Chapter 127 Mutation 3
"Stinky boy, why don't you hurry up and help! Where are you kidding?"

The moment Luo Ziyue tilted her head, she met Luo Yunhuang's smiling eyes.

Seeing him pursing his lips and snickering, Luo Ziyue was really deeply depressed.

A deep malice from this world gave her goose bumps all over her body, and at the same time, the shock and disgust in her heart almost vomited out the dinner she had the day before yesterday.

"Okay, stop playing. If you continue to play, she will have a psychological shadow, and then you will be the one who is depressed!" Luo Yunhuang suppressed a smile, pretending to be serious and rushing back to his Qingya Said.

The moment Luo Ziyue heard his words, without even thinking about it, she punched Qing Ya in the face and shouted at them angrily: "How dare you join forces to bully me? I won't be called Luo Ziyue if I don't give you some flair!"

"Yue'er, you, don't be angry, just listen to my explanation, I can really explain it!"

Qing Ya covered her eyes that had been smashed into panda eyes by Luo Ziyue, and carefully avoided the fists that she kept waving, the sharp fists hit the air with a sharp sound.

"Explain what an explanation! No matter how you explain it, it can't cover up the fact that your partner is playing me!"

Luo Ziyue let out a cold snort, the movements of her hands were merciless, every punch was danced with vigor by her.

Now as long as she thinks of the touch of Qing Ya's warm tongue touching her skin, she will panic. If Shi Tianjue hadn't come out of Luo Xiaoxiao's body, she would definitely let Qing Ya Let's have a good look at Ya, his sister Luo is amazing!
However, since you can't use spiritual power to hurt him, physical injuries are inevitable. Taking advantage of Qingya's flash, Luo Ziyue jumped up and appeared in front of him, clenched her fists, facing his His face was slammed down hard.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Seeing Luo Ziyue hitting Qingya like a sandbag, Luo Yunhuang turned his head a little unbearably. After living for so many years, it was the first time he saw such a cruel woman.

"Yue'er, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I can't fight anymore, if I fight again, I will really be disfigured!" Qing Ya kept begging Luo Ziyue for mercy with a bitter face, he saw It can be concluded that Luo Ziyue was really offended by him this time, and she was merciless in her actions!

"Miss Luo, he didn't think about what happened before. However, he made a bet with this little guy, betting on who would come out first, you or the master, and he lost in the end, and he is willing to accept the bet!"

Yunling's slightly cold voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Hearing his words, Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, narrowed her eyes and smiled sinisterly, and said to Qing Ya, whose nose was bruised and face swollen by her, "You and Yun Huang bet me!"

"No, no, it was Yun Huang who forced me to bet with him. He said, if I don't make a bet with him, he will follow us every step of the way in the next half month and become a super big light bulb!"

This time, Qing Ya was afraid that Luo Ziyue would misunderstand her, so she danced her hands in the air again and again, explaining to Luo Ziyue with extremely fast speech.

"Xiao Huanghuang, it seems that these days, you are living very happily! How dare you hit your sister and me!"

Luo Ziyue narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Luo Yunhuang whose body was a little stiff, an extremely dangerous voice sounded in the hall.

"Xiao Yueer, you have misunderstood me. In fact, I am also thinking of you. I want to add some fun to you. Let me help you relieve stress!" Luo Yunhuang showed his white teeth and smiled innocently. , blinking her big eyes, pouted and said cutely.

"Really? In that case, don't I have to thank you very much?"

Luo Ziyue's unusually gentle voice made Qing Ya at the side shiver slightly.

Quietly thinking that Yunhuang cast a self-seeking look, he must have thought that Luo Ziyue, who had a gentle smile on her face, would prefer her to be a little more feminine.

"For the sake of you being so considerate of me, in the next month, I will also clean up your intestines and stomach. Apart from providing free drinking water, I will no longer provide you with any food!"

As soon as these words came out, the slightly upturned corners of Luo Yunhuang's mouth suddenly collapsed, it's over, this time he really played too big!

"Yueyue, so Yueyue!" Luo Yunhuang jumped down from the chair with a grunt, pulled Luo Ziyue's sleeve pitifully, and said flatteringly: "I'm wrong, I really didn't mean it, you just Forgive me this time! I promise that I won't make the same mistake again next time!"

Luo Ziyue snorted coldly, pulled her arm lightly, and immediately rescued the sleeve from Luo Yunhuang's hand.

Without even looking at him, he strode beside Shi Tianjue.

Squatting down in front of him, looking at him worriedly, tightly holding his slightly cold hand with a gentle big hand, "When will he come out?"

Seeing Luo Ziyue like this, Luo Yunhuang's eyes flashed with struggle, but when he thought of those delicious food, he felt a little...

After struggling for a while, he suddenly said firmly to Luo Ziyue: "I can help you rescue him, but I have one condition!"

"Are you negotiating terms with me?" Luo Ziyue's slightly startled voice sounded, she turned her head with a gloomy face, and looked at his conflicted little face with a frown, "Are you sure, you want to negotiate terms with me? "

"I don't want to either! But, you always cut off people's food at every turn, which makes people feel very insecure!" Luo Yunhuang muttered with a little bit of lack of confidence.

"If you're not naughty, will I cut off your food? Think about what happened just now, is it right for you to do this?"

Luo Ziyue glared angrily, and reprimanded Luo Yunhuang in a low voice with extreme displeasure: "Do you know that if Tianjue hadn't had an accident just now, I would have stabbed him in the heart with a dagger without mercy! I It was because I was worried about hurting him and affecting Tianjue that I kept refraining from doing anything."

"To save me now, Tianjue is still alive and dead, yet you want to negotiate terms with me? What condition is more important than human life?"

"Human life? What is human life?" Luo Yunhuang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, sneered, and said, "In my eyes, except for your life, other people's lives are worth more than straw to me. Be cheap."

Luo Ziyue was slightly taken aback, this was the first time she saw disdain other than indifference on Yun Huang's face, the domineering and indifferent expression between his brows made her a little strange.

"If he asks others to help even with such a small trouble in front of him, then what right does he have to stand by your side and accompany you to the top?"

(End of this chapter)

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