exclusive wife

Chapter 286 Gentleman, or Hooligan?

Chapter 286 Gentleman, or Hooligan?
Qi Guoguo saw that Aunt Mei was planning to go upstairs and enter the room, obviously that room was the most suspicious, but why didn't she enter?


Aunt Mei smiled awkwardly, "Here... Xiaoguoer, let's wait a little longer. Today, Auntie specially made your favorite coconut cake cup and seaweed roll. Come and eat."

Although from last night until now, Qi Guoguo always felt that something was wrong, but she still gave in to the delicious food.

Today's breakfast is rich and western style.

There are all kinds of cakes with mille-layer cakes, and all kinds of squeezed drinks. Qi Guoguo's orange soy milk is available today, and the little ones have a great time eating it.

Hear the doorbell ring.

Qi Guoguo gave full play to the speed of her scud legs and rushed to open the door. When she saw someone coming, her face lit up again, "Morning, Uncle Qin!"

"Good morning, Guoguoer!"

Qin Zheng came really early today.

The early bird gets the worm, and when facing a rival in love, it is natural to be faster to gain an advantage.

In the past four years, Xiaoxiao's attitude has not changed, but he has softened a little bit. Now Fu Dongqing has stepped in, making his situation even more unfavorable.

The man's expression was a little subtle.

"Wow, Uncle Qin, you brought a lot of delicious food."

They are all famous Chinese snacks nearby.

There are Li Ji’s fried buns, autumn leaf buns, Wang Ji’s black rice steamed buns, braised tofu nao...

Qi Guoguo's saliva drools, but she is almost full.

"What about her?"

It was Qi Xiaoxiao who asked.

"My mother is not at home. I didn't see anyone when I woke up."

He came a step late?
Qin Zheng has cursed all eight generations of Fu Dongqing's ancestors.

And Aunt Mei happened to come out of the kitchen. When she saw Qin Zheng, she was taken aback suddenly, "Mr. Qin, aren't you..."


Judging by Aunt Mei's appearance, there is something in her words.

Qin Zheng's eyes narrowed unconsciously.

Aunt Mei looked at the room upstairs, not knowing whether to say or not for a moment.

She knew that there must be someone in that room, but she thought it was Mr. Qin in there, and now it's raw and cooked rice, so she didn't let Qi Guoguo bother her, but...

Apparently not anymore.

There was someone else in the room.

Although she didn't say anything, Qin Zheng was used to observing words and expressions, and after thinking about it for a while, he thought of the twists and turns.

His face turned cold all of a sudden.

"When did you come?"

Aunt Mei looked bewildered, "Come?"

"The one upstairs."

"I didn't see anyone coming when I was making breakfast."

So there is only one possibility, that person came very early, or didn't leave at all last night?
It just gave Qin Zheng the illusion of leaving.

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng gritted his teeth angrily. He knew that Fu Dongqing was shameless, but he didn't expect it to be so shameless!

Thought it was fair competition.

But now he obviously lost at the starting line.

"Mr. Qin, what should we do..." She was a little worried.

Qin Zheng let out a cold snort, and strode up the second floor. When he reached the door of the room, he hesitated for a while and was about to knock on the door, when suddenly the door opened...

It was no one else who came to open the door.

It was Fu Dongqing.

The man has already prepared well, and now he looks well-dressed, but in Qin Zheng's view, he is a beast in clothes.

After being stared at for a long time, Fu Dongqing just laughed it off, "Why, Mr. Qin is here again?"

"It seems that I should ask you this sentence!"

The man shrugged, "You can't say that, come? What are you talking about if you don't leave?"

"Fu Dongqing!"

"Mr. Qin seems to have a big opinion on me?"

There was a rare smile on the man's iceberg face, but this smile was extremely annoying to Qin Zheng's eyes. He clenched his fists fiercely, vowing to fight this man to the death!
"I just didn't expect Erye Fu, who has always been a gentleman, to be so shameless!"

Is this flattery?

Fu Dongqing didn't care at all, "Mr. Qin really thinks highly of me. If everything is upright, how can he have a wife and children?"

"Of course, I would also like to advise Mr. Qin to do less useless things. If I were you, I might as well go elsewhere. There are so many women. Find one as soon as possible, get married and have children."

Qin Zheng couldn't hear the irony in it.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Fu Dongqing showing the hickey on his neck in an extremely shameless way, as if he was announcing to the whole world how intense last night was...

"Fu, don't be complacent! I was able to take Xiaoxiao once four years ago, and I can have a second time in the future!"

Such a threat is undoubtedly heavy for Fu Dongqing.

His expression was getting colder, and there was almost no trace of warmth in his black eyes, "How dare you!"

"Mr. Fu, you should know what kind of person I am, Qin Zheng. Do you think I dare or not?"

That smile meant a lot.

Qin Zheng walks between black and white, and maybe Fu Dongqing too, but Qin Zheng knows a lot of three religions and nine streams all over the country, and even abroad...

With a strong network of contacts, as long as he wants to do one thing, no one can stop him!

Before leaving, Qin Zheng said to the room, "Xiao Xiao, don't blame me for not reminding you, haven't you been hurt enough by this person? What he has done for you in the past four years, you are alone Hold on...you don't have to accept me, but you have to think clearly if you want to get back together."

With that said, the man left gracefully.

Leaving behind the ferocious Second Master Fu.

Qin Zheng knows that he is at a disadvantage now, but it doesn't matter, what he has most is time.

Didn't Fu Dongqing gain the upper hand?

But you can't let him succeed easily.

These words are like a sharp knife, piercing at the door of Qi Xiaoxiao's heart... One can imagine how heavy it must be!

Even though there was more of a misunderstanding between the two, after being absent for so many years, and what Qin Zheng said, if you don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of you...

She is not alone now, she still has Guoguo.

At this time, the way she looked at Fu Dongqing was inevitably a little subtle.


Qi Xiaoxiao's heart was in a mess at this time, and she was a little bored, "I want to be alone for a while."

Fu Dongqing wanted to say something, but he hesitated, "Okay."

After leaving the apartment, Fu Dongqing planned to stay here permanently, Qi Mu coughed, "Yesterday the old man was still asking, when will you take the young miss back together?"

Ever since Mr. Fu knew that his grandson was living abroad, his heart has been rippling.

There are four children in the family, and none of them can worry about it.

The boss is not at home for many years, and even Mengmeng sometimes does not see each other for several months...

The third child doesn't even have a date, so far he's just a bald man, no, he's an old bachelor.

The fourth child is a daughter, and it is reasonable to say that a daughter should worry more, but Fu Jiahui really doesn't worry at all.

Back then, Fu Jiahui was indeed in a relationship, and even wanted to talk about the rhythm of marriage every minute, and even showed her partner to her family.

After taking a look at him, Mr. Fu felt that apart from his good looks, that man was just a badass if he had no ability or background?
But the fourth child didn't think so.

She felt that her family was powerful enough, so there was nothing wrong with finding a phoenix man herself.

Boyfriend Sun Yizhou works as a sales manager in the company, and his family runs a small business. Although he is not rich, he is definitely not shabby... And with his ability, will it be difficult to improve in the future?
Fu Jiahui has been comparing him with the young masters in the capital, and always feels that she has found the right person, and she also advertises how happy she is, and shows her affection every day...

However, the relationship lasted another two years.

Finally revealed a clue.

There is an earthy effervescent woman who came out of nowhere, claiming to be Sun Yizhou's woman, to be precise, his wife!
Pointing at Fu Jiahui's nose and yelling at the bitch, "Shameless little bitch, you occupy my man, I want you to look good!"

Fu Jiahui was a little confused at the time. After all, it was the first time that anyone dared to say such embarrassing things to her in public.

She was also angry.

"Speak clearly, what do you call a man! My boyfriend is Sun Yizhou. We have been together for four years, and everyone knows it! But you bum, you are talking nonsense!"

The two quarreled.

After a long time, the woman came out holding a chubby male doll.

"I think you won't cry when you see the coffin. This is the son of Yizhou and me. I brought my son here to join him this time."


Sun Yizhou has a son?

Fu Jiahui didn't want to believe it at all, she was more willing to believe this woman's lies.

But in fact...

When the woman confronted Sun Yizhou face to face, Sun Yizhou's eyes flickered, and Fu Jiahui was in a bad mood...

She was so angry that she fainted.

When I woke up, my mother was sitting beside the hospital bed, and my father was still in the room.

Just as Meng Nan was about to say something, he heard Mr. Fu yelling, "The worst thing I did in my life was to give birth to you, a wicked thing, with your mother!"

Fu Jiahui was still at a loss.

I heard the grandson Yizhou in the ward shouting.

There was some light in her eyes, and she wanted to get up and get out of bed, "Mom, it's a boat to see me."

Meng Nan's face fell instantly, "Jiahui, are you stupid, is this kind of man worthy of your entrustment for life?"

"Mom, Yizhou is very good to me..." When she said this, her eyes were actually a little guilty.

"Okay! What a fart!" Mr. Fu couldn't help but exploded, "This kind of son of a bitch, who has a family of his own, and even ran out to cheat money and sex, only an idiot like you would believe that he treats you good!"

"Jiahui! Jiahui, listen to my explanation...you must be good, that woman and I are not a couple, don't be fooled by her!"

Mr. Fu cursed, "If I hear you yelling again, I'll take your skin off! I warn you, you'd better get out before I get serious! Otherwise..."

Already threatened for this sake.

Normal people know not to rush forward, but Sun Yizhou was full of tears and snot, "Uncle, I know you have prejudice against me. I have a bad background. I'm just a small white-collar worker in a company, but I really love Jiahui." , please help us!"

"Fulfill you big-headed ghost! Get out!"

Mr. Fu was going to kick him, but Fu Jiahui came out to stop him.

She seemed to forgive Sun Yizhou again in her heart.

Mr. Fu was almost mad at this unfilial daughter.

And Sun Yizhou took advantage of the topic to hold Fu Jiahui's hand and acted out a bitter scene.

"Uncle, now Jiahui is two months pregnant. This is the crystallization of our joint efforts. I want to be with her and take care of her and our child. You can't beat a mandarin duck."

As he spoke, he knelt down.

Fu Jiahui was completely dumbfounded.


"I am pregnant?"

Meng Nan's eyes were a little sad.

Fu Jiahui was so excited, "Dad, I want to be with Yizhou! And do you hope that your grandson will be born without a father?"

These words made Mr. Fu almost faint on the spot, and even wanted to sever the father-daughter relationship with Fu Jiahui.

(End of this chapter)

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