exclusive wife

Chapter 278 It's Her!Self-disruption

Chapter 278 It's Her!Self-disruption

It's just a dream, how can it be so real?
He hadn't dreamed of her for a long time.

Fu Dongqing took a deep breath, strode away from the scene with long legs, and directly dialed Qi Mu's phone, "Help me find a woman!"

Qi Mu was also in a daze.

Could it be that the big boss is on a business trip, is this the rhythm of enlightenment?

Qi Mu fully agreed, but after hearing the news about the young mistress, he also frowned, "Boss, there is one thing I may not have told you yet."


"Recently there is a news that has been very popular in foreign countries. It seems that Mason has taken in a new apprentice, also surnamed Qi, and this Ms. Qi is currently filming in Hollywood. I heard that she is very talented. She is very talented in the fashion and entertainment circles. You can get away with it!"

Surname Qi?

Fu Dongqing raised his eyebrows, "I will sort out the news and send it to my mailbox in the evening. The meeting ends this afternoon, and I don't plan to go back for the time being."

Obviously planning to meet Miss Qi for a while.

Whether it's really his wife, or a counterfeit, you'll know once you meet her.

Fu Dongqing was still a little vague, but Qi Xiaoxiao knew that the man she danced with just now was indeed her husband, no...

Maybe it's time to call ex-husband now.

How could the world be so small with such a coincidence?
She was so frightened that she kept jumping up and down, trotting all the way to the bathroom, her forehead was covered with fine sweat, she took off the mask, washed her face with cold water, and then sneaked out through the back door.

And she obviously didn't notice that someone was in the bathroom at the time.

And this scene has been seen by people.

After Qi Xiaoxiao left, Qi Yanran who was wearing a long black dress with a chest tipped out.

She saw clearly just now.

That face is indeed the person she has seen for many years, it is Qi Xiaoxiao, there is absolutely no mistake!
But she hasn't appeared in these years. Didn't Fei Zihan ask a killer to kill her? How could there be such a person?
And she is clearly alive, why doesn't there seem to be any news from the Fu family?

Many mysteries swirl in her mind, Qi Yanran wonders if she has met a woman with the same name... But recently she did hear a friend mention that there is indeed a newcomer in the fashion circle recently, but her status is not low, is it Mason's closed disciple, just this one, many people will give her face!
And she's in John Sr's new movie, with Cruise, tsk...

What if it is really her, and this is in country M, the territory of the Fei family!
Then what if she is exposed!
Qi Yanran felt a deep sense of threat. Recently, although she often went back to Fei's house, the family's attitude towards her was very strange. Before this happened, as long as she was willing to go back one more time, she must be grateful , treat her like a baby.

But now, it's much colder.

Could it be that the identity is about to be discovered?

But if this is the case, why didn't Fei Ziqian expose himself?
Qi Yanran gritted her teeth hard, as if she wanted to calm down her emotions, maybe some things were not as bad as she thought... It would be bad if she really messed up right now.

The current identity is already hers, and it must not be taken away by Qi Xiaoxiao!

"Fei Zihan?"

The phone rang for a long time before someone picked it up. Fei Zihan's tone was very impatient, with a little anger, "What are you doing, I'm so annoying!"

She went to bed very late last night, and now she is still dizzy in her mind, especially when she saw Qi Yanran's phone call, her physical discomfort reached its peak at this time.

"Fei Zihan, do you remember what we said back then that we were on the same front?"

On the other end of the receiver, Fei Zihan sneered.

"Why, are you afraid that I will reveal your secret to my parents and my brother now, saying that you are a counterfeit?"

Qi Yanran couldn't hear her mocking tone, so she didn't care.

"Yeah, I'm a counterfeit, but I haven't hindered your business in the past few years, right? I take the money and you play your game. Isn't it a pleasant cooperation?"

Fei Ziqian felt angry in his heart.

She is doing a good job in business, and the Huaxia market will soon be in her pocket.

But who would have thought that Fu Dongqing gave her a fatal blow.

A scandal could erase all her achievements at once!

Now she has fallen, but she doesn't know if she can stand up again.

"What are you trying to say!"

Qi Yanran got straight to the point, "Are you sure you really got rid of Qi Xiaoxiao four years ago?"

When questioned, Fei Zihan's face was a bit ugly, "If she is still alive, do you think she won't be found again? Qi Yanran, can you stop asking such stupid words!"

"I saw her."


"I saw Qi Xiaoxiao."

Qi Yanran finished speaking very calmly, but Fei Zihan was frightened, and suddenly disappeared without a trace after dozing off.

She still remembered that she invited the killer couple to kill Qi Xiaoxiao, and the killer sent her a photo, which was a bloody photo of Qi Xiaoxiao being killed, and she can still remember...

When Qi Yanran saw her, didn't she...

"Did you see the hell?"

Her voice trembled a little.

Qi Yanran sneered, "Ghost? Fei Zihan, I think you were blinded by a ghost! I don't think Qi Xiaoxiao is dead at all. I saw her take off her mask at the masquerade tonight. If you don't believe me, you can do it yourself." investigation!"

not dead?

How can it be!

Fei Zihan didn't say anything, hung up the phone with a snap, and asked someone for news about Qi Xiaoxiao.

Just like what Qi Yanran said, Qi Xiaoxiao probably didn't die at all, she just hid in country M and didn't show up!

But why did the pair of killers let her go?
Fei Zihan now only feels very sad, she sent a message to question the 'Red Spider' couple, but there was no news, even if it was an international call, no one answered, it was just empty talk.


In fact, after the couple gave up the child in Qi Xiaoxiao's womb, they retired and went home to live after receiving rewards from Qin Zheng and Fei Zihan.

Tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of manuscripts, are enough to live a few lifetimes.

Probably the reason for the golden basin to wash their hands. The killer's wife is pregnant with a child, and now they have a family of three. How can they ask about the past.

Fei Zihan couldn't contact anyone no matter what, it was conceivable that she was wasting money for nothing.

Only she could understand that depressed mood.

"You do it yourself! Qi Yanran, there is no such thing as a free dinner in the world. If you can handle Qi Xiaoxiao, then there is no doubt that you can sit firmly in Miss Fei's position, but if you can't handle it, then you have to figure it out for yourself." !"



Fei Zihan hung up the phone.

Qi Yanran had no choice but to do it herself.

But this time she can't use her identity as Miss Fei's family, otherwise Fei Ziqian will definitely know about it. Fortunately, she has a lot of money, and it is completely effortless to buy a mercenary.

This time, she didn't start from Qi Xiaoxiao's side, but from her daughter Qi Guoguo's side.

Qi Yanran is pretending to be smart.

If Qi Guoguo was on her side, there was no way Qi Xiaoxiao would not give in!When the time comes, all the big and small ones will be in her hands, and they will catch them all at once, and there will be no fish that slip through the net!
Qi Guoguo has already entered the kindergarten. At the beginning, Qi Xiaoxiao was worried that Qi Guoguo would be bullied by the older children, but one time, Qi Xiaoxiao specially lurked in the kindergarten, but saw such a picture...

In the kindergarten, there are friends who are slightly higher than the first grade, and there are also freshmen like Xiang Qi Guoguo.

Qi Guoguo belongs to the type of person who doesn't offend me and I won't offend others, but once she offends me, she will definitely pay back a hundred times... In short, this girl is not a good person when she grows up.

That day, there was a senior chubby guy who sneaked up on Qi Guoguo and pinched her face hard. In fact, maybe it was to express his liking, but Qi Guoguo hurt so much from being pinched, it made her cry woof...

Teachers rarely come out to mediate in schools.

Qi Guoguo endured it, and when the bell rang for class, she chased after her...

Chasing after the little fat man.

When the little fat man wanted to go to class, she would chase after him fiercely, punching and kicking him quickly, and then even if the little fat man wanted to take revenge on her, but the teacher came and the class was over...he could only grit his teeth, it was of no avail.

After that time.

Qi Xiaoxiao never went to the kindergarten to watch it secretly.

With such a girl, what else can she worry about?

And the mercenaries sent by Qi Yanran have already started to act.

According to the information, Qi Guoguo is an out-and-out foodie. For children, there are a few who are not gluttonous. This mercenary is a Chinese, and this time his identity is to play a kidnapper and seduce him with delicious food.

For lunch at noon, all the little friends sit and eat together.

Although it is a private college, the food is not bad, but Qi Guoguo has long since given up on the repeated tastes every day. She misses the sweet and sour pork, spicy beef, and braised pork rice cooked by Aunt Mei...

"Guoguo, don't you eat chicken drumsticks?" A chubby blond girl next to her was drooling, staring at the piece of meat in her bowl with a spoon in her mouth.

Qi Guoguo just ate a piece of tuna sandwich, and now she doesn't want to eat it, so she generously contributed the lunch box, "Hey, you can eat it."

The little girl was so excited that tears filled her eyes, she rolled the chicken leg, and it was solved in two or three strokes.

"Hey, do you smell the fragrance?"

The little girl was licking the sweet sauce on her fingers at the moment, she looked at Qi Guoguo blankly, "Maoyou."

"But I smell the aroma of beef fried rice, and garlic crayfish, wow!"


Qi Guoguo's dog's nose is too bright, so he just smelled it and went out...

At the corner, there was an old man eating in a small pavilion, alone, with six dishes in front of him.

Beef fried rice is not enough, crayfish is not enough, there are also tamales, shredded chicken cold noodles, Kung Pao chicken...

The little girl's eyes were frozen at the moment.

The mercenaries were secretly happy.

Sure enough, it is not difficult to deceive children, so what about the smartest children?

It's just that the usual way of tricking children with lollipops will cost a lot this time.

"Little sister, do you want to eat together? Well, this crayfish tastes really good!"

Qi Guoguo swallowed her saliva, she was about to stretch out her paws, when suddenly a black figure appeared beside her, this is the fat boy Qi Xiaoxiao saw before, who was being picked up by Qi Guoguo...

When the fat boy saw Qi Guoguo stealing delicious food here, he naturally came over.

"Give me something to eat!"

As he said that, he picked up a crayfish and sucked it up.

The mercenary was speechless towards the little fat man. He didn't have much time, and if the director of the garden found out, he couldn't escape. At this time, he could only use a big move.

(End of this chapter)

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