The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 131 Little idiot, who are you talking about?

Chapter 131 Little idiot, who are you talking about?
"You don't know it's normal. If you know it, I won't tell you. These people came with the mentality that they must win. In order not to add opponents to themselves, they rarely walk in front of others before the auction ends! "

Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue dotingly, suddenly, his brows frowned slightly, and his eyes stayed on the black silk that was casually scattered behind her head for a long time, feeling that something was missing.

"Ah~! They are trying to make a fortune!" Luo Ziyue reached out and stroked her hair, and asked in surprise, "What's wrong? Is there anything on my head?"

"Girl, didn't you say that girls love beauty? Why do I seldom see you dressed up? Even those exquisite jewelry seem to be pitifully rare?"

"Is there? It seems to be true. However, I'm used to it. It's good to be simple like this, and it saves me having to work hard every day to dress up!"

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, smiled very casually, and said quite indifferently.

In this world where the strong are respected, strength and cultivation represent everything. If you want people not to step on you, you have to spend double your efforts to improve your cultivation, save your life, and protect the people and things you care about, especially the ones you care about. For a person like her who is half a step behind others, where does she have so much time and thought to study how to dress up?

No matter how beautifully she dresses up, she is just a useless vase without strength, which will shatter if touched, and can only survive by relying on men. She doesn't want to do this, and she won't.

"I was negligent! I wronged our girl!"

Shi Tianjue seemed to understand what she was thinking in his heart, and there was a hint of apology in his clear smile.

"You know I don't care about this, why should you care about it!"

Luo Ziyue's eyes flickered slightly, her fingers intertwined, playing with his slightly cold hands intentionally or unintentionally.

The gentle voice is like the midnight breeze, which is warm and cool, blowing on people, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Shi Tianjue didn't answer, just smiled and watched her play with her fingers like a child, his lazy expression really made him fall in love with it.

In the quiet room, the sound of the night wind blowing the veil could be heard from time to time.

The two leaning on each other sat quietly in the room, listening to each other's heartbeat.

A rare warmth spread in the room.

This kind of ordinary happiness of cuddling and supporting each other was something they had never imagined or enjoyed before.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, the tranquil happiness, people can't bear to spoil it with words, after a long time, I heard Shi Tianjue's faint voice saying: "People from the Bai family are here too, if there is no accident, we may meet They, Bai Peier, have been imprisoned in my mansion, waiting for you to come back to deal with them personally, and those three old thieves from Tianzongmen!"

"So, the people from Tianzongmen must have come back!?" Luo Ziyue raised her head slightly, smiled lightly and looked at Shi Tianjue who had a slightly serious expression, and joked: "Why is there such an expression? Could it be that we are still afraid that they will fail?"

"Afraid?" Shi Tianjue sneered disdainfully, dazzling brilliance shone in his ruby-like eyes, and the blue waves were rippling, with a special flavor, but still domineering. ? Those who dare to hurt must have the consciousness of death, and they are merciful if they don't destroy their entire clan."

Luo Ziyue looked at him provocatively with smiling eyes as if she wanted to confront him on purpose, "Have you ever been afraid of anyone?"

"Naturally, but..."

Shi Tianjue squinted and looked at her with a smirk, his brows were furrowed in a little distress.

"Speaking of which, there is really a little idiot who is so strong that I feel sorry for her. I worry about her all day long, for fear that she will be bumped and hurt in the blink of an eye. Alas, if I can hang her on my belt That's great, so I don't have to worry about bad people taking advantage of me to trouble her and hurt her life..."

"Then I don't know who you mean by the little idiot you're talking about?" Luo Ziyue's heart was warm, but her teeth were still gritting, as if she wanted to eat people.

Shi Tianjue blinked his eyes in confusion, and asked innocently: "That's right! Who is it?"

"Ki, Tian, ​​Jue!" Luo Ziyue angrily stared at her eyes like the dazzling stars in the starry sky, and shouted at Shi Tianjue word by word.

"Hahahaha..." A burst of joyful laughter came out of Shi Tianjue's mouth, and he reached out to pinch her nose, "Idiot! Let's go, the midnight auction should start!"

"You're an idiot! Your whole family are idiots!"

Luo Ziyue muttered dissatisfiedly, thinking that this was the first time she was called a fool in her second life!
Although my heart is as sweet as eating a honey pot, I still can't help but want to argue.

"Yes, yes, my whole family are idiots, who made me have a super stupid little idiot, hahaha..."

Shi Tianjue's hearty laughter echoed in the room, and the corners of Yun Ling's mouth turned up slightly when he heard his joyful laughter hidden in the dark, it had been a long time since he had heard his master laugh so happily.

In the past two years, the master's temperament has changed drastically, and his aloofness is even worse than before, making it more difficult for people to get close.

He was already taciturn, but after Miss Luo's accident, he became even more silent, always indulged in cultivation all day long, and kept silent.

It seems that he has devoted all his attention to cultivation, even at the cost of sacrificing his health. However, he knows that when his master is not practicing, he always sits silently in the courtyard or in the practice room, without a trace of vitality in his body, almost like The lack of breathing often made him terrified, for fear that the master would do some self-harm in the blink of an eye.

In fact, he didn't quite understand why the master had such deep affection for Miss Luo alone?
Obviously they haven't known each other for too long.

Although Miss Luo is indeed more unique than other girls, but...

Yun Ling shook his head, restrained his thoughts of running away a little, and his immature face returned to the previous indifference.

These things are not for him as a subordinate to think about. No matter what decision the master makes, he will continue to support him and protect him as his duty.

"Are we going like this?" Luo Ziyue quietly nestled in Shi Tianjue's arms, looking at the strong men who flashed past them from time to time, she suddenly asked as if thinking of something.

"Of course, otherwise, how does Yue'er want to go?"

The moment Shi Tianjue lowered her head, she realized that a skull mask had already been put on his face.

That peerless face has been covered under the mask, blocking the sight of the world's inquiring.

"Hmph, it's really embarrassing. Even wearing a mask didn't call me, which made me almost appear in the eyes of the world with such a face."

(End of this chapter)

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