Chapter 148 Sneak Attack
After everyone left, Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue looked at each other and smiled, and a burst of laughter came out of their mouths, "Girl, you still have a way~!"

"Bah! I think you did it on purpose, and you've been moaning for a long time, trying to make me feel uncomfortable, right?" Luo Ziyue said angrily.

"Are you feeling stuck? I thought that you enjoyed watching the play very comfortably, and if you want to sing again, I will show it to you!"

Shi Tianjue put his head in front of Luo Ziyue, forehead to forehead, feeling each other's warmth.

The fresh green herbal medicine rushed into Luo Ziyue's nose, she hooked his neck with both hands, and looked at the man in front of her seriously, "Don't blame you for my disfigurement, and don't be so stubborn I'm pregnant!"

"it is good!"

A dark light flashed across Shi Tianjue's eyes, but he still agreed with a smile, Xie Ning's face was full of pampering and tenderness that moved Luo Ziyue's heart, and he couldn't bear to make the other party worry seriously.

"I love you!"

Luo Ziyue's heart skipped a beat, and the three words that had never been said before were finally said at this moment.

Looking at each other, she saw that standing in front of her was the man who was full of love for her, with ecstasy, shock, and unbelievable emotions emerging from his usually indifferent eyes, looking at her helplessly, which made her feel infinite. She cherished her so much, her sparkling eyes were filled with bright smiles, "Stupid?"

"Girl, you, what did you say? Can you say it again?"

"Don't say it, forget it if you didn't hear it!" Luo Ziyue turned her head slightly, pretending to be displeased, but there was an unconcealable smile on her face, "Fool!"

"Hahaha... I finally waited until our girl said those three words to me."

Shi Tianjue laughed wildly, his eyes were bright, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, refreshing his heart and soul, he put his arms around Luo Ziyue's waist, and hugged her in circles, his joy was beyond words.

"Don't, don't spin, if you keep spinning, I should be dizzy!"

Luo Ziyue clasped his neck tightly with her hands, buried her head firmly in his neck, and shouted at the man who was in ecstasy.

"Okay, stop spinning, stop spinning, let's go home!"

As soon as she heard her dizziness, Shi Tianjue heard her in an instant, hugged her in his arms, and strode out of the box.

"Hey, isn't it really the legendary King Ning and Miss Luo? What a coincidence!"

As soon as they walked to the gate of the auction house, they heard an unusually familiar figure striding towards them. It was alluring and evil, with a soft face and a slender figure. When talking and laughing, it gave off an indescribably cold feeling. Even though the smile on his face is extremely bright at the moment.

Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, ignored him at all, turned around to leave the auction house with Luo Ziyue in his arms, but didn't want him to move and appear in front of them in an instant, blocking their exit tightly.

"Ah! Miss Luo, what's wrong with your face? I haven't seen you for so long, how did you become like this? I remember, when I saw you for the first time, you were still a beautiful woman? Why... ?”

Feng Sha pretended to be shocked, but was interrupted by Shi Tianjue before he finished speaking, "Have you said enough? Enough said, get the hell out of here!"

"How do you say, we are old acquaintances, how can you be so unfeeling? Without me, can you be with Miss Luo smoothly?"

Feng Sha saw that the light in Shi Tianjue's eyes was icy cold, and his aura was terrifying.

The smile on his face became even brighter, he ignored the cold air of killing the sky at all, and moved to Luo Ziyue's side without fear of death.

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, and her cold voice was like the tinkling of ice springs, which was pleasant to the ear, "Damn monster, I haven't seen you for so long, you are becoming more and more like a woman. If you don't speak, I will almost regard you as a woman , male and female appearance, it is not a good phenomenon!"

"That's not what I said. No matter how beautiful I am, how can I compare to your family Ning Wang's beauty?"

Feng Sha's face froze, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't hold back, his eyes flickered slightly, and there was a gloomy and cold look in Danfeng's slanted eyes, and he couldn't smile.

"That's wrong. Our family's Tianjue has never relied on his face to make a living. Otherwise, why would he show others with a mask?"

"Unexpectedly, after such a long time no see, Miss Luo is still as eloquent as ever!" Feng Sha couldn't hold the smile on his face for an instant, his face was livid, and he said through gritted teeth.

The corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled slightly, she smiled kindly, and said modestly: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Feng Sha's eyes fell on Shi Tianjue's face, "I have finally come to the Eastern Desert Kingdom, so why don't you invite me to sit at your residence?"

"I don't mind sending you to Yan Wang's mansion!"

Shi Tianjue looked at him coldly, waved his hand unceremoniously and wanted to push him away, but he didn't want Feng Sha to entangle him without showing weakness. Flames blazed everywhere, killing intent filled the air.

Luo Ziyue took a step back quietly, staring at Shi Tianjue who was entangled with Feng Sha in mid-air, with a nervous expression on her face.

The bright light emitted by the spiritual power illuminated the sky, the figures of the two were completely hidden by the spiritual power, and only the figures of the two coming and going could be faintly seen, as well as the sound of explosions from time to time.

"Luo Ziyue, go to hell!" A fierce murderous aura came from her side, Luo Ziyue's figure flickered, barely dodging Bai Zifeng's attack.

The moment Luo Ziyue saw his figure, the corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled into a wicked smile, "Bai Zifeng, didn't Bai Zimo tell you that you are looking for death?"

"Hmph! Demon girl, you have killed so many of my subordinates, if I don't kill you, it will be difficult to vent the hatred in my heart!"

Bai Zifeng snorted coldly, with a ferocious face, and attacked Luo Ziyue again with a sharp sword in his hand.

The smile on Luo Ziyue's face suddenly subsided, a sharp sword appeared in her hand, and she said coldly: "Since you insist on sending yourself to death, then I will give you a ride!"


Luo Ziyue's figure was like the wind, and she was entangled with Bai Zifeng in an instant. The sound of metal clashing was endless, and the scorching flame penetrated into the sharp sword in her hand along the palm of her hand. As she swung it, the flames radiated and roared continuously.


Unexpectedly, he slapped Bai Zifeng on the back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Luo Ziyue's face was as cold as ice, full of indifference, holding a sharp sword in her hand, her figure was like lightning, and she shot towards Bai Zifeng quickly.

Bai Zifeng's eyes flickered, and his feet slammed on the ground. A huge crack appeared from under his feet, and gradually spread towards the surroundings. Flying around, a monster several meters high appeared in front of him, protecting him behind him, bang bang bang...

The booming sound of footsteps came from under the feet of the monster, and the huge coercion hit Luo Ziyue, making her face look solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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