Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 172 Disappearance

Chapter 172 Disappearance

Seeing that everyone's attention was on him, Yuan Tai looked at the note and read: "He said he would wait for us in class A of the first year after school."

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go!" After hearing Yuanta's words, Mitsuhiko directly threw the shoes he was going to change into the locker again, and raised his arms.

They haven't received a commission for a long time, and now they finally received one, and they all look excited.

As he said that, Mitsuhiko took the lead and ran towards the inside of the teaching building. Seeing this, Conan and Yuanta hurriedly followed.

Ayumi was also very excited. Seeing the three walking away, she immediately called Shengsi, then turned to Xiao Ai and said, "Student Huiyuan, let's go too."

Shengsi nodded to Ayumi first, then turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Ai, follow up!"

Regarding Shengsi and Ayumi's call, Xiao Ai just nodded slightly to show that she understood, but she didn't move.

Seeing this, Ayumi next to Shengsi took a step forward, took Xiao Ai's hand and walked away.

Because this action was so sudden, Xiao Ai never thought that Ayumi would be so enthusiastic, so she was led away by Ayumi in a daze.

And Shengsi, who was behind the two of them, saw the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and after a chuckle, he also followed.

In fact, Shengsi doesn't know what to say to Xiao Ai now, she has such a bland temper, and she doesn't like to talk, it's just sloppy!Nothing but cute!
As for how to settle Xiao Ai in the future, Shengsi's idea is to let her live in that house first, and as for arranging her to meet her sister, it can be postponed first, otherwise Xiao Ai has no nostalgia for this place now , wouldn't she run away when she meets her sister?So Shengsi first kept Yami Xiaoai's matter a secret, and let them meet when the time was right. By then, the situation would be much more complicated.

After a while, Seiji and his party came to Class A of the first grade mentioned by the client Junye Nakata.

When they came to class A of the first year, they saw a little boy in a yellow shirt sitting alone on the seat, looking like waiting for someone. It seems that this should be the client Nakata Junye .

In such a situation, Seiji, as the head of the boy detective team, is about to step in.

"Student Junye?" Shengsi first called out tentatively, to confirm whether the little boy was the client Junye.

After hearing Shengsi's call, the little boy turned his head around immediately, and after seeing who was coming, he said with a happy face: "You are finally here! I have been waiting for you for a while."

Hearing this, Shengsi can already confirm that this person is that Junye.

"Excuse me, do you entrust our Boys Detective Team with something?" Now that the client has been confirmed, Seiji cut straight to the point.

Seeing this, the little boy named Junye began to describe in detail.

"A week ago, my brother disappeared suddenly. That evening, my brother told us that he was going to a friend's house to play, but he never came back since he went out. We went out to look for it for a long time that night. I searched all around, but I couldn't find it! My mother was so anxious that she immediately called the police."

"After calling the police, the police also started to help find my brother, but a week later, there is still no news from the police, so that's why I asked you for help!"

"Then did you receive any threatening calls at home?" Mitsuhiko asked just after Junye finished speaking.

"No." Junye glanced at Mitsuhiko, then shook his head.

"Is it possible that he ran away from home?!" Yuan Tai asked a silly question.

Junye didn't need to answer this time, Ayumi said first: "Yuantai! How could Junye's brother run away from home? If he ran away from home, how could he not have any clues for a week?!"

"Hehe, it seems like this." Yuan Tai touched the back of her head in embarrassment when she heard the words.

"But why did Junye's brother disappear?" Yuan Tai became curious about how Junye's brother disappeared.

However, when Yuantai was puzzled, Shengsi said: "We will not discuss how Junye's brother disappeared. The most important thing now is to go to Junye's house to find clues. We have no useful information now." No, and I don't know how to find someone, so now it's the most correct choice for us to go to Junye's house!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing Shengsi's suggestion.

"That's good! I'll take you to my house." Jun Ye also expressed his opinion immediately after hearing the words.

As Junye said, he took his schoolbag and left the classroom. Seeing this, Shengsi and his party hurriedly followed.

Junye's house was not very far from the school, after walking for about ten minutes, everyone came to the door of Junye's house.

This is a duplex building with a yard surrounded by fences, which looks very neat.

"Here, the one with a police car parked at the door is my house." Jun Ye said, pointing to a police car not far away.

police car?Why is there a police car here?Are the police coming?

However, when Conan was puzzled, Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko rushed over with a shout.

"That's great! It's a police car!"

"This is a standard police car! But the inside has been remodeled into the latest configuration." Guangyan said quickly after seeing the situation in the police car. He always likes to read knowledge about technology, vehicles, etc. And now there was finally room for them to play, so he quickly showed off.

"So that's how it is, it's really great!" Yuan Tai couldn't help sighing.

"Oh? Really? But I can't see it." Because of her short stature, Ayumi couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the car even if she stood on tiptoe, so she was a little anxious.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi, who had already walked nearby, quickly stepped forward to prop him up from behind, and then said, "Look, can you see it now?!"

"Hmm!" Ayumi was startled when she was picked up by Shengsi, but after finding out that it was Shengsi, she looked at the situation in the car with peace of mind.

In fact, Seiji really doesn't know what's so good about a police car, but Ayumi and the others are very enthusiastic about it.Isn't it just a car?Although I don't like cars, it's not a problem to buy a luxury car or something.

Just when Shengsi was thinking about the problem, everyone found that the door of Junye's house was suddenly opened.

I saw two uniformed policemen and a middle-aged woman coming out of the gate.

"Then, Mrs. Nakata, please let us know as soon as you have any news!" One of the policemen said while putting away the pen.

"Well! I will, it's really hard work for you." The middle-aged woman gave a slight salute to the two policemen.

Hearing this, the two police officers nodded and walked outside.

PS: It will be on shelves tomorrow, so I won’t write any testimonials. I know that there are very few people who read this book, and I don’t expect to make money from this book. I live on the subsistence allowance every month.So what I want to say now is, if you want to watch it, you can continue to watch it. I won’t stop updating anyway, but forget it, let’s talk about it later.

Finally, I would like to say something symbolic, four more tomorrow, please make your first order!

(End of this chapter)

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