can be worn as a maternity dress, which caught Qi Xiaoxiao's attention at a glance.


The two tried it once and were very satisfied, so they bought it directly.

The store manager gave the two of them a [-]% discount each, which was regarded as an apology.

Speaking of which, both of them made money.

"How about it, did you enjoy the scene just now?"

Xiao Ye stuck out his tongue, "Do you have any festivals?"

"Yes, but I don't understand how she has so much money all of a sudden."

Many people know that the Qi family went bankrupt. Could it be that Qi Yanran is really a sugar daddy?But giving so much money at once seems a bit unreal.

The gossipist Qi Xiaoxiao plans to ask her old man to investigate after returning home to see what's going on?

And out of the clothing store.

Qi Yanran received a call from home.

But it's not the Fei family, but the Qi family.

Both Shen Lan and Qi Yanran were sitting in the hall, a little nervous.

"Yan Ran, why haven't you come back to see your parents after so many days?"

Qi Yanran frowned, she wanted to say that she actually forgot, but of course she didn't say anything, but said, "Mom and Dad, I just went to Fei's house, so I have to make a good impression on the people there. If you run home every day, is it decent?"

Shen Lan thinks about it too.

"Is the Fei family treating you well?"

Qi Yanran looked smug, "Okay, what's wrong, I almost gave me all the good things! Do you know, I'm the vice president of Fiji Group now!"

Shen Lan was startled and glanced at her husband.

"Vice President, is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true, that Fei Zihan doesn't like me, but the old lady's heart is on me, heh..."

"They didn't realize you were a fake!"

"Mom! Don't mention this! As long as you don't say it, no one will know!"

She has already hypnotized herself now, she is the daughter of the Fei family, she was originally.

Shen Lan coughed and smiled awkwardly, "I see, that Yanran, you also know the situation at home, we..."

"Mom, what do you want to say?"

"It's just...can you take some money home."

Qi Yanran originally planned this way, but now that she has bought so many clothes, she can't spare a lot of money at once, "Wait for me for another two weeks, and I will send the money home after two weeks."

"Ah, so long?"

"Is 200 million enough?"

Shen Lan pursed her lips, thinking that it was not too much. After all, they had raised so many 'daughters' of the Fei family, and 200 million was too little.

"I see."

Qi Yanran hung up the phone, feeling a little emotional.

And Shen Lan was also somewhat dissatisfied with her own daughter.

This is sending them to someone else's house to live a good life for a few days, and they won't recognize their parents!

Qi Yanran was carrying her clothes back home, just in time to see Fei Zihan coming back, Fei Zihan couldn't help mocking her big bags, "I just moved here, so I can't help it... A bumpkin is a bumpkin, why, I just saw her With so much money, can’t wait?”

Qi Yanran ignored her, turned around and went upstairs.

The styles of these clothes are not bad. After all, they are old-fashioned clothing stores.


Xiao Ye's size is one size smaller than Qi Yanran's.

Small and skinny, some wear S or XS size, while Qi Yanran is M size.

Her face suddenly sank.

Randomly pulled a dress to try on.

In the end, I struggled to put it on, and in the end... with a snap, the piece of fabric at the waist was torn...

This hasn't been pulled yet.

and so.

I bought a bunch of broken things for more than 300 million yuan, can't I wear them?

One can imagine how Qi Yanran is feeling at this time.

Before Qi Yanran asked for money at night, Mother Fei was the first to think of one thing.

"The Qi family has been raising Yanran all these years, and we will never forget this kindness. Acheng, let Ade send the money over tomorrow."

Ade is the personal butler of Feicheng.

Feicheng didn't take this matter to heart, as long as his wife was in charge.

When Qi Yanran heard this, she was half relieved.

The next day, the Qi family welcomed a distinguished guest. Ade first expressed his thanks on behalf of the Fei family, and then cut straight to the point and sent a check directly.

Shen Lan still refused to accept it politely, but Qi Guofu accepted it.

The Fei family has always been in the United States. The Chinese people are polite and might force you to accept them, but you won’t accept them in the United States?

It's fine if you don't charge.

Qi Guofu is really wise, if Shen Lan refused a few more times just now, Ade would take the money back, and the whole family would have no time to cry.

"This is a little thought from the chairman and the chairman's wife. It can be regarded as a repayment for Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi's kindness in nurturing the young lady. After the two receive the money, the young lady and the two of you will not have much to do with each other."

That is, to sever the relationship?
The husband and wife looked at each other, a little speechless... The daughter was originally their own, did they sell themselves?
"Yanran is also our daughter, how can..."

Ade smiled, "Miss eats delicious food at Fei's house, she is a little princess, and it is inconvenient for the two of you to intervene in some matters..."

And this money is also a hush money.

Shen Lan was not happy, but there was nothing she could do, because just now she saw the number on the check.

After people leave.

She couldn't help swallowing.

It's not 200 million or 500 million as my daughter said, but 2000 million!
"With this money, the company can survive."

Qi Guofu has already made up his mind. With this money, the company will be able to come back to life, and since his daughter is in Feishi, won't it be a matter of minutes to cooperate in the future?

The vice president naturally has the right to make decisions!

The two of them had already imagined the future beautifully. In fact, even if their daughter was in another family, they would never lose sight of their family ties. Whatever happened in the future, they would still stand by their side.


At this time, Fu Dongqing also found out the cause and effect.

Qi Yanran is Feicheng's biological daughter?
Qi Xiaoxiao just thought this was the funniest joke in the world, she shrugged, "I really don't believe that she is not Shen Lan's daughter, what if an adopted daughter can feel so much pain?"

"Fei's family did a DNA test, and it was confirmed that she was the long-lost daughter."

Although Fu Dongqing didn't believe it, the result was here.

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

The whole thing is unreal.

No wonder the more than 300 million Qi Yanran can buy it with just a swipe of the card. It turns out that she has become a rich lady.

"But didn't the Fei family have a Fei Zihan before?"

She didn't think Fei Zihan was easy to get along with.

Fu Dongqing raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "You guessed it right, neither of these two people is cheap, and the most important thing is that Mrs. Fei was too emotional, and directly arranged for Qi Yanran to be a deputy. position of president."

Is this going to be a confrontation?

Qi Xiaoxiao felt that she should move a small bench at this moment, and watch a good show while eating.

Everyone thought that the internal strife in the Fei family would be serious, but in fact it didn't.

some night.

Qi Yanran was on the phone with Shen Lan.

She usually closed the door and called quietly, but this day she forgot to close the door, and Fei Zihan stood outside the door silently like a ghost...

"Mom, I get it. As long as you don't tell Dad about this matter, it will be rotten to the bone, and no one will know!"

"With DNA, how would the Fei family know?"

"From now on, I will be the little princess of the Fei family. Who dares to say that I am not... Don't worry, no one will investigate the truth!"

After reassuring her, Qi Yanran finally hung up the phone exhaustedly, and was about to put on a mask to sleep, when she heard a weird laugh.

"Qi Yanran, you are not my mother's biological daughter, are you?"

Fei Zihan sneered, Qi Yanran turned pale with fright when she heard her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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