Chapter 101

"You know a fart! My old lady is so timid because she is close to the country, and she didn't react when she saw an acquaintance!"

Embarrassment flashed across Luo Ziyue's face, and the moment she turned around, she happened to meet Shi Tianjue's playful gaze.

A suspicious blush flashed across the face under the mask, and he roared angrily, "Look at that! Ever since I met you, my IQ has been turned into a negative number by you. Otherwise, how could I keep making such low-level mistakes?" .”

Shi Tianjue looked at the angry Luo Ziyue with a smile, but did not speak.

On the contrary, Luo Yunhuang, who was standing among them, shook his head and sighed in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Well, indeed. But it doesn't matter, we all understand you. As the saying goes, people in love The IQ of women is always zero, and it seems that you have not escaped the harm."

Shi Tianjue secretly gave Luo Yunhuang a thumbs up, "I like to hear that."

"Listen to your sister, you Luo Yunhuang, your wings are stiff, right? You dare to tease your sister me, believe it or not, after I lock you in, I will never let you out again!" Luo Ziyue put her right hand on On Luo Yunhuang's shoulder, he quietly grabbed his ear, and whispered a warning in his ear.

Hearing her grinding teeth, Luo Yunhuang shook his head helplessly, and sighed in a low voice: "Why is it always me who gets hurt? What did I do wrong? Could it be that you don't understand my true feelings?"

"I really don't understand your true feelings. What I understand is your mockery of me!"

Luo Ziyue snorted coldly, and answered the sentence casually, but subconsciously felt that what he said was a bit familiar.

I couldn't help asking curiously: "Why do I hear your words so familiar? I always feel as if I have heard them somewhere. Where did I hear them?"

Just when she was puzzled, a probing voice suddenly came from behind, asking softly, "Are you Yue'er?"

Listening to this voice that was very familiar to her.

Luo Ziyue's mind was concentrated, and the moment she turned around, she quickly glanced at Shi Tian Absolutely, both of them were obviously surprised.

But they had to be more vigilant. This time they came back, but they didn't intend to reveal their true identities.

To be honest, this is the happiest and most relaxing time they have ever lived.

They are like an ordinary couple, quarreling, flirting, and flirting for nothing. They have a sweet little life, and they have all kinds of scruples like before.

"Are you talking to us??"

Luo Ziyue looked confused as if she didn't know Luo Haoran, her eyes were filled with displeasure after being disturbed, and her deep voice was as thick and pleasant as a cello.

"I'm offending you, I hope you don't mind, my brother looks very similar to an old friend of mine, so I stepped forward to disturb you rashly!" Luo Haoran explained to Luo Ziyue with an apologetic expression on his face, There was a very obvious look of disappointment in his eyes.

"You guys, is this the first time you have come to Moyang City? Why do you think you are so unfamiliar?"

Killing Jueming looked at Luo Ziyue and the three of them vigilantly, frowning tightly, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Even he didn't know why when he saw the person in front of him, a sense of hostility suddenly rose in his heart, so that when he said something, there was a slight backlash, and the tone was not so good.

In fact, in normal times, he would definitely not meddle in such trivial matters.

However, today he unexpectedly asked these words by accident.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was a little displeasure in her clear eyes, "Is there any problem?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm just curious!"

Shi Jueming was stunned for a moment, seeing their displeasure, he couldn't help denying it repeatedly, but he was not angry at Luo Ziyue's rudeness.

You must know that when many anonymous powerhouses traveled to the mainland, their tempers were quite peculiar, and if they were a little careless, they might step on their minefields.

In addition, they have a common characteristic, that is, they don't like others to inquire or ask about their origins.

This is also the reason why Jue Ming seemed quite calm when facing Luo Ziyue's rudeness.

But if he knew that these two people in front of him were the people he hated the most in his life and also the person he didn't want to see the most, would he be able to face Luo Ziyue's rudeness and arrogance so calmly?

"It is widely rumored that the people in Moyang City are warm and hospitable. Seeing you today, it seems to be very different from the rumors? The three of my brothers came here for the first time, but they just wanted to have a good taste of the customs of Moyang City, but they didn't want to encounter countless times in a row. I don't know if there is something wrong with Moyang City right now? Or is it because the three of my brothers look too fierce?" Luo Ziyue sarcastically said in a cold voice.

"Brother, I think you have misunderstood us." Seeing that the atmosphere became a little awkward, Luo Haoran had no choice but to stand up and make amends.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, we'll leave first if there's nothing else to do!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyue didn't appreciate it at all, and left such a sentence coldly, turned around and left in the opposite direction from them.

Luo Yunhuang and Shi Tianjue followed closely behind.


Luo Haoran and Shi Jueming looked at each other silently, looked at the sound of them turning and leaving with some embarrassment, and had no choice but to leave under the gaze of everyone.

After they left, the quiet street suddenly became lively.

The common people whispered to each other, pointing at Luo Ziyue from time to time and discussing with them.

The more daring stall owner said to Luo Ziyue: "Sure enough, those who don't know are innocent, brother, you dare to speak to our Crown Prince and Prime Minister like that, I really admire you!"

Embarrassment appeared on Luo Ziyue's face. She never thought that after not coming back for two years, the people of Moyang City were much bolder than before, and they would gossip more and more.

She was very fortunate that she was wearing a mask, otherwise, she wouldn't know what expression to put on to face them.

Stopping and stopping along the way, Luo Yunhuang bought a lot of gadgets, and many of them were given to him by the stall owners in the city after hearing what happened just now. This kid doesn't seem to understand at all. What does it mean to refuse to accept everything as it is ordered.

So much so that his bosom was already filled with all kinds of small things, so many that they almost drowned his small body, but Luo Ziyue insisted on not letting Luo Ziyue put them into the cloud ring.

Luo Ziyue, who really couldn't see it, threw all the things in his arms into Yunjie regardless of his objection.

"Why did you take my things?" Looking at the empty hands, Luo Yunhuang glared at Luo Ziyue with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, those things of yours are given to me, and I don't want them!"

(End of this chapter)

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