exclusive wife

Chapter 292 Can't hide it, come to the door

Chapter 292 Can't hide it, come to the door
Qi Xiaoxiao's first reaction was abnormality, she frowned, "I'll go there for a while tomorrow, since Guoguo said that person would show up every day, tomorrow should be no exception."

And a person popped up in Qin Zheng's mind almost immediately.

His mouth twitched.

Thinking of that person being regarded as a pervert by her...

Can't help coughing.

"Don't worry, I'll check it for you right away! How about this, you don't have to ask for leave from the crew, and Xiao Guoer goes to school tomorrow, and I'll let someone follow her to find out when the time comes."

"Will it be too much trouble?"

Qi Xiaoxiao always felt that Qin Zheng would be bothered by these things, and felt a little sorry.

Qin Zheng had already come to a conclusion in his heart, so he could only raise his eyebrows, and pursed his thin lips slightly, "Xiao Xiao, do you still need to talk about trouble between me?"

The man's black eyes looked over, and the deep meaning contained in them made her afraid to look directly.

She knew his intentions a long time ago, but she couldn't accept it.

Even if there is no possibility between her and Fu Dongqing, the relationship between her and Qin Zheng will only be a pure brother and sister relationship... She has thought countless times to keep some distance between her and Qin Zheng, but.

"Brother Qin, thank you."

Qin Zheng habitually wanted to pat her on the shoulder, but he stretched out his hand in the air and retracted it. He shook his head helplessly, "Xiao Xiao, I know you can't forget that person in your heart, but I only hope you Don't kick me out of the game too soon."

"Brother Qin, we..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Qin Zheng.

He waved his hand, "Don't say it first, think about what I said, maybe I and Fu Dongqing are more suitable for you."

After speaking, he left gracefully.

Leaving Qi Xiaoxiao alone to suffer from the chaos.

When Qin Zheng was leaving, he happened to meet Fu Dongqing entering the door, and the two accidentally met each other...

The two have always looked down on each other.

Want to kill each other every minute.

Qin Zheng sneered and gave him a provocative look.

Fu Dongqing snorted coldly, and his sharp eyes seemed to say again: Xiao Mian, if you dare to pry the corner of the wall, I will destroy you immediately!
The two refused to give in to each other, but it was Qi Guoguo's cute voice that brought them back to their senses.


"Uncle Fu!"

Fu Dongqing held Qi Guoguo in his arms, and closed the door calmly with a bang.

His face darkened, obviously he felt that Qin Zheng's attempt to pry into the corner of his wall while he was away was shameless, "Guo'er, what is he doing here?"

Recently, Qi Guoguo has been bought by him to be very obedient and obedient, she is simply a little spy.

Qi Guoguo snapped her fingers and said 'ah' unresponsively, "Uncle Qin is here to visit!"

"What did he talk to you about?"

"The fruit came out, and I didn't hear anything."


Return to the world of two.

Do you need to be so secretive?

Fu Erye's vinegar jar was overturned in an instant, and his whole person fell into a blackening mode.

He put Qi Guoguo down, "Be good, I'll take you to see beautiful boys tomorrow."

Qi Guoguo imagined that scene, and immediately drooled beautifully.

"Wow, Uncle Fu is so nice!"

Naturally, Fu Dongqing's position cannot be compared with Qin Zheng's. He patted the little girl's head, "Guo'er, do you know what you will call me in the future?"

"I know!"


"Uncle Fu, dear Uncle Fu!"

The corner of Fu Dongqing's mouth twitched, and he squeezed the little girl's chubby face, "I'm not your Uncle Fu."

"Ah, are you transformed from a monster?"

The child's painting style changes as soon as it is said, Fu Dongqing hooked his lips, and said mysteriously in her ear, "I will only tell you this secret, Guoer, I am not your Uncle Fu, not your godfather, but your father, Biological father!"

The little doll opened her mouth in surprise.

her father?

Doesn't she have no father?
Her mother told her since she was a child that she was different from others. Her father had gone far away and would not come back to look for them. But why was Uncle Fu her father?

"It's the truth."

"But why?"

Little Lolita thinks this kind of thing is too difficult to understand, too difficult to understand.

"Your mother and I are husband and wife, and you were born together."

"Isn't it Uncle Qin?"

Speaking of Qin Zheng at this time, Fu Dongqing really wanted to beat up this brat, but fortunately he held back, "Your Uncle Qin is a cannon fodder."

"Uncle Qin is my godfather."

"Guo'er, is it better to kiss your father or your godfather?"

Qi Guoguo looked at his left hand, then at his right hand, and suddenly found it difficult to choose.

"Does Guo'er want a beautiful boy? I can give you a dozen like Alan, and you won't bring a duplicate every day."

This is simply Qi Guoguo's fatal weakness.

She nodded vigorously, "Uncle Fu is the best!"

"Huh?" The man's handsome face was serious.

Qi Guoguo understood immediately, she stuck out her tongue, her big eyes were desperately cute, "Daddy is the best!"

Fu Dongqing lost his temper in an instant when he yelled "Daddy", and the feeling of lightness rose again, um...

"Call again."


"So nice."

After touching the head, Fu Dongqing went to the bedroom on the second floor.

As for children, in terms of the positioning of biological father and godfather, they actually feel the same. After all, Qi Xiaoxiao has never popularized it for children.

She was lazily sleeping on the bed at the moment, and she couldn't keep her eyes open after filming a night scene last night.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, she didn't even open her eyes.

The man sat by the bed, not in a hurry.

I don't know how long it took, Qi Xiaoxiao woke up in a daze, and there was already another person beside her pillow. Her paws habitually grabbed the man's strong chest twice, and then she gave up.

He was about to turn around and continue to sleep, but someone grabbed his waist and forcibly pulled him into the hot arms of that person.

"You want to leave after touching it, don't you know if you bully me?"


Qi Xiaoxiao yawned lazily, and gave someone a lazily glance, "Who dares to bully you, Second Master Fu?"

Eyes roll.

Fu Dongqing's heart fluttered as he watched.

The thin lips evoked a meaningful arc.

"Except for you who can bully, there is no other person in this world who dares to do this."

Qi Xiaoxiao was noncommittal, seeing the man's paws moving, she patted them vigorously, "I still want to sleep."

"You sleep!"

"But you..."

The man's hot breath was right next to his ear, and he leaned against her body, whispering, "Did Qin Zheng come last night?"

Qi Xiaoxiao disapproved, "Huh?"

"Did he say something to you?"

Qi Xiaoxiao blinked, "You know?"


"It's nothing, it's just Guoguo's business." She said briefly, and Fu Dongqing's eyes narrowed unconsciously, "In the future, you don't have to bother Mr. Qin with this kind of matter. Since it's a family matter, I will let someone handle it in the future. This is also the case."

The man's tone was extremely domineering, Qi Xiaoxiao wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say for a while.

"it is good."



She snuggled into his arms, feeling his strong heartbeat.

"Just now I told Guoer that I am her father."

After the man finished talking about this matter very calmly, Qi Xiaoxiao's heart was aroused by a turmoil. Is that what he said?

She had been looking for an opportunity to talk to her daughter, but the man just said that...

"What's the little girl's reaction?"

"Originally, the little girl put me and Qin Zheng on the same level. Fortunately, I used a bunch of beautiful boys to coax her, so I was willing to call her father."

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

I knew this would be the result.

This little thing's will is so unstable, it seems that when should he be educated.

The couple warmed up after the incident, and Fu Dongqing thought that he would move here completely. The thought of being tender with his wife every night made Second Master Fu feel beautiful.

After tossing for half the night, I must have gotten up late in the morning.

When Qi Xiaoxiao got up, the daughter was sitting on the sofa playing the game of growing up a beautiful boy, having a great time...

Fortunately, on weekends, she will not deprive the children of a little fun.

When the little girl saw her, she was stunned at first, and then threw herself into her arms.

"Mom, do I really have a father?"

Qi Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry, "Yes."

"Is it really Uncle Fu? He secretly told me yesterday."

When she was in kindergarten, Qi Guoguo felt that she was different from others. Other children had parents, but she only had her mother and never met her father.

The child never showed it.

In fact, she didn't have much sense of security in her heart.

Qi Xiaoxiao held Xiaopangdun in her arms and kissed him, "Mom doesn't know how to explain it to you, but he is indeed your biological father... Guoguo, do you like him?"

The child scratched his head, "Guo'er doesn't know either, but he treats me very well, and I don't hate him."

The world of children is very innocent.

What's more, Fu Dongqing's missing is not 14 years, but four years. The child's memory is very short, and he still remembers the present more.

As soon as the little thing finished speaking, he had a sad face, "Mom, but what about Uncle Qin?"

Qin Zheng?

What should Qi Xiaoxiao say, she was a little embarrassed, "Uncle Qin will find someone he likes sooner or later, we should bless him."

"Is that right?"

Children always have a hundred thousand reasons, Qi Xiaoxiao naturally said yes.

The mother and daughter had just finished speaking and were about to eat something when the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Guoguo, come and open the door!"

The little thing ran over to open the door very actively, and the golden retriever followed behind the little fat pier like a bodyguard guarding a dog.

There seemed to be a lot of people coming.

She saw Qin Zheng first.

Then there is Fei Ziqian, and the next two older couples are very familiar in her impression, they are Fei Ziqian's parents.

She frowned, her expression a little subtle.

"Brother Qin, what are you?"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows, "Xiao Xiao, this is Patriarch Fei and Mrs. Fei, you should have seen them..."

Thinking of the scene of Mrs. Fei defending Fei Zihan, Qi Xiaoxiao's expression turned a little dark, but Qi Guoguo said, "Mom, mom! This is the grandpa who has been staring at me in the kindergarten..."

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

What on earth do the Fei family want to do?

Feicheng was a little embarrassed.

But at the same time of embarrassment, he felt that his little granddaughter was really smart.

In fact, he didn't show it too obviously, but he was still discovered...

Qi Xiaoxiao tried her best to suppress her unhappiness, and said, "I don't know why Mr. Fei's family came to visit?"

When Xu Anzhi saw the girl in front of her, her eyes were a little red, and she couldn't control her emotions for a moment. She was about to say something when she saw a tall and handsome man coming down the stairs.

Fu Dongqing?
Fei's couple looked at each other, Xu An knew not to be happy, "Why is Mr. Fu here? Isn't it inappropriate for you to do this!"

Her questioning of Qi Xiaoxiao was a bit inexplicable, but Fu Dongqing frowned handsomely. He had already seen that Fei's family was a bit tricky.

The man's thin lips rose slightly, and he did not hide the affection in his eyes. In front of everyone, he domineeringly held his wife in his arms, "Mrs. Fei, don't you know? Xiaoxiao is my wife. What's wrong with showing up at your own home early in the morning?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Zheng's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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