exclusive wife

Chapter 296 2 Beauty, Play Road

Chapter 296 Two beauties, play way

In the past few years, Ning Baiyu was really painless, and every entertainment company grabbed a lot of this kind of popular young boy, but fortunately, Guan Peng still had some vision and aimed at Bangziguo.

Ning Baiyu went to Bang Country to study, and came back after being gilded for a year, and his whole person was a little different.

He has some ability in singing and dancing.

Afterwards, I participated in a domestic show called "The King of Chinese Dancers". With the showy appearance and the CP with another actor, it became popular all of a sudden. Even if the dance was mediocre, it was still very popular with fans.

Afterwards, Universal gave him the role of the second male lead of a big IP, probably due to the right time, place and people.

The acting skills of the actors in that TV series are mediocre, but they are good-looking, and Ning Baiyu is also a little popular... In the past few years, the works have been continuous, and the popularity is not bad.

"But his temper can easily offend people."

He Yue shrugged, "Guan Peng knows how to be a man and always wipes his ass. I'm too lazy to ask about their affairs. Now that you're back, the first sister of Universal is yours, and his first brother is no longer worthy of the name."

While talking, the two walked to the side of the newcomer's practice room.

There is a dance teacher teaching some little girls to dance.

Mostly young.

Around 20 years old.

Whether it's figure or face, they are quite outstanding.

He Yue pointed to the girl at the first rehearsal, "Does it feel familiar?"

"Isn't this Qi Xiaoxuan?"

Qi Xiaoxiao is her cousin.

He Yue shrugged, "You read that right, it was Qi Xiaoxuan, who had an interview before joining the company, this girl's performance was not outstanding, it might be more opportunistic, at that time not only me, but also President Bai and Vice President Ye I like it, but... I was selected in the end, guess what is the reason?"

Qi Xiaoxiao had a rough idea in his heart, but he wasn't sure.

"Her surname is Qi."

He Yue nodded, "Yes, this girl is very good at life. During the interview, she secretly told the staff that she is your cousin. She had already guessed that the staff would report to us. With this relationship, In addition, her performance is not too bad, so she will be accepted naturally."


"I think the little girl in the blue dress is more aura."

The little girl in a blue T-shirt is wearing a ponytail, which gives people a very temperamental feeling, and the eyes are very aura at a glance.

"That's right, I'm also quite optimistic about her. This Yuan Ziling used to be the campus image ambassador, and she was a ballet dancer in the school, so her temperament is better than other artists, and she is neither arrogant nor rash. It shouldn’t be too difficult to have a place in the circle.”

But in contrast to Qi Xiaoxuan, just...

Now that the two are not only cousins, but also artists of the same company, Qi Xiaoxiao is a little helpless, "If she can calm down, I will help her, but if she just wants to be opportunistic, I can't help it."

After announcing the recent announcement with He Yue, Qi Xiaoxiao went to his office.

Before coming back, Bai Qiao specially prepared an office for him. Although it was not big, fortunately, he had his own space!After all, Qi Xiaoxiao's identity is not only a company artist, but also the boss's wife. Just because of this, she can't be treated like an ordinary artist.

She leaned back in the leather chair and dozed lazily.

dong dong dong.

The office door was knocked rhythmically.

"Cousin, it's me, I'm Xiaoxuan."

Qi Xiaoxiao, "..."

She thought that even if this girl joined the company, she might be able to keep her feet on the ground in the future, but she didn't expect to be so impatient.

She frowned, "Come in."

Qi Xiaoxuan is wearing an off-the-shoulder white T and washed denim. Her hair is pear blossom, which is popular nowadays. She looks very youthful and energetic, especially her face is also very delicate. It is not a problem to be an idol after packing it up.

When she noticed Qi Xiaoxuan.

Qi Xiaoxuan also looked at her.

This cousin had good luck a few years ago, and even caught the super wealthy son-in-law of the imperial capital.

President Fu's big boss is also Universal's boss.

But before I heard that she was kidnapped and her ticket was torn apart. Everyone said that she was a beautiful girl, but in her opinion, she just died and enjoyed a happy life.

Unexpectedly, going around and around actually came back again?
Her heart is very complicated.

These two cousins.

One Qi Xiaoxiao and one Qi Yanran are living a good life now.

Qi Xiaoxiao is a star.

And Qi Yanran was even better.

Who would have thought that Qi Yanran would become a wealthy family, and everyone knew that she was the daughter of Qi Guofusheng, but in the blink of an eye, her worth multiplied countless times, and she became a famous lady...

Speaking of which, maybe Qi Yanran's life is better.

Qi Xiaoxuan felt that she was no worse than others since she was a child.

Her grades are good.

So she chose a good professional school, but she was unwilling to go to work in a company after graduation, earning a dead salary, and she also wanted to make a lot of money, so she aimed at becoming a star.

Qi Xiaoxiao is the pillar of Universal, and it is undoubtedly the best choice for her to join her.

It's just that it's not flattering at first.

Qi Xiaoxiao evaporated?

Even if she is recruited, she will be treated the same as all new recruits, and she has to rely on herself for everything!It's really hard to figure it out like this!

But now she's back.

Naturally, Qi Xiaoxuan would not let go of this opportunity.

"Cousin, I heard that you are back, so I came here to have a look."

In the past, Qi Xiaoxuan always looked down on Qi Xiaoxiao, and she never forgot to ridicule her when she was in her hometown. At that time, Qi Xiaoxuan was indeed just a small entertainer, not a star, but now it is different from the past.

"I remember that you didn't study acting, but finance. How did you come here to be a trainee?"

There was no trace of embarrassment on Qi Xiaoxuan's face, she raised her eyebrows as a matter of course, "I learn those things, and I will not go to work in a company in the future, earning a few thousand a month is not enough for me to spend a few days! I think it's better to be a star, anytime Can make millions!"

When you started as a trainee, you wanted to make millions?

The corner of Qi Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched.

"There are three grades of entertainers, not all of them can be stars, and you haven't positioned yourself well yet. Some people earn tens of thousands for a drama, some have hundreds of thousands and tens of millions, and of course there are big stars who earn tens of millions. "

Qi Xiaoxuan is full of confidence, "I look so good, and I work so hard, I will definitely earn millions in the future! In a few years, maybe tens of millions!"

At this moment, Qi Xiaoxiao actually wanted to say something.

Silly girl, self-confidence is a good thing, but excessive self-confidence is self-inflated, and sooner or later you will plant it.

Qi Xiaoxuan still has beautiful dreams at the moment, she was not polite at all, looked at Qi Xiaoxiao and ordered, "Cousin, we are relatives, in this company, you and I have the closest relationship, in the future you have to help I!"

"How to help?"

Qi Xiaoxiao thinks the girl's words are quite funny.

Qi Xiaoxuan had already thought about it, "I'm a trainee now, and the topic is not high! But it can be hyped! You, although the popularity is not as high as before, but you are well-known anyway, when will you tell the public relations department, By the way, put my name on the trending searches, so that I will naturally be famous."

After listening to the girl's amazing conjectures, Qi Xiaoxiao almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"Do you think hot searches can be posted if you want? Didn't I start Weibo?"

"Then you have been on it so many times before, didn't you just buy it!"

Qi Xiaoxiao was also speechless, "Well, whatever you think."

She paused, "Qi Xiaoxuan, as someone who has experienced it, I must remind you that you just entered this industry and don't know the complexity of the entertainment industry. If I were you, I would not be thinking of becoming famous now, but step by step!"

"With no topicality, how can I play the leading role!"

"Female one?"

"Yeah, weren't you playing the leading role back then!"

"Then can you act?"

"Who knows how to act? I can read scripts and memorize them!"

Qi Xiaoxiao is too lazy to talk to this girl, it doesn't matter if she is not from a major, but this professionalism and attitude are obviously wrong.

"When will you go back to acting, I will help you! Qi Xiaoxuan, there are many people who want to make money, but not everyone can make it, reflect on it!"

Qi Xiaoxiao has always had a bad impression of Qi Guoping's family, and she doesn't even like Qi Xiaoxuan who is arrogant and conceited, plus she wants to reach the sky by doing nothing... Tsk.

"You won't help me?"

Qi Xiaoxiao was silent.

Qi Xiaoxuan's face was a little smelly, it seemed that she didn't expect her to put on airs for her!

"Don't think that you are a celebrity! Even without you, I can still find Sister Yanran. Sister Yanran is the daughter of the Fei family. As long as she can help me, how can I be worse than you?"

After speaking, she left angrily.

What Qi Xiaoxuan didn't know was.

It is a big taboo to mention Qi Yanran in front of Qi Xiaoxiao, Qi Xiaoxuan has already been put into the permanent blacklist by Qi Xiaoxiao.


Qi Xiaoxuan really found Qi Yanran.

And Qi Yanran was no longer the daughter of the Fei family, she was kicked out, she was at a low point in her life, and she was very upset.

And Qi Xiaoxuan has been holding her and stepping on Qi Xiaoxiao, Qi Yanran is happy, so she helps her pull the thread, "Well, you should forget about those girls, but I have a lot of contacts in the fashion circle, and I want to shoot the cover Absolutely no problem!"

Shoot for the cover?
Although Qi Xiaoxuan was a little disgusted, it was better than nothing, so she agreed immediately.

She couldn't believe it.

I am so beautiful and have a good figure, I will not be able to compare with Qi Xiaoxiao in the future!

Qi Xiaoxiao also saw Yuan Ziling after leaving the company.

The little girl walks very elegantly, and when passing by her side, she yelled generously, "Senior Sister Qi."

Yuan Ziling has a pair of sweet dimples.

The first feeling was like a spring breeze blowing on the face, and Qi Xiaoxiao's mood improved a lot in an instant, "Your image is good, if you lay a solid foundation, the road ahead should not be too bad."

"Thank you, then I have to borrow auspicious words from my senior sister."

After separating from the little girl, Qi Xiaoxiao went home directly, maybe because he came back early, Xiao Zhao was still preparing dinner.

She went to the bedroom to lie down for a while, when she received a call from a stranger.

(End of this chapter)

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