exclusive wife

Chapter 290 Indulging in Pets, Sending Red Envelopes

Chapter 290 Indulging in Pets, Sending Red Envelopes
After learning about Qi Xiaoxiao's phone call.

Killed in minutes.

Qi Xiaoxiao just finished a play right now, was eating fruit salad, and saw a call in the middle of eating.

Even after so long.

She still remembered He Yue's number.

She smiled and said to the other end of the phone, "Sister He, what do you want?"

He Yue inexplicably wants to beat someone up, okay?
She hasn't been in the entertainment circle these few years because she's not sure if she's still alive... Even though she knew she was alive this time, she's gone.

However, it is now known that not only has this product not been released, but it has been mixed into Hollywood.

She complained all over her face, "You girl, are you a beast! My mother has been on vacation at home for several years and has not brought a newcomer... I just thought you would never come back, but now you are filming again, why not Contact me, do you think I'm redundant?"

He Yue chattered a lot, but she didn't enjoy herself, so she continued.

Qi Xiaoxiao could understand her resentment, so she let her vent it for a while.

After a long time, she said, "Sister He, you have worked hard all these years."

When the complaints were over, He Yue also knew that she was overreacting, she sighed, "There is no such thing as hard work, it's just that I'm not reconciled... It's hard to win a gold medal artist who knows the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and it's over all of a sudden, Xiao Xiao , you know my ambition, I hope to let you go further."

Over the years, her former master Guan Peng made fun of her a lot.

Every time I meet her, I will sarcasm, saying that she is blind, or... that her luck is over, and she signed a short-lived ghost.

He Yue wanted to refute, but...

"Sister He, I never thought you were superfluous. I am very relieved that you are by my side...The filming here is only temporary. I will come back, just not now."

After receiving this answer, He Yue was naturally much relieved.

"I understand, let's make a good film. The series "Phantom Agent" is still very popular in China, and this is the second time for Steven to use a Chinese actress. It is conceivable that your status in the entertainment industry is also rising. , Now the topic is full! Try to win an award after the movie is released!"

At that time, the right to speak will be even more extraordinary.

"thanks, I will."

After hanging up the phone, He Yue only felt refreshed. After all these years, she finally had something to look forward to. She believed that Qi Xiaoxiao would come back sooner or later...

Although once an actor is out of the public eye, the popularity of the topic will drop, and the popularity will drop...the popularity will not be as good as before.

However, the disappearance of Qi Xiaoxiao did attract the attention of many people.

Suddenly returning to the public eye, coupled with this attitude, maybe there will be different reactions by then?

She is looking forward to it!

Not just her.

After Bai Qiao and the others found out about this, they couldn't help but look at Qi Xiaoxiao with admiration.

When I was in China back then, I had some great resources because Mr. Fu was there, so she was the first choice!
Good acting skills are one aspect, but connections are also very important.

But in a place like Hollywood, if there are no contacts, then the most important thing is acting skills and timing. The right time, place and people are very important.

The filming cycle of a movie will not be too long, and Hollywood directors like to strive for excellence, especially focusing on efficiency, so the cycle will be compressed to a very short time.

After filming most of the rival scenes, Qi Xiaoxiao ushered in a two-day holiday.

But the strange thing is, little friend Qi Guoguo used to be clamoring to come to the set with her when she wasn't there... In the past few days, she was occasionally busy filming night scenes and forgot to call home. Much more well-behaved, not noisy.

She went home secretly without telling her family.

It's past ten o'clock in the morning.

Aunt Mei was making lunch in the kitchen, and was a little surprised to see her come back.

"Aunt Mei, where is the girl Guoguo?"

Aunt Mei's face was a bit weird, she was not very happy after all, she raised her eyes and glanced at her, "Guoguo and Mr. Fu have gone out."

Said, quite reluctantly.

She was sent by Mr. Qin, so she naturally hoped that Mr. Qin would marry Qi Xiaoxiao.

In the past few years, she has been watching Mr. Qin's kindness...

No matter how hard-hearted a woman is, she can't remain indifferent, but Qi Xiaoxiao really treats this feeling as if she doesn't see it, and just treats her as a brother...

Aunt Mei's heart aches.

Now there is another Mr. Fu.

The man was clearly a formidable opponent.

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't notice anything wrong, but was a little surprised, "Can the two of them play together?"

Aunt Mei said sourly, while putting the vegetable salad on the plate, "Isn't it... That Mr. Fu is really, he comes almost every day. At first, Guoguo didn't like him, but now every day when Mr. Fu comes, he is arguing. want to go out……"

Qi Xiaoxiao sighed.

This is really a crazy girl who is easy to buy.

It's only been a few days, I don't want my mother, I want her father.

It was about eleven o'clock, Qi Xiaoxiao smelled the aroma of the food, and took a deep breath, "It's already ordered, and those two probably won't come back for dinner, let's eat first."

Just finished.

The doorbell rang.

dong dong dong dong dong dong...

There is no need to ask for such a unique knock on the door, it is also known to be the barbaric and rude little friend of Qi Guoguo.

Qi Guoguo was wearing pink and tender little bubbles, her braids were tied into bundles, and was hugged by a tall and handsome man. The little princess was a little tired from playing, and her forehead was a little sweaty. When she saw Qi Guoguo When I was young, my big almond eyes suddenly lit up, "Bad mother, why did you come back to see Guoguo, Guoguo misses you so much, hug me!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand.

What little things know best is to be cute and sweet talk.

Qi Xiaoxiao has no doubts at all, this guy will definitely be a master of flirting when he grows up.

Just now, Qi Xiaoxiao was still muttering in her heart that the little girl was subdued by Fu, and she didn't kiss her anymore, which made her feel a little sour... But now that the little thing is cute, she is happy again, as if she really likes it.

Take the baby from Fu Dongqing.

A man's sexy voice sounded beside him.


The little girl rubbed her eyes, and lay lazily on Qi Xiaoxiao's shoulders, her eyelids shrugging.

Qi Xiaoxiao looked helpless, "Where did you all go so early in the morning?"

The man raised his eyebrows, "Guess?"

Second Master Fu is now the most loyal to playing the game of guessing. Qi Xiaoxiaobai took a look at him, and then patted the little thing on the back very calmly, "Baby, eat something before going to sleep, okay?"

Guoguo's small mouth is sucking something, she is already asleep.

"Let me do it."

Fu Dongqing opened his arms and took the daughter from his young wife.

Although the daughter is exquisite and lovely, her weight has been rising in a straight line recently, and the feeling of holding her in her hand should not be underestimated.

After getting the little girl settled down, the couple sat down to have lunch together, and Aunt Mei wisely left first.

"There is a carnival nearby recently, and there are some brain activities, and there are many handsome boys."

Speaking of this, there is still something Qi Xiaoxiao doesn't understand.


Is this Guoguo's father taking his daughter to meet handsome guys?

Is this really good.

"Guoguo is still small."

Her father didn't even blink his eyes, and his face was indifferent, "Emotions have to be cultivated from an early age."

In other words, dolls have to be picked up from an early age.

Qi Xiaoxiao didn't believe in this nonsense, she gave him a glare unconsciously, "Do you think everyone is as shameless as you!"

"My daughter is like me."

The man looked smug.

Qi Guoguo's personality is often like Qi Xiaoxiao's, but after getting along for a long time, Fu Dongqing feels that he has a tacit understanding with his daughter.


"Xiaoxiao, Guoguo is our little princess. She can give whatever she likes! Even if she wants the stars in the sky, I'll pick them for her. It's no big deal."

For Fu Dongqing, the boys of the Fu family may need to bear part of the responsibility, but the only thing for the girls is to play!You can play however you want!
Qi Xiaoxiao couldn't agree with his ideas.

"You are doting, you need to change."

The enlarged handsome face of the man unconsciously approached, "It can be changed, but..."


Taking advantage of her inattention, the man's claws stretched out and grabbed him into his arms. The movement was done in one go, without giving Qi Xiaoxiao the slightest chance to resist.

"Give me another one."

Qi Xiaoxiao was distracted and didn't hear clearly for a moment. The man's warm lips rubbed against her ears numbly. She wanted to avoid it, but her earlobe was stained with a layer of crimson.

"Don't make trouble, Aunt Mei is still here."

As if being tickled, she chuckled.

Fu Dongqing didn't care.

Aunt Mei rejected him, but the woman in front of him belonged to him, and he could have whatever he wanted!
"Baby, she went out just now, I saw it with my own eyes."

Saying that, he picked up his little wife by the waist and went up to the second floor...

Qi Xiaoxiao may not have noticed when he left, but Fu Dongqing was paying attention to the eyes in the dark, and he unconsciously provoked a mocking sneer.

this time.

Master Fu has successfully penetrated into the interior.

Qi Guoguo didn't know this was her father yet, but now her psychological ranking has loosened.

Uncle Qin is still number one.

Uncle Fu is already in second place.

Fu Dongqing created a group of three people on the souvenir.

Wife, daughter, and him.

In the past two days, Qi Guoguo has become obsessed with grabbing red envelopes.

Because every day is irregular, Uncle Fu will send red envelopes in the group, occasionally small red envelopes, and occasionally super big red envelopes.

Usually Qi Xiaoxiao is on the set and doesn't stare at her phone all the time. In the end it was Qi Guoguo who got the cheapest.

Rare time.

Qi Xiaoxiao saw it and grabbed it.


It's also generous.

Ordinary red envelopes are a few cents, and hundreds of dollars are enough.

Ding dong.

Fu Erye's mobile phone rang suddenly when he was in a branch meeting, and all the executives looked over, even Qi Mu took a sneak peek.


Nest grass.

Since when did the president become an Internet addicted boy, playing souvenirs so much fun?Return the red envelope?
After Fu Dongqing finished grabbing, there was an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth.

This good mood lasted until the end of the meeting.

Originally, today's meeting was a criticism meeting. Everyone was mentally prepared to endure unbearable pain, but in the end...

Is this over?
Qi Mu rubbed his hands with curiosity on his face.

"Boss, how much red envelope did you grab?"

It feels like it has to be oversized.

Qi Mu originally thought that the result would definitely be shocking...

The president gave a 'V'.

"two hundred?"



keep swinging.

"Could it be that there are only two yuan..."

Qi Mu's heart was cold.

Who dares to send a red envelope of less than two yuan to the big boss?

Fu Dongqing looked proud, "It's 0.02."


(End of this chapter)

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