Chapter 141 The Taste of Happiness

"I thought about it, and suddenly, I felt that our family Tianjue didn't really need this pill, and my lonely family didn't need it too much. Since you need it so much, Mr. Feng, then my lord will withdraw from this auction with consideration!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue said this, Feng Sha's feminine face was full of savagery, and the teacup in his hand fell out in extreme anger.

The other people in the room shrunk their necks silently in fright, and did not dare to show their atmosphere and tried their best to reduce their sense of existence, for fear of accidentally bumping into the muzzle of the gun.

"Luo Ziyue, you ruined my big business again."

Feng Sha's gloomy voice was like the cold winter wind, which made people shudder. The veins on his forehead protruded, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and two faintly visible flames were burning in his eyes.

Just when everyone was lowering their sense of presence tremblingly, a burst of light laughter suddenly came out of Feng Sha's mouth, "Hahahaha..."

On the monstrous and indistinguishable face of male and female, there was a smile that made everyone speculate, making people sweat silently for Luo Ziyue.

"Won't Feng Sha be fooled by me?"

Luo Ziyue stared innocently at Shi Tianjue with her clear eyes, and seemingly no worries appeared in her eyes, and behind the worries were indeed infinite jokes and secret pleasure.

"The scourge has been around for thousands of years, so I'm afraid he won't be stupid."

Shi Tianjue glanced at both hands, hugged Luo Ziyue's in his arms, touched her little mouth lightly, and asked dotingly: "Is it fun?"

"It's quite fun, but I came here today, and I didn't find any interesting treasures except for the hairpin on my head! What a disappointment!"

Luo Ziyue pouted like a little woman, coquettishly in Shi Tianjue's arms, playing with his white hair.

"The main thing is to accompany you out to have fun, so that you won't say that I abused you, locked you in the yard every day, and didn't take you out to play! Girl, have you been suffering these past few years?"

Shi Tian is by no means an emotional person, but for some reason, when she saw the extremely complicated expression on Luo Ziyue's face, she still couldn't help asking out the uneasiness in her heart.

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Compared to you, it should be considered happiness! It is said that my master said that I may have been in a coma for about a year and a half before being accidentally discovered by my senior brother." , and then they rescued me, and after staying by their side for more than half a year, I reunited with you!"

"Next time you encounter a similar situation, don't be stupid again. Even if I was in poor health at the time, I still have the strength to protect you."

Hearing Luo Ziyue's words, Shi Tianjue's mouth revealed an inexplicable smile, with complex emotions in his eyes, he sighed helplessly, and went to comfort her.

Luo Ziyue readily agreed to his request, but what exactly will be done then?

Then I can't control so much.

In fact, they all knew that even if the same thing happened again, Luo Ziyue would still do the same thing as before.

"Fool, I've told you all, you have to believe me, why are you still...Looking at your white hair..."

Luo Ziyue buried her head in Shi Tianjue's arms, her voice was a little choked up, tears rolled in her eyes, she narrowed her eyes slightly and suppressed them back.

"Don't you think that the white-haired me is more handsome than before? By the way, what do you plan to do with those people before, I will keep them for you?"

"Who were they before?" Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and then realized instantly, "You mean, Tianzongmen and Bai Pei'er?"

Shi Tianjue adjusted his eyebrows slightly, "Do you know that the person who pushed you back then was Bai Pei'er?"

"Nonsense, I'm not stupid. Otherwise, the spiritual power in my body was exhausted at that time, how could I dodge and miss her?"

The disdain and hostility on Luo Ziyue's brows were extremely heavy, obviously she was still brooding over this matter.

If it weren't for Bai Pei'er who ran out to intervene, how could what happened to her later, and how could she be disfigured?
Shi Tianjue gently smoothed her frowning brows, "Then how do you plan to deal with them?"

"How have you dealt with it all these years?"

Luo Ziyue was suddenly curious about how Shi Tianjue had treated them all these years?
"Want to know?" Shi Tianjue smiled sinisterly, seeing Luo Ziyue's big eyes full of curiosity, he gently pinched her upturned nose, "I'll show you later! Don't you have a lot of poisons? Give me some of them later!"

"Okay, I'll refine some for you later, I don't have much in stock now!"

Luo Ziyue agreed without saying a word, and didn't ask him why he wanted the poison?
Very refreshing!

The two of them were sweetly lying in the box, and they were not at all curious about the auction items, but they would pay attention to them every time there was a new auction item.

"Guess, who will come to us first?" Luo Ziyue played with Shi Tianjue's fingers boredly, occasionally staring at Nan Lian's face.

"People from the Bai family, do you think it's boring? Don't worry, there will be a finale treasure soon."

Shi Tianjue doted on Luo Ziyue, who kept yawning, and could make the girl who was always full of energy look bored and sleepy. He didn't know whether it should be said that the charm of difficult training had declined or that the girl's interest had increased. ?
"If you're sleepy, go to bed first and wait for me to call you!"

Luo Ziyue didn't speak, but quietly buried her head in his arms, her breathing gradually calmed down.

Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, his red eyes gradually revealed doting love.

Yun Ling, who had never appeared in their room, also quietly appeared in front of him, and before he could ask, he quietly handed something like a scroll to Shi Tianjue.

There was no trace of emotion in Shi Tianjue's faint voice, his eyes were fixed on Luo Ziyue, as if he wanted to engrave her appearance in his heart, "How is he?"

"I'm very emotional, I seem to want to recognize Miss Luo very much, my subordinates suspect that all this was ordered by the prince, and the intention is unknown!"

Yunling nodded, staring at the ground with golden eyes, and calmly stated in a moderate voice, "The former masters of the Bai family have turned into a pile of bones and disappeared in the world, leaving only a pool of yellow water."

"Well, I got it. Let's wait outside first! Before the girl wakes up, no one is allowed to come near our box!" Shi Tianjue nodded, and waved his hand to signal Yun Ling to go down.

In the quiet room, a man and a woman cuddled together quietly, time disappeared bit by bit, and the noisy noise outside seemed to have been abandoned by them from the world.

"Girl, if it's possible, I'd like to think about it..." Shi Tianjue's faint voice hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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