The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 103 I've Never Hated Myself Like Now

Chapter 103 I've Never Hated Myself Like Now
Don't look at Luo Ziyue's confusion in front of him sometimes, but when it comes to key issues, she is not confused at all, and the thoughts in her mind are very clear.

"Don't guess, I am in good health and have no problems. I just think that we have been separated for too long, and we need more time to spend alone and connect with each other. I don't want you to enter Qingtian Academy so quickly."

Shi Tianjue was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, denying Luo Ziyue's guess very quickly.

But the faster he denied it, the more Luo Ziyue suspected that her guess was correct.

There must be something wrong with his body, so he put so much thought into abducting her to this courtyard that he did not know when he had prepared it.

"Don't deny it, I already guessed from the interaction between you and Yun Huang that you are hiding something from me!"

Luo Ziyue stared at Shi Tianjue with great displeasure, "Could it be that I, Luo Ziyue, are such a fragile person in your eyes? I need your protection everywhere? Or do you really think that I am a fool who doesn't care about anything?" don't know?"

"Yunhuang said that you have decomposed your emotions and desires. If I guessed right, this sentence is not accurate enough. To be precise, there is something wrong with your body. In desperation, you have no choice but to release them. Divided into two, they are controlled by two different personalities, as if they are two completely different people, is that right?"

Along the way, Luo Ziyue was thinking about his previous conversation with Yun Huang.

I didn't think about it for a while before, and finally a flash of inspiration flashed in my head, and when I was about to catch some clues, I didn't want to be interrupted by Luo Haoran and the others, so that her tone of voice was not so friendly.

Later, when she heard them discuss the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing a mask, she suddenly realized the meaning behind Luo Yunhuang's previous words.

"Tell me, if you weren't so smart!"

Hearing her logical analysis, Shi Tianjue sighed helplessly, knowing that he could no longer hide it.

In a blink of an eye, with black eyes and white hair, a snow-like complexion, and a dusty temperament, Shi Tianjue appeared in front of Luo Ziyue, like a banished immortal.

"You, your hair?"

Luo Ziyue looked at his silver hair in shock, as if thinking of something in her mind, she took a few steps back suddenly, her eyes were distressed in astonishment, her body trembling slightly, "It's for me, isn't it? I caused you to become what you are now, right?"

Big tears fell from her eye sockets drop by drop.

"No, Yue'er, don't guess, all this has nothing to do with you, don't take everything on your shoulders."

Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue with distressed face, and reached out his hand to wipe away the tears on her face, but she didn't want her to take a few steps back suddenly, tilting her head slightly, avoiding his outstretched hand.

"I know it must be for me, it's my fault, everything is my fault."

Luo Ziyue is such a clever and clever person, she didn't even need to say much about it, she already guessed the matter pretty well.

The more this happened, the more guilty she felt.

If she didn't think carefully and only wanted to think about him, but forgot to stand in his perspective and consider his feelings, how could he become like this.

"At the beginning, I was only thinking about luring away the old thief from the Tianzongmen. I never thought about it. If something happened to me, with your character, how guilty and how much you should blame yourself! You Is it because you watched me fall into the abyss and couldn't accept the blow for a while, that's why I turned gray?"

Shi Tianjue remained silent, he didn't want to deny it, he knew that even if he denied it, he would not be able to deceive Luo Ziyue at all.

Back then, he couldn't accept the fact of losing her for a moment, and in a fit of rage, he killed all the passers-by who watched and followed her but didn't lend a helping hand to her and hung them at the city gate for half a year, which attracted ink. There were many complaints and discussions in Yangcheng.

Along with the discussions came various speculations and rumors that his hair turned gray overnight.

As long as she goes to Moyang City, she will know all these things after a little inquiry.

"The reason why your body has problems and you can't control it, have you devoured the mysterious power in your body?"

Luo Ziyue took a deep breath, as if mustering up a lot of courage, she slowly asked out the guess in her heart.

Shi Tianjue stared at her with complicated eyes, and the emotions inside made her feel emotional, as if she wanted to shed all the tears of a lifetime into today, no matter how hard she wiped them off~!

She knew that if it was her, in order to protect her beloved, no matter what difficulties she would face in the future, she would choose to swallow the power in her body.

Only in this way can she become stronger quickly.

However, knowing it was one thing, when the real thing happened, it still made her heartbroken so hard to breathe.

The whole person seemed to be dying, and the sadness was uncontrollable.

There was no blood on her face, she was as pale as someone who had just climbed out of a coffin, her eyes were shining with a horrifying light, as if she was about to eat people.

Huge power suddenly erupted from his thin and thin body, and he shouted at Shi Tianjue: "Shi Tianjue, how could you do this? Why are you making fun of your body? Don't you know, I would rather see you in good shape, Don't you want to see you now?"

"Yue'er, listen to me..." Shi Tian never expected that Luo Ziyue would have such a big reaction. It's not that he didn't think about giving up at the beginning, but as long as he thought of her falling into the abyss, he was helpless at the moment. He resolutely chose to take the risk, even though he lost control of his body now, he never regretted it.

As long as he can become strong, as long as he can protect her, even if there is only one hope, he wants to give it a try.

What's more, the situation in front of him is only temporary. No one can control his body except him. Even the current person can only use part of his ability.

He is absolutely sure to regain control of his body, but they have been separated for too long, and he really misses her too much.

He desperately wants to know, is she doing well after being away for so long?Have you grown taller?Do you eat well every day?Did you sleep well?

More importantly, he was afraid that she would forget him if she left him for too long, and even more afraid that she would fall in love with other men and let other men take advantage of her!
"I've never hated myself as much as I do now. If possible, I wish we had never met. In this way, at least you don't have to suffer from these things, let alone gray hair."

Luo Ziyue squatted down slowly, her hands hugged her knees tightly, her head was deeply buried in her knees, and a faint voice came from her knees.

(End of this chapter)

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