Chapter 145 Exposure
"Eh?! Shengsi?!" After Shengsi left for a while, Diwen in the tent came back to his senses. Feeling the slight fluctuations in space in the room, he withdrew his right hand that was parked in the air.

Forget it, anyway, with Shengsi here, Hongzi shouldn't be in any danger. Thinking of this, Diwen turned around and continued talking with the person who just came in.

"This way, please!" Diwen made a gesture of invitation to the slightly surprised old man, and then said to the fat middle-aged man sitting on the sofa: "I really want Xuelong Stone, But I can only take out three catties of magic water, if you don't agree, forget it!"

After hearing Di Wen's words, the fat middle-aged man suddenly stood up as if he had made some decision, and said, "Okay! Three catties of magic water is three catties of magic water! Let's change it!"

"Then hurry up and exchange it!" Diwen took out a small bag from the dimensional space and said, with a hint of joy in his tone. When he was talking to the middle-aged man just now, he knew that he was in urgent need of magic water, so he could To exchange for his snow dragon stone at the low price of three catties of magic water, you must know that such a fist-sized snow dragon stone can be exchanged for at least four catties of magic water, but Di Wen only exchanged it for three catties. Earn a fortune!
"En!" The middle-aged man quickly left after making a deal with Diwen.

After finishing the deal, Diwen continued to talk with the old man on the sofa in a happy mood.

Baishan Hotel, Room 4523.

Suddenly, two people, one big and one small, appeared in the bedroom out of thin air.

"Eh? Isn't Shengsi our guest room just now?" Hongzi was teleported by Shengsi without any preparation just now, and he still hasn't figured out what Shengsi wants to do.

"Yes, sister Hongzi, don't you think it was too boring there just now? It would be boring if we played poker there all the time!" Seiji really didn't want to stay in that boring place anymore.

After finishing the sentence, Shengsi continued: "We are in Los Angeles now! That's right! Sister Hongzi, you haven't been abroad yet, have you?!"

Hearing what Shengsi said, Hongzi was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Yes!"

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go out and play!" Shengsi ran out without saying a word, pulling Hongzi.

"Saint Spera, I will go by myself."

After a while, the two came to the lobby of the hotel.

"Who are you two?! Why are you here?!" As soon as he arrived in the hall, Shengsi heard a low shout, and spoke English with a slight accent. You don't need to look at Shengsi to know that this must be an American He is also a member of the William family!

"Ah~" Looking at the middle-aged man in black robe in front of him, Shengsi rolled his eyes.

Shengsi knew that this person was the magician who performed puppetry on the people in the hotel. Shengsi guessed that he was the person in charge of the hotel at the time, and now it seems that he is indeed so!
"We are both"

etc!Something is wrong!Just now, Shengsi used his mental power to scan and found that there were people in the clothes of the William family's law enforcement team running around on the floors in the hotel at this time. They took everyone in the room to attend the magician's conference and were searching for something inside.

This is not the reason that attracted Shengsi's attention, the most important reason is that in the hands of these law enforcement officers, everyone is holding the portraits of himself and Hongzi!Just looking at Shengsi, he knew that the two of them must have been wanted because of what happened in the teleportation array!
After all, he injured a young master of the William family. Although they didn't know who the murderer was, there was nothing wrong with arresting the two of them!
"We are members of the Longquan family!" After discovering these people, Shengsi had an idea, and instantly changed the "Koizumi family" that he was going to say into a name he had seen at random before - "Longquan family".

After saying this sentence, thoughts floated in Shengsi's mind, thinking about what to say next, first of all, he had to behave normally, and stabilize the person in front of him, in case this person knew that he had discovered theirs A fake name casually said after the purpose.

The only thing to do is to act normal first, and then leave with Hongzi after the law enforcement officers come over. In this way, in the eyes of the William family, what I said before should be correct, because generally a person will not be in a relationship without encountering him. Telling lies in a crisis situation, after all, it is a human instinct to tell others your correct name, just like you will follow your reputation when someone calls your name, in this way, they will believe that you are who you are." Longquan Clan' people out!

"Oh? The Longquan family? So... what's your name? Where are you going?" The middle-aged man asked Shengsi a question as if he was checking his household registration. Looking at it, he probably believed it!
"My name is Longquan Enze, and her name is Longquan Lianfang." Shengsi thought of a name at will to deal with it, and by the way, he also mentioned Hongzi beside him. Shengsi just read the belief in the middle-aged man's eyes means.

After hearing Shengsi's words, the middle-aged man thought to himself: Sure enough, according to the intelligence, the little man is the one who talks every time among the two people, one big and one small.Now it seems that it is so!

The man suddenly received an order from above to find two people, or clues to those two people, in the hotel under his jurisdiction. For this reason, the above sent three law enforcement officers over.

And those two people are Shengsi and Hongzi!
Because there was no one in the hotel managed by the man at this time, he first planned to search for clues in the room. It would be great if he found it, but if he didn't find it, he could wait until they came back for dinner at noon to check again!If they haven't found it at this time, it means that these two people are not here.

The man's plan is very stable, but when he first started to implement the plan, he ushered in a big surprise!

Those two people suddenly appeared in the hall and were bumped into by the man!Today is simply his lucky day, the man thought to himself.

After discovering the two, the man did not act rashly, but sent voice transmissions to the three magicians who were searching the floor, asking them to come over.And I came to hold these two people back and pull out some useful information.

Everything went well. The man had already found out that the two belonged to the Longquan family, and he knew their names. At this time, three law enforcement officers also rushed to the hall!

All these plans seemed so perfect, the two people in front of them would definitely be caught, one was an intermediate magician, and the other kid was only a junior magician at the top of his lungs, it would not be too easy to catch them.

At this moment, the man had a thought that he was too careful, it was just two children, and he, a senior magician, was still afraid of them?
But the next second, the man didn't think so.

PS: Chapter 2 will be released around seven o'clock.I'm really sorry today, and I wish that dormitory aunt grow fatter and fatter!

(End of this chapter)

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