Chapter 125 Mutation 1
"I have to say, you really are more courageous than ordinary people, but with such a little trick alone, I'm afraid it's not enough for me to come out to fight!"

The sarcastic voice came from all directions as if someone had used countless loudspeakers. The disdain in the voice made Luo Ziyue's face turn cold, and the cold breath on her body deepened a bit.

"Since Yue'er is not enough to let you come out to fight, then I wonder if I am qualified to let you come out to fight?"

The evil voice of killing the sky suddenly appeared in Luo Xiaoxiao's spiritual sea, and an aura of disdain for the world suddenly rose along with his words.

For a moment, on the surface of the calm sea of ​​spirits, the sea breeze roared, stirring up countless waves like a typhoon, unstoppable, destroying everything in the world with a snap of your fingers.

Before the person appears, the voice arrives first, and the breath arrives.

This can't help but make the miniature version of Luo Ziyue raise her brows slightly, and a very shallow smile appears in her eyes as deep as the sea.

A slender figure gradually condensed into reality in the air, with a skull mask on his face, hideous and terrifying like a demon, his ruby-like dazzling eyes gleamed with eerie coldness, like a thousand-year-old glacier. It was cold, and the soul trembled with fear.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, like a smile but not a smile, evil and coquettish.

Dressed in a black brocade robe without wind, a blood-red giant dragon is embroidered on the brocade robe, with its mouth open to reveal its sharp fangs, the fist-sized dragon eyes are full of bloodthirsty killing intent, and it looks like it is showing its teeth and claws. , it seems that in the next second he will jump out of his body and kill all directions, overflowing with domineering aura.

The white hair was Shengxue, coiled casually behind his head, and fell straight down, flying with the movement of his ankles.

At the moment Luo Ziyue was in a daze, Shi Tianjue had quietly arrived, gently hugging her in his arms, stroking her soft black silk, and softly reprimanded: "Girl, who told you to rush into other people's room?" From the Sea of ​​Spirits? Do you know that this is dangerous!"

"You, you, you..." Luo Ziyue's tongue suddenly became knotted, and a suspicious blush appeared on her face.

Suddenly, his expression changed as if thinking of something, he kept poking Shi Tianjue's chest with his fingers, and said coquettishly: "Who told you to come? You are dressed like a butterfly, people who don't know think that you Who is this dating?"

A smug flash of smugness flashed in Shi Tianjue's ruby-like eyes, his brows slightly raised, and he raised his chin quite arrogantly: "Don't you think that this is an excellent place for dating?"

He wouldn't tell her that he did it on purpose.

Who made her not only completely ignore his existence outside, but also keep flirting with Qing Ya in front of his face.

snort!Even if that man is his doppelgänger, he can't bear it.

He had to tell her with practical actions that her man was unparalleled in this world.

"About your height, didn't you see that there are two such big light bulbs lighting up beside you? Don't you think it's dazzling?" Luo Ziyue rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said angrily.

Does this man have any eyesight?Didn't you see that she was nervously fighting against the enemy?
It's okay to just show up for no reason and ruin the atmosphere of the battle, but she even brazenly said that the place where she fought was a treasure spot for dating!
"Huo Huo... Unexpectedly, King Ning is still a humorous person! It's really surprising, no wonder so many people are deeply attached to you!"

"There are so many things you can't think of!" Shi Tianjue looked up, the smile in his eyes suddenly subsided, and the murderous aura on his body swept away towards a certain place in the sea of ​​spirits like substance, and said coldly: "An attempt to provoke Aliens, die!"

A streak of blood-red fluorescence appeared out of thin air, like an extremely sharp blade with the potential to destroy heaven and earth, it cut straight towards Luo Xiaoxiao's spiritual sea.

There is nowhere for those who are illuminated by the blinding blood to escape.

With just one glance, Luo Ziyue saw the strange creature hidden in the bottom of Luo Xiaoxiao's spiritual sea.

Facing the ear-piercing scream of the falling fluorescent light, it disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before, "Is it dead?" Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue in surprise, as if she didn't dare believe.

"No," a stern murderous look glanced at Shi Tianjue's eyes, but disappeared the moment he looked at Luo Ziyue, "However, don't worry, it probably won't have a chance to come out to cause trouble for you for the time being! "

"Did you injure it?" Luo Ziyue frowned, her eyes were serious, "It seems that they are more difficult to deal with than I imagined, and the network array I have set up has no effect at all!"

"It's not a serious injury, it just adds some spices to it, by the way, her, what do you want to do with it?"

Shi Tianjue's slender fingers grasped out of thin air, and Luo Xiaoxiao's trembling soul body appeared in his hands.

Under his invisible coercion, Luo Xiaoxiao's soul became much more transparent. It seemed that as long as he tightened her body a little, she would disappear in this world in an instant.

"It's up to you!" Luo Ziyue glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao coldly, a look of disgust quickly passed through her eyes, she turned her head slightly, and stopped looking at her.

She could see that she had something to say to her, but she didn't have anything to say to her right now.

With their current relationship, they are already immortal.

The corner of Shi Tianjue's mouth curled into a cold arc, Qingyue's voice was as sweet as a clear spring, but the words he said were extremely indifferent: "If that's the case, then go to die!"

"Why? How can I be inferior to her? In the past few years, I have been by your side. Why are you willing to look at me?"

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at Shi Tianjue's indifferent face affectionately, big tears rolled down her face drop by drop, her eyes were full of grief and resentment, she suddenly pointed her finger at Luo Ziyue at the side, her shrill voice was sharp and piercing .

"Little slut, you are a disaster! The bastard! Why don't you die? It's not enough for you to destroy our Luo family. Don't you want to destroy him? It's not enough for you to make his hair gray, but also to let him die." Did he put his life in it? You don't love him at all, and I'm not reconciled to losing to you, not reconciled!"

"You talk too much!" Shi Tianjue's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a light click, Luo Xiaoxiao's unwilling face was shattered in front of Luo Ziyue little by little, but before he died, the bloodthirsty eyes still made him laugh. Luo Ziyue's heart trembled, she didn't know why she always felt that things didn't end so easily?

"Yue'er, don't listen to her nonsense, I know, you love me!!" Seeing that Luo Ziyue was dumbfounded without any reaction, Shi Tianjue couldn't help but put his head in front of her, He said to her with a smile.

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, and said a little uneasy: "I always feel that things won't end so easily, let's go out quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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