exclusive wife

Chapter 267 Killing, old friend?

Chapter 267 Killing, old friend?
Early in the morning, Qi Xiaoxiao was going to go to the maternity checkup, and Ada was with her as a nurse. In addition, the pair of twin female assistants followed to ensure that everything was safe along the way.

When going out, Qi Xiaoxiao had an ominous premonition.

That is a woman's innate sixth sense.

It always seemed like something was going to happen.

The driver is Xiao Chen, and the speed of driving is not fast, but for some reason, Qi Xiaoxiao's heart is about to jump out, "Xiao Chen, drive slowly, don't worry."

Xiao Chen is a little puzzled, his speed is already very slow today.

"Young Mistress, is there something wrong with you?"

"No, it's just... I'm not sure."

When the car arrived at the three-way intersection, suddenly two cars rushed over, not only Qi Xiaoxiao, but Xiao Chen had been in a car accident at that time, so he had always had a psychological shadow. He calmed himself down and was not so nervous, but Those two cars definitely rushed over on purpose!

Both Ah Da and the twins became vigilant, and the guns in their hands were ready.

Those two cars blocked this one tightly.

Right in the middle of the road.

This is really the first time to commit crimes blatantly!
The horn of the car behind was buzzing, and at this moment, the people in the two cars got out of the car suddenly, and smashed the window of the car with a stick in their hand.

"Young lady, get out of the car first!"

The twins guard her.

And the shadow guards hiding in the dark also came to fight for shopping at this time.

Someone called the police at the scene.

But it really only takes a few seconds.

One of the twin girls suddenly had snowflakes splashing on his chest, and fell to the ground without warning.


The elder sister of the twins looked around with a bloody face, but before she found out, a blond woman driving a motorcycle quickly grabbed Qi Xiaoxiao's arm, quickly tied her to the motorcycle, and then left.

This series of processes took less than ten seconds at all.

Quickly stunned.

After Qi Xiaoxiao disappeared, the scene also calmed down. This vicious kidnapping incident quickly alarmed the police and even higher-level officials.

When Fu Dongqing received the news, his expression was frighteningly dark.

He quickly mobilized surveillance cameras. On the screen, a woman with blond hair and blue eyes was driving a motorcycle, wearing a red tights and combat pants. The younger sister of the twins was shot in the heart and killed with one shot. This is it?

"Scarlet spider?"

Qi Mu stood aside silently, but he didn't understand the word.

'Red Spider' is an international killer, and it is at the bottom of the killer list, but those who can make the list are not ordinary people.

And 'Red Spider' is a couple, who have stayed in a very strict special training camp, and their hands are extraordinary. Among them, the role of the man is a sniper, and those he targets are dead without exception, while the women are Good at camouflage, close range attack.

The duo almost never missed a shot.

The worth of the two is very high, and one shot will not be less than 5000 million.

But since one shot can kill, why is it kidnapping?

In fact, even Fei Zihan didn't want to understand.

When she saw the news, how much she wished that it was Qi Xiaoxiao lying on the ground, with one dead body and two dead, such news is worth seeing, but it is not!

'Red Spider' has received a deposit of 500 million, plus the final payment, etc. Killing people, it will naturally happen.

Both Ah Da and the twin sister were injured during the fight. The death of the twin sister left the sister devastated, and Qi Mu has already been comforted.

As for Qin Zheng's side, they have not been dispatched.

But someone was always watching in the dark.

After knowing it was 'Red Spider', his brows furrowed and then loosened.

"Boss, what should we do now? Kill the past, or?"

Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes slowly, "Liu Ben, when did you become so frizzy? Prepare 5000 million for me first, and then go to the hiding place of 'Red Spider'."

This time, he will be ahead of Fu Dongqing.

There is almost no suspense.

After Qi Xiaoxiao was hijacked, there were overwhelming news on the Internet, but all of them were suppressed. Some said that she had been torn up, and some said that she had been insulted...

All kinds of bad news.

Huanhuan jumped anxiously and wanted to ask for a certificate, but Master Fu didn't see anyone at all.

"All we can do now is wait!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was caught and thrown into a small suite. There was a bed, a sofa, and hot water in the room, but nothing else, just like a simple small hotel.

That scene just now was like a nightmare.

The foreign man with short chestnut hair wanted to kill her with a single shot, but was stopped by the woman. The two seemed to be arguing, and Qi Xiaoxiao was lucky enough not to be killed.

Fei Zihan's call came quickly, "If she doesn't die for a day, you will never get the final payment! As soon as I confirm that she is gone, I will call the money immediately!"


"Gal, I've changed my mind. This woman is beautiful, isn't she?"

The man looked confused, as if he didn't understand why beauty couldn't be killed?

"She's beautiful, and her baby must be beautiful too! We've been childless, I guess it's God's punishment for us! Baby, I really want a baby, as long as she has a baby, we'll kill it It's not too late!"

"Alice, but do we have an explanation for Phae?"

The woman had already thought about it, she sneered, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in her eyes, "Create a fake scene, will that stupid woman find out?"

Disguise is her strong point, even an insider may not be able to see the fakeness.

Gail was obviously a little speechless. He didn't understand why his wife wanted a Chinese child on a sudden whim... The two of them couldn't have a Chinese baby because of their genes.

But it was clear that Alice had won in the end.

And Qi Xiaoxiao also temporarily escaped.

In the evening, Fei Zihan received a bloody photo with Qi Xiaoxiao's clothes on it, and the back looks like everything, even the profile...

She only felt disgusted after looking at it, so she didn't look any more, and she was convinced.

The last 500 million was called.

When Qin Zheng came over, Gail and Alice were all hiding in the dark, as if they didn't expect anyone to know their lair.

"Old friend, don't be so alien, remember me, I'm Qin, Alice, I saved your life."

Boss Qin Zheng sat on the red leather sofa unceremoniously, not treating himself as an outsider, and was not at all afraid that Gail would shoot him suddenly.

After all, if Gail dared to shoot, neither of these two people could escape here.

All the corners here have been surrounded by Qin Zheng.

The couple came out of the dark with sullen faces. Alice glanced at her husband with some embarrassment, "Gail, Qin did save my life."

Qin Zheng shrugged noncommittally.

"Old friend, long time no see, are you happy in Huaxia?"

Gail didn't intend to continue talking nonsense with him, "How did you find this place! What do we want to do?"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows casually, "Because you two know my energy, if I want to find someone in this land, it will be almost effortless!"

In short, you are standing here now, and you have to thank me for not killing me.

"I'm here today to discuss a deal with you two."

The couple looked at each other, not understanding what charade he was playing.

"Liu Ben, pass me the things."

Liu Ben handed over a leather case, which was densely packed with banknotes.

"Qin, what do you mean?"

The couple also took on a lot of tasks, but Qin Zheng made them really confused.

"I want someone, and that person happens to be in your hands!"

Before Gail could speak, Alice had already smiled, "A woman? But that woman has already been killed by us, you are too late."

"Killed?" The man stood up, and the aura around him changed suddenly. He squinted his eyes and glanced at the two of them, "I want to see people when I live, and I want to see corpses when I die! But it's already a corpse, I think you two... "

Before the words fell, the snipers had already pointed their guns at the couple in the dark.

These two have no choice at all!
"As long as you let him go, the 5000 million is yours! You can leave here immediately!"

Gail had no objection. After all, it was just a business, and he received two rewards, but Alice was a little unwilling. She wanted that woman's child.

"Boss, I found it, here it is."

Xie Tian brought him out of the room. Qi Xiaoxiao was in good spirits at the moment. When she saw Qin Zheng, the black boss, she was not afraid at all, and immediately hid behind him.

"Brother Qin, are you here to save me?"

Qin Zheng was a little amused, "What else?"

"You know I'm here?"

Qin Zheng didn't say that he was being watched all the time, because Fei Zihan failed to kill once, and there would definitely be a second time, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon...

"Well, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, they don't seem to intend to harm me?"

Qin Zheng protected her behind her, and Alice was still complaining about how she finally had a mother who liked the child, but the cooked duck flew away...

When Qin Zheng heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

He finally knew why this little thing was able to escape, and it turned out that this was the reason.

"Qin, we can promise you! However, we have already taken death photos on Fei's side. If she finds out that the person is not dead, she may pursue it. When the time comes..."

Qin Zheng understood, "I know how to deal with it."

The couple left with 5000 million yuan, and Qin Zheng also kept his promise, and did not do them any harm.

It's just that Qi Xiaoxiao naively thought that she could go home after being rescued. She followed Qin Zheng into the car. There was a very faint fragrance in the car, which made her drowsy, and when she woke up again At that time, this land is no longer under your feet...

The news on the Internet has been suppressed. There is a big V account on Weibo, which proves that the person who was kidnapped at Sanchalukou was only a woman who looked like Qi Xiaoxiao, not Qi Xiaoxiao herself.

The incident gradually subsided, but there was no news from Fu Dongqing.

Even if it was Fu Dongchen and Xu Yunmu who went out together, they couldn't even find a strand of hair, as if someone disappeared out of thin air...

A week later.

Fu's Group, President's Office.

"Boss, Miss Fei is visiting."

"not see!"

"She said there was news about the young mistress..."

Fu Dongqing pressed the signature pen in his hand, and the document paper was almost torn. He stabilized his mind, and a glimmer of light flashed in his bottomless black eyes, "Let her in!"

(End of this chapter)

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